You use the Breadcrumbs component to view and edit your refinement selections.
Each breadcrumb displays as a collapsible section on the component.
For attribute value selections, the breadcrumb displays the attribute name as a heading.
For negative refinements (refining data to show records that do NOT have the selected value), the negative refinement icon is displayed in front of the attribute value.
If multiple values for an attribute are selected, they are displayed in sequential order. Depending on the number of records selected, the list may be collapsed by default.
For a hierarchical attribute value, the breadcrumb may include all of the ancestor values.
For range filters, the breadcrumb contains the selected range of values.
For search term values, the heading indicates that the value is a search term.
If the search function made an automatic spelling correction, it is included in the breadcrumb:
The breadcrumb may also include a "did you mean" option to suggest a search term that closely matches the specified term:
From the Breadcrumbs component, to remove a single refinement, click the delete icon for that refinement. For attributes that have multiple values selected, you can either remove a single value or all of the values.
For hierarchical attributes, to filter by an ancestor value, click the ancestor value.
To remove all of the refinements, click the Delete All button.