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Oracle® Communications Service Broker System Administrator's Guide
Release 6.1

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A System Administrator's Reference

This appendix contains reference information on directory structures and directory contents, along with details about the installer files, start-scripts, and JDKs.

Details for Administration Server

This section specifies the authentication methods, directory structure, directory contents, and start-scripts for the Administration Server.

Authentication Methods

The Administration Server enables different authentication methods for these clients:

  • Administration Console

  • Remote JMX-client

  • Scripting Engine

Administration Console

The Administration Console supports a single user. By default the security for this user includes Digest Authentication and an SSL connection between the Administration Console and the Administration Server.

The first time you start the Administration Server you are prompted to supply a user name and password. For example:

# ./ /<Domain Path>
Please enter username and password that will be required to access the web interface.
Enter Username: User
Enter Password: *******

These login credentials must be reentered for each Administration Console session.

To reset the user name or password, you must restart the Administration Server.

An alternative method of authentication is available by using a credential store. After product installation, but before starting the Administration Server you can configure this type of security. See the Chapter "Administering Credential Stores" in the Oracle Communications Service Broker Security Guide.

Remote JMX-Client

A remote JMX-client, such as JConsole, provides various options for securing its connection to the server. You use standard Java properties for remote access enabling SSL, users, passwords, and roles.

The Java documentation is located here:

System properties that are described you can set using AXIA_OPTS environment variable.

Example A-1 Using No Security - Not Recommended


The next example requires that you create the keystore, password, and access files. The location of the keystore/truststore is configured in properties/

Example A-2 Using SSL, Users, Passwords, and Roles access.file=jmxremote.access

Scripting Engine

You run scripts locally on the computer where you have direct access to the domain directory structure. The scripting engine is protected by your login authentication and permissions for the domain directory structure.

Directory Structure and Contents for the Administration Server

All administration server directories and contents are installed under the directory:

Linux and Solaris: Oracle_home/ocsb61/admin_server

Oracle_home is the Oracle home directory you defined when you installed the product.

Table A-1 describes the directory structure and the contents of the directory structure.

Table A-1 Directory Contents and Structure for Administration Clients Relative to Oracle_home/ocsb61

Directory Description


Top-level directory for all administration server clients.

Contains start-scripts for:

  • Administration Server

  • Scripting Engine

  • Domain Web server

  • Database configuration

Also contains files related to log4j:

  • console.log file is the default log file used for the administration clients.

  • log4j.xml defines logging properties used for the administration clients.


Created during start-up. Empty directory.


Extensions to the Administration Server specific to the features installed.


Extensions to the Administration Server specific to the features installed.


Contains these directories:

  • /meta - Contains metadata .xml files that support domain creation.

  • /domain_configuration - Supporting files for domain creation.


Contains all OSGi bundles for the administration clients, the Processing Server and the Signaling Server.


Contains OSGi-specific configuration for the Administration Server processes.


It contains property files used by the start-scripts for:

  • The SVC and VPN applications.

  • Administration Server

  • Scripting Engine

  • Domain Web server

  • Hosted domains


Contains these scripts used for domain creation:

  • create_domain_bundles.xml

  • create_domain.xml

  • create_hosted_domain.xml

  • define_ocsb_avps.xml

  • define_ocsb_loggers.xml

  • list_bundles.xml

Contains the /database directory containing scripts for configuring databases for the Service Broker features that require it.


Contains utilities used by the SVC and VPN features.


Contains metadata for administration clients.

Start Scripts

Table A-2 provides information about start-scripts for Service Broker.

Table A-2 Start-scripts for the Administration Clients

Script Description

Starts the Scripting Engine. calls

See "Using the Scripting Engine to Configure a Domain" for details.

Starts the managed server.

Starts the Administration Server. calls

Starts the Domain Web server. calls

See "Starting and Stopping Processing and Signaling Servers" for information on how to use the script.

Starts the Administration Server, Scripting Engine, and the Domain Web server based on the environment variables set by the script that calls it.

Defines the environment variables that send additional arguments to the JVM:

  • AXIA_OPTS - See "Using Wildcard Characters in Scripts" for more information.

  • AXIA_MEM_OPTS - Used to change the Java memory settings in the start script.

    The syntax for AXIA_MEM_OPTS is:

    export AXIA_MEM_OPTS=-"-memory_variable new_memory_value" ...


    memory_variable is the Java memory setting to change.

    new_memory_value is the amount of memory to reserve.

