Activities are the "blocks" that you use to build the structure of knowledge paths. These blocks are empty unless you link content to them. In some cases, you may want it to be empty; for example, when you want to create an organizational knowledge path. In most cases, you will want to link content. Once you do, you can set many properties to enhance the user experience and control the user's progress through the path. 

By default, the Title Properties field for an activity displays (Organization Only), which means it is not linked to any content.


The Content Dialog Box

You browse available content in the Content dialog box. It displays an alphabetical listing of all content installed on the server, in alphabetical order by packages. Each title published from the Developer or other content source is a package. If a package from a source other than the Developer has multiple organizations, they are listed under a package named for the default organization. Packages with a single organization and Developer packages have a purple book icon, while packages with multiple organizations have a blue book icon. You can select any item that is an organization or lower to include in an activity; you cannot select a package.


In a Player package, the selected content object determines which assessments from a Player package are available for use in the activity. A content object can include multiple assessments or may not include any. Assessments are not available in content imported from other sources.

You can use the same content object in multiple knowledge paths. If a subject or assessment from Developer content appears in multiple knowledge paths, users are only required to take it one time. If a user starts a new knowledge path using a content object that the user already accessed in a different path, he/she will see the status for the title, not the path.


The Show Identifiers option at the bottom of the dialog box displays the unique identifiers for each content object in the dialog box.

To link content to an activity:

  1. Add a new activity to a knowledge path or edit an existing activity.
  2. Click Browse (...) next to the Title Properties field.
  3. Expand the hierarchy of content objects as necessary.
  4. Select the desired content object.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click Save on the Activity Properties page.

Table of Contents