Documents contain two types of properties; those that are calculated and those that you can manually edit. Examples of calculated properties are the columns that display on the Details view such as Document ID, Checked Out By, Version, and Frames. Modules, sections, topics, web pages, and packages have editable properties that you can set and change at any time. These properties display in the Properties toolpane. The properties you set are saved with the document and travel with it on operations such as export and import. 


Initial Values 

Some editable document properties start with an initial value. The initial value assigned depends on how the document was created. New documents that are created by linking them to an outline inherit the same value as the parent. New documents created in the Library as stand-alone documents not linked to a parent, adopt the system setting in the Options dialog box as the initial value. As with any editable property, you can change document's initial value at any time.


Note: There are several exceptions to the rules. The Resolution property is set prior to recording and can not be edited on the Properties toolpane after recording. Additionally, Workflow properties do not travel with the document on import or export.

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