    For example, his command sets the Java minimum and maximum heap size settings to 1Gb:

    export AXIA_MEM_OPTS="-Xms1024m -Xmx1024m"

    For details on available JVM arguments refer to HotSpot and JRockit documentation:

Property Files for the Administration Clients

Table A-3 lists property files in

Oracle_home/admin_server/properties and their settings.

Table A-3 Property files used by the Administration Clients

Property File Description

Defines properties common to the:

  • Administration Server

  • Scripting Engine

  • Domain Web server

The properties specified are:

  • axia.production.mode

  • axia.console.log4j.server.port

  • axia.ssl.cipher_suites

  • axia.admin.verify.hostname

  • https.cipherSuites



  • log4j.configuration

  • axia.console.password.validation.enabled

  • axia.console.password.validation.min_length

  • axia.console.password.validation.require_lower

  • axia.console.password.validation.require_upper

  • axia.console.password.validation.require_digit

See the file and Table A-8 for details on the property settings. See Table A-9 for information on the security entries.

Defines properties for the SVC and VPN applications.

The properties specified are:

  • profile.db.server

  • profile.db.port

  • profile.db.dbname

  • profile.db.user

Defines properties for the Domain Web server.

The properties specified are:

  • axia.platform

  • org.eclipse.equinox.http.jetty.http.enabled

  • org.eclipse.equinox.http.jetty.http.port

  • org.eclipse.equinox.http.jetty.https.enabled

  • org.eclipse.equinox.http.jetty.https.port

  • org.eclipse.equinox.http.jetty.ssl.needclientauth

  • org.eclipse.equinox.http.jetty.ssl.keystore

See and Table A-8 for details on the property settings. See Table A-9 for information on the security entries.

Defines properties for the Domain Web server.

The properties specified are:

  • axia.platform

  • org.eclipse.equinox.http.jetty.http.enabled

  • org.eclipse.equinox.http.jetty.http.port

See file and Table A-8 for details on the property settings. See Table A-9 for information on the security entries.

Defines properties for the Administration Server.

The properties specified are:

  • axia.platform

  • axia.require.domain

  • axia.digest.auth

  • org.eclipse.equinox.http.jetty.http.enabled

  • org.eclipse.equinox.http.jetty.http.port

  • org.eclipse.equinox.http.jetty.https.enabled

  • org.eclipse.equinox.http.jetty.https.port

  • org.eclipse.equinox.http.jetty.ssl.keystore


  • org.eclipse.equinox.http.jetty.customizer.class

See the file and Table A-8 for details on the property settings. See Table A-9 for information on the security entries.

Details for Processing Servers and Signaling Servers

This section specifies the directory structure, directory contents and start-scripts for Processing Servers and Signaling Servers.

Directory Contents and Structure for Processing Servers and a Signaling Servers

Processing Servers and a Signaling Servers are installed under the directory:


Oracle_home is the Oracle home directory you defined when you installed the product.

Table A-4 describes the directory structure and the contents of the directory structure.

Table A-4 Directory Contents and Structure for Processing Servers and Signaling Servers relative to Oracle_home/ocsb61

Directory Description


Top-level directory for a Processing Server and a Signaling Server.

Contains start-scripts for the Processing Server and the Signaling Server.

Contains the property file

Also contains files related to log4j:

  • server.log is the default log file used for the servers.

  • log4j.xml defines logging properties used for the servers.

These files are relevant up the point in the platform life cycle when the bundle for the log4j service is started. After this point, this configuration is overridden by the configuration in the log4j service itself.


Contains configuration data.


Contains all necessary bundles to start the OSGi framework and bundles for:

  • Platform logging service

  • log4j

  • Provisioning service

The bundles in this directory are the minimal set necessary to initiate the server and load the contents of the domain configuration directory.


A working directory for the Managed Server process.


Contains binaries for the SS7 stacks for TDM and Sigtran.

Properties File for Managed Servers

Table A-5 gives information property files in:


Table A-5 Property Files Used by Processing Servers and Signaling Servers

Property File Description

Defines properties common for Processing Servers and Signaling Servers.

The properties specified are:

  • axia.platform

  • log4j.configuration



  • axia.admin.verify.hostname

See the file and Table A-8 for details on the property settings.

Details for Domains

This section specifies the directory structure and directory contents for domains.

Directory Contents and Structure for Domains

Domain directories are created, one for each domain, under the domains home directory, by the domain creation script.


Domains_home is the directory where you store all domain directories, also know as domain configuration directories. For example: /home/oracle/domains/

Domain_dir is where the domain configuration is stored

Domain directories are defined in the domain_path parameter when you run the domain creation script. Normally, all domain directories are created under the same Domains Home directory.

Table A-6 describes the directory structure and contents of the directory structure.

