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Oracle® Communications Service Broker Installation Guide
Release 6.1

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4 Installing the Software

Oracle Communications Service Broker uses Oracle Universal Installer. This chapter describes how to use the Oracle Universal Installer to install Service Broker with either the graphical installation wizard or in silent mode.

About the Service Broker Installer

The installation procedures provide options to install all Service Broker products and components. These procedures also enable you to install a compatible JDK, and Berkeley or Oracle Enterprise database.

You must run the installer as a non-root user. The Service Broker software is installed to the Oracle home directory. See "Choosing an Oracle Home" for more information.

For more information about using Oracle Universal Installer, see Oracle Universal Installer and OPatch User's Guide.

Choosing an Oracle Home

An Oracle home (referred to as Oracle_home in all Service Broker documentation) is the parent directory on a host computer into which the Service Broker software is installed.

The Oracle_home location is defined in an environment variable.

Each Oracle_home has a name and a directory path associated with it that you set during installation:

  • The name identifies the program group associated with a particular home and the Oracle services installed on this home. The Oracle home name must be between 1 to 128 characters long, and can include only alphanumeric characters and underscores.

  • The path is the full path to an Oracle_home directory where products are installed.

If you run the installer for the first time on a host, Oracle recommends that you designate an Oracle_home location that is either an empty directory or a non-existing directory for the installer to create.

Oracle Universal Installer supports the installation of multiple Oracle_home directories on the same host. However, if you run the installer multiple times, Oracle recommends that you choose the same Oracle_home directory for the additional installations to prevent installing multiple versions of the same administrative software.

An Oracle_home inventory or local inventory directory contains only information relevant to a particular Oracle_home. Each Oracle_home directory contains an inventory subdirectory. See "Choosing an Oracle Central Inventory" for more information.

For information on securing the Oracle_home directory, see the Oracle Communications Service Broker Security Guide.

Choosing an Oracle Central Inventory

The Oracle central inventory directory contains installation logs corresponding to all installations performed on a particular host. The installation logs for an installation are identified by the timestamp in the log file names.

When you install the first Oracle product on a host, the installer prompts you to specify the location of the central inventory directory:

  • Linux:


  • Solaris:


Choosing an Installation Mode

You can run the Service Broker installer using a graphical installation wizard, or in silent mode using a response file.

In graphical mode, you step through the installation GUI screens, providing information in the dialog boxes when prompted. This method is useful when performing a small number of installations.

In silent mode, your installation choices are determined beforehand in a response file, so you can automate the process of installing multiple servers on multiple hosts. Silent mode is also useful for installing on a host that cannot display the graphical installer.

Choosing a Database

Some Service Broker features require a database for storing persistent data. Service Broker supports either an Oracle 11g DB or a Berkeley DB. See "Software Requirements" for more information.

If you already have either database installed, you can use it. Otherwise, you can install the Berkeley database that is bundled with the installer, or you can provide a compatible Oracle database.

The following Service Broker products and applications require a database.

  • Online Mediation Controller Degraded Mode and Subscriber Store: Require either an Oracle or a Berkeley Database.

  • Policy Controller: Subscriber Store Requires either an Oracle or a Berkeley Database.

  • Social Voice Communicator: Requires an Oracle Database.

  • Virtual Private Network: Requires an Oracle Database.

Choosing a JDK

You must have a compatible JDK installed on every host that runs a server. During installation you can select one of these certified JDKs that are included with the installer:

  • Oracle JRockit JDK (64-bit)

  • Oracle JDK (64-bit)


JRockit includes a high-performance JVM, profiling, monitoring and diagnostics tools, and predictable latency.

You can instead choose to use a compatible JDK that you have already installed. However, for production environments Oracle recommends that you install one of the bundled JDKs.

See "Supported Operating Systems and JDKs" for information about supported JDKs.

