There are numerous ways you can customize the Player interface and the topic playback, including changing the appearance of the play modes, changing the logo, changing the search, preferences and help icons, changing the "For Example" text in string inputs, and suppressing the scores in Know It? mode. Additionally, you can change style sheet elements such as dividers, background colors or text colors.


For all Player formats, you can modify the files in the published output or the Player publishing project in the Library. If you modify the files in the published content, only that published content will be affected. If you modify the files in the publishing project in the Library, the changes apply to all content you publish after making the change. After making the changes, you must republish any existing content to apply the changes.

To make global changes, you change the Player publishing style. The Player publishing style is located in the System/Publishing/Styles/<category> folder in the Library. Images are stored in the /img folder within the Player publishing style.

To make one time changes to published output, you change the images in the player published output folders. Images are stored in the \Publishing Content\PlayerPackage\img folder in the location where you published your output.

See Customize Publishing Styles for more information about copying, renaming and editing publishing styles.

Note: If you create custom publishing styles, you should document your customizations so you can easily re-apply them, if necessary, after a software upgrade.

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