Table A-6 Directory Contents and Structure for Domains relative to Domains_home

Directory Description


Top-lever directory for a domain.

Contains the domain configuration file

Contains the properties file (for Oracle internal use only).

This directory is passed to the server start script and this is where a server takes its configuration from.


Contains all necessary bundles to start the domain functions: processing tier modules, signaling tier modules, or both.


Contains the domain credential file and the master passwords file protecting the credential file.

Both files are encrypted.


Contains domain configuration while it is being edited either through the Administration Console or configuration MBeans.

Environment Variables

Table A-7 gives information about the environment variables used.

Table A-7 Environment variables

Variable Description


Defines any additional Java options to use.

Can be used to create a domain in silent mode by setting values for AXIA_OPTS as command-line arguments.


Overrides the default memory settings for the JVM, such as heap size.

System Properties

Table A-8 describes the general system properties defined for Oracle Communications Service Broker. The security-related property entries are listed in Table A-9.

Table A-8 Description of System Properties

System Property Description


The port to use for static log4j XML logging service traffic.

Set in


Defines the start mode. These default settings must not be changed:

  • server in

  • web in

  • script in

  • hosting in


Boolean. Defines whether the Diameter SSU should send Device-Watchdog-Request (DWR) commands to dynamic Diameter peers.

true - Directs Diameter SSU to send DWR commands to dynamic peers.

false - Stops Diameter SSU from sending DWR commands. This is the default setting.

Use AXIA_OPTS to change this setting before starting the Signaling Servers server.

This example sets this setting to true:

export AXIA_OPTS="-Ddiameter.watchdog.for.dynamic.peers=true"

The Diameter SSU applies this property only when dynamic peers are allowed.


Boolean. Defines whether the TCP socket option SO_KEEPALIVE for Diameter dynamic peers is enabled.

true - Enables SO_KEEPALIVE.

false - Disables SO_KEEPALIVE. This is the default setting.

Use AXIA_OPTS to change this setting before starting the Signaling Servers server.

This example sets this setting to true:

export AXIA_OPTS="-Ddiameter.tcp.keepalive.for.client.peers=true"

The Diameter SSU applies this property only when dynamic peers are allowed.


The name of the static log4j XML configuration file.

Set in for the administration tools.

Set in for the Processing Server and the Signaling Server.


Specifies the HTTP port number the Jetty listens for HTTP traffic on if org.eclipse.equinox.http.jetty.http.enabled is set to true.

Default value is 9000.

Set in:



The setting in defines the port for the Administration Server.

The setting in defines the port for the Domain Web server. This setting must correspond to the port defined when the domain configuration was created.


Boolean. Specifies whether HTTP is used by the Jetty server.

Set this property to:

  • true to use HTTP.

  • false to not use HTTP.

Set in:




Must always be set to false in and


Boolean. Specifies if HTTPS is used by the Jetty server.

Set this property to:

  • true to use HTTPS.

  • false to not use HTTPS.

Set in:



Must always be set to false in and


Specifies the HTTP port number to use for HTTP communication if org.eclipse.equinox.http.jetty.https.enabled is set to true.

The default value is 9000.

Set in and

Specifies which help-system to use for the Administration Console. Ignored, for future use.

Set in


Specifies the name of the profile database server used by the SVC and VPN features.

The default value is orcl.

Set in the file.


Specifies the port of the profile database server used by the SVC and VPN features.

The default value is 1521.

Set in the file.


Specifies the IP address of the profile database server used by the SVC and VPN features.

There is no default value.

Set in the file.


Specifies the database user used by the profile database server. Used by the SVC and VPN features.

The default value is ocsb.

Set in the file.

Table A-9 lists the security-related property file entries. See Table A-8 for the other system property file entries.

Table A-9 System Security Properties

System Security Property Description


Boolean. Determines whether hostname verification is required for each administrator certificate connection.

Default value is true.

Set in


Boolean. Specifies whether to use digest authentication which is a standard defined by an IEEE RFC,

You have these options for setting the type of authentication used between the Administration Console and the Administration Server:

  • Leave axia.digest.auth on its default setting of true, which requires a username and password to authenticate the client. The username is sent in clear text, but the the password is encrypted using a nonce value. This is the most secure setting and is recommended for production deployments.

  • Change axia.digest.auth=true to axia.basic.auth=true. This requires a username and password to authenticate the client, but sends them unencrypted. This is less secure than using digest authentication, but may be required by some clients.

  • Remove axia.digest.auth altogether. This disables security between the Administration Server and client. This is only appropriate for test and evaluation deployment deployments used by trusted personnel.

