Configuring Integrator Server to support SSL

To implement SSL on Integrator Server, copy the keystore and truststore files from the Endeca Server installation to the Integrator Server container, then add Java options with the path and password of the keystore and truststore files.

WebLogic Server container on Linux

Add the keystore and truststore files to your WebLogic installation.

In the file $DOMAIN_HOME/, after setting the USER_MEM_ARGS variable, set JAVA_OPTIONS with the properties for the keystore and the truststore.

For example:
export JAVA_OPTIONS=""
Note: The formatting above is for clarity on the printed page. In your file, the variables should be entered on one line.

WebLogic Server container on Windows

Add the keystore and truststore files to your WebLogic installation.

In the file $DOMAIN_HOME/startWebLogic.cmd, after setting the USER_MEM_ARGS variable, set JAVA_OPTIONS with the properties for the keystore and the truststore.

For example:
set JAVA_OPTIONS=\endeca_server\ssl\endecaServerTrustStore.ks\endeca_server\ssl\endecaServerClientCert.ks
Note: The formatting above is for clarity on the printed page. In your file, the variables should be entered on one line.

Tomcat container on Linux

Add the keystore and truststore files to your Tomcat installation.

In the file $CATALINA_BASE/bin/, add the keystore and truststore properties to JAVA_OPTS.

For example:
export JAVA_OPTS="-Xms128m -Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -server $JAVA_OPTS"
Note: The formatting above is for clarity on the printed page. In your file, the variables should be entered on one line.

Tomcat container on Windows

Add the keystore and truststore files to your Tomcat installation.

In the file $CATALINA_BASE/bin/setenv.bat, add the keystore and truststore properties to JAVA_OPTS.

For example:
set "JAVA_OPTS=-Xms128m -Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -server\endeca_server\ssl\endecaServerTrustStore.ks\endeca_server\ssl\endecaServerClientCert.ks %JAVA_OPTS%"
Note: The formatting above is for clarity on the printed page. In your file, the variables should be entered on one line.