In the Player, instructional text appears in See It!, Try It!, and Do It! modes for the Start and End frames and on Explanation frames. In addition, there is a Pause link, which allows the user to pause the playback in See It! mode, and the instructional text that appears at the top of a Decision frame. You can customize this text in the template.xml file. 

This text is defined in the template elements in the Instructions toolpane, as shown below.

Note: When you select certain instructions, the text in the Template area displays in raw XHTML format because it contains formatting that is not supported in the native template. The text you can edit is located between the <a class> and </a> tags. As you edit this text, be careful not to change or delete any of the other text or codes in the template definition, or the template may not work properly.

To change instructional text for the Player:

  1. In the Template Editor, open the Template.xml file you want to edit.
  2. From the Edit menu, choose Instructions.
  3. In the Instructions toolpane, select the instruction you want to edit: leadin, leadout, continue, pauselink, or decision_headline.
  4. In the Template toolpane, double-click the text element that you want to edit.
  5. Change the text as desired.
    Edit the text in the XHTML code as desired.
  6. Select the Leading Space option, as necessary.
  7. Click OK.

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