The default value is axia.digest.auth=true.

Set in


Boolean. Enables/disables password strength validation. If true, the restrictions in axia.console.password.validation.min_length, axia.console.password.validation.min_length, axia.console.password.validation.require_lower, axia.console.password.validation.require_upper, and axia.console.password.validation.require_digit are enforced.

Default value is true.

Set in


Defines the minimum password length. Enforced if axia.console.password.validation.enabled is set to true.

Default value is 6 characters.

Set in


Boolean. Enables/disables requirement that passwords include at least one lower-case character. Enforced if axia.console.password.validation.enabled is set to true.

Default is true.

Set in


Boolean. Enables/disables requirement that passwords include at least one upper-case character. Enforced if axia.console.password.validation.enabled is set to true.

Default value is true.

Set in


Boolean. Enables/disables requirement that passwords include at least one digit. Enforced if axia.console.password.validation.enabled is set to true.

Default value is true

Set in


Boolean. Specifies whether to use digest access authentication when the Administration Console connects to the Administration Server.

Set this property to:

  • true to use HTTP digest authentication.

  • false to not use HTTP digest authentication.

The default value is false.

Set in


Boolean. There are two of these settings and the default value for both is true.

One is in the file that controls whether the Administration Console is required to use SSL security for all traffic.

The other is the master SSL switch for the managed server. If false, no traffic with the managed server is required to use SSL security. If true, SSL security is required.


Specifies the combinations of ciphers that Service Broker supports for SSL communication between the Administration Server and its clients. The choices are:





Specifies the combinations of ciphers that Service Broker supports for HTTPS communication between the Administration Server and its clients. The choices are:




The file name of the keystore to use for Processing Servers, Signaling Servers and administration tools.

The keystore is a file that contains public and private keys used to establish SSL connections.

Set in for the administration tools.

Set in for the Processing Server and the Signaling Server.

The file name of the truststore to use for Processing Servers, Signaling Servers and administration tools.

The truststore is a file that contains public certificates used to establish SSL connections.

Set in for the administration tools.

Set in for the Processing Server and the Signaling Server.


Specifies the keystore to use for the Jetty HTTPS connection between the Administration Console and the Administration Server.

This entry is commented-out by default.

If not specified, the same keystore as defined in the property is used.

Set in and

Directory Contents and Structure for a Domain Configuration

Table A-10 gives information about the directory structure and contents of a domain configuration.

Table A-10 Directory Structure for a Domain Configuration

Directory Description


Top-level directory for a domain configuration.

This directory contains:


    Contains references to all modules for Processing Servers and Signaling Servers.

  • modules

    A directory with OSGi bundles deployed on the Processing Servers and Signaling Servers in the domain.

  • admin_lock.dat

    Lock file used to ensure exclusive write-access to the domain configuration.


Contains binaries and configuration data for Processing Servers and Signaling Servers in the domain.

Directory Structure and Contents for JDKs

A bundled JDK can be installed when an administration client, a Processing Server, and a Signaling Server are installed.

These files are located in under the directory:

Linux and Solaris: Oracle_home/ocsb61

Oracle_home is the Oracle home directory you defined when you installed the product.

Table A-11 describes the directory structure and the contents of the directory structure.

Table A-11 Directory Structure for JDKs Relative to Oracle_home/ocsb61

Directory Description


Contains Sun HotSpot JDK.

version correlates to the version of the JDK, for example 1.6.0_14

This directory is created only if you specified to install Sun HotSpot JDK during the installation.


Contains Oracle JRockit JDK.

version correlates to the version of the JDK, for example 3.1.0-1.6.0

This directory is created only if you specified to install Oracle JRockit JDK during the installation.

Directory Structure and Contents for Oracle Universal Installer

A set of files and directories are created by Oracle Universal Installer.

These files are located under the directory:


Oracle_home is the Oracle home directory you defined when you installed the product.

Table A-12 describes the directory structure and the contents of the directory structure.

Table A-12 Directory Structure for Oracle Universal Installer Relative to Oracle_home/ocsb61

Directory Description


Contains log-files related to Oracle Universal Installer.


Contains inventory files maintained by Oracle Universal Installer.

Safe Services

Safe services is a set of services that are installed and running when the platform is in state SAFE MODE. They are the bare minimum of services that needs to be running in order to fetch server services, applications, and protocol adapters for the domain configuration and start them. Table A-13 lists these services.

See "Life Cycle of Processing Servers and Signaling Servers" for details on SAFE MODE.

Table A-13 Safe Services

Service OSGi Bundles

Provisioning service





Services related to Equinox OSGi Framework