Installing Service Broker Products in Graphical Mode

To install the Service Broker family of products using Oracle Universal Installer in graphical mode:

  1. In a command shell, as a non-root user, navigate to the installer directory:



    • installer_directory is the directory to which you extracted the product installation archive.

    • operating_system is the identifier for the operating system you are using, such as sparc64 or linux64.

  2. Enter the following command to start the installer:


    The Oracle Universal Installer wizard appears in graphical mode.

  3. The installer displays a series of screens that prompt you for information that is described in Table 4-1. Follow the instructions in the table.

    Table 4-1 Installer Screens in Graphical Mode

    In this screen Perform the following action


    Click Next to proceed with the installation.

    You may cancel the installation at any time by clicking Cancel.

    Specify Home Details

    Specify the name for the installation. For example: ocsb61

    Specify the Oracle_home directory that will serve as the parent directory for all Service Broker products installed on the target system. See "Choosing an Oracle Home" for details about the Oracle_home directory.

    Make sure that the Oracle_home directory has read and write privilleges.

    If you already have a home directory on your system, you can select that directory (recommended) or create a new home directory.

    To select an existing home directory:

    • Select the Oracle_home name from the Name list.

      The path to the Oracle_home directory is automatically entered in the Path field.

    To create a new Oracle_home directory:

    • Enter a name for the installation in the Name field.

    • Enter the path to home directory in the Path field. The installer will create the directory for you.

      You can alternatively click Browse to select a directory from the Choose Directory dialog box.

    Click Next to continue.

    Product update registration page

    (Optional) Register your installation with My Oracle Support. By registering, Oracle Support notifies you immediately of any security updates that are specific to your installation.

    To register your installation:

    • In the Email field, enter the email address where you wish to be notified of updates.

    • Select the I wish to receive security updates via My Oracle Support check box.

    • In the My Oracle Support Password field, enter the password for your Oracle support account.

      If you have not registered with Oracle Support, go to the following My Oracle Support Web site and register to obtain a My Oracle Support account:

    To decline registration:

    • Deselect I wish to receive security updates via My Oracle Support.

    For more information about the advantages of registering your installation with My Oracle Support, see Oracle Configuration Manager Installation and Administration Guide.

    Click Next to continue.

    Available Product Components

    Choose the Service Broker products and components to install. You can install any combination of products and components:

    Products (Choose at least one)

    • Online Mediation Controller

    • Online Mediation Controller Samples

    • Policy Controller

    • Service Controller

    • Service Controller Samples

      Network Applications

    • Social Voice Communicator

    • Virtual Private Network

    Components (Choose at least one)

    • Administration Console

    • Managed Server


    • Java JDK - Linux 64-bit

    • JRockit JDK - Linux 64-bit

    • Existing JDK

    Optional Components

    • Oracle Berkeley DB

    Available Product Components, continued

    Java. Select a certified JDK to install for use in your production environment or provide a path to your own existing JDK to use in a test and evaluation environment. For test and development environments, multiple Service Broker installations can share a single JDK if they reside on the same machine. See "System Requirements" for details about supported JDKs.

    Oracle Berkeley DB. If the Service Broker deployment does not require a Berkeley, database clear this option. See "Choosing a Database" for more information.

    Online Mediation Controller samples: Provides an example integration between a (third-party) Media Server that has IVR functionality and the Online Mediation Controller top-up Web Services API.

    Service Controller samples: Provides example NGIN (Next Generation Intelligent Network) applications for integration with Oracle Converged Application Server. Example applications include: Ringback Tones, Local Number Portability, Location Service, Presence (state/location of a mobile device), and screening according to the calling and called numbers.

    Click Next. The Summary screen appears.

    See Oracle Communications Service Broker Concepts Guide for information about each product option.

    Choose Existing JDK Installation

    This screen is only displayed if you selected an existing JDK instead of installing a new one. Use your own JDK in a test and evaluation environment only.

    Specify the path to the JDK in the Base directory: field.

    Click Next to continue.

