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Oracle® Communications Service Broker Online Mediation Controller Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement
Release 6.1

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1 Online Mediation Controller PICS Overview

This book describes how Oracle Communications Online Mediation Controller supports different protocols. Each chapter lists the supported messages and AVPs for a specific protocol.

Online Mediation Controller Supported Protocols

Online Mediation Controller supports the protocols defined in the following standards:

Diameter Ro

  • IETF RFC 3588, Diameter Base Protocol

  • IETF RFC 4006, Diameter Credit-Control Application

  • ETSI TS 132 299 V7.5.0, Telecommunication management; Charging management; Diameter charging applications (3GPP TS 32.299)

  • ETSI TS 132 296 V7.0.0, Telecommunication management; Charging management; Online Charging System (OCS): Applications and interfaces (3GPP TS 32.296)

  • ETSI TS 132 240 V7.2.0, Telecommunication management; Charging management; Charging architecture and principles (3GPP TS 32.240)

  • ETSI TS 132 260 V8.7.0, Telecommunication management; Charging management; IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) charging (3GPP TS 32.260)

  • 3GPP TS 29.329 V9.5.0 (2011-12), Sh Interface based on the Diameter Protocol


  • IETF RFC 2865, RADIUS Base Protocol

  • IETF RFC 3579, RADIUS Support For Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP)

  • IETF RFC 2866, RADIUS Accounting Application

  • IETF RFC 2869 (part of), RADIUS Accounting Interim Update