    Specify Inventory directory and credentials

    This screen is displayed only during the first installation of Oracle products on a system. Specify the full path of the Oracle inventory directory. Choose the operating system group that has write permissions to the inventory directory.

    Click Next to continue.


    This screen displays a summary of the installation, including general information about the installation type, directories, the product components to be installed, the approximate installed size of each component, and the total size of all components to be installed.

    Click Install.


    This screen is displayed while the components are being installed. The screen displays the status of the installation.

    You can cancel the installation at any time by clicking the Stop installation button.

    Execute Configuration scripts

    This screen is displayed only during the first installation of Oracle products on a system. As indicated, run the configuration script,, in a new console as the root user. The script configures permissions for the Oracle inventory directory.

    When the script completes the configuration, click the OK button in the Execute Configuration scripts screen.

    End of Installation

    This screen describes the outcome of the installation.

    Click Exit to exit the installation program.

    Click Yes to confirm your choice.

When the installation is completed, the directory structure described in "Directory Structure After Installation" is created on your server.

Installing Service Broker Products in Silent Mode

This section explains how to install the Service Broker family of products using Oracle Universal Installer in silent mode.

Before you run the installer, specify the installation parameters you want to use, such as the Oracle_home directory path and the products and components you want to install, by editing parameters in the file.

To learn about the parameters, see the descriptions in the "Installation Parameters in the File" section.


The installer validates format and platform compatibility where applicable. However, it will not check spelling so be sure to enter values into the properties file carefully.

If you omit any required value in the properties file, the installer will prompt you to enter the value at the command prompt.

To install Service Broker in silent mode:

  1. In a command shell, navigate to the following directory:


  2. Open the file for editing, and modify the installation parameters as required. Table 4-2 lists and describes the installation parameters.

  3. Save and close the file.

  4. As a non-root user, enter the following command to start the installer:


    The installation progress is output to the console.

  5. If this is the first Oracle product installation on this machine, when prompted, follow the on-screen instructions to run the script located in your /oraInventory directory. You must run the script as the root user.

The directory structure described in "Directory Structure After Installation" is created on your server.

Installation Parameters in the File

Table 4-2 lists the installation parameters in file that the silent installer uses.

Table 4-2 Parameters in the File

Parameter Description


The path to the directory of your Java JDK. If you are installing a JDK with this property file, it is installed in this directory. If you are using your own pre-installed JDK, then reference its path here.

The path should be the same as the JAVA_HOME environment variable for your Java installation.

No default value is specified.




The name of the installation directory.





The full path to your installation directory.


This path is from / to and including the parent directory of ORACLE_HOME_NAME. If you have previously installed an Oracle product using Oracle Universal Installer, you already have an Oracle_home defined. If you want to reuse the existing Oracle_home, enter its name here.




Specifies the Service Broker products to install.


Components to install using the syntax:


Where component is the Service Broker product to install and version is its version. The component may be one of the following:

  • onlinemediation_controller for the Online Mediation Controller

  • onlinemediation_controller.samples samples for the Online Mediation Controller

  • service_controller.samples samples for the Service Controller

  • policy_controller for the Policy Controller

  • service_controller for the Service Controller

  • socialvoice_communicator for the Social Voice Communicator

  • virtualprivate_network for the Virtual Private Network

  • ocsb_admin_server for the Administration Server

  • ocsb_managed_server for a managed server

  • jdk_linux64 to install the Oracle Java JDK 64-bit

  • jrrt_linux64 to install the Oracle JRockit JDK 64-bit

  • existingjdk to specify the location of your own JDK

  • berkeley_db to specify a Berkeley database

Default value:





Indicates whether you want to receive security updates related to Oracle products. Boolean.


Enter true to decline security updates, or false to receive security updates.

No default value is specified.




Indicates whether you want to receive security updates through your Oracle My Oracle Support account. Boolean.


Enter true to receive security updates using My Oracle Support, or false to decline security updates.

If you have not registered with Oracle Support, go to the following My Oracle Support Web site and register to obtain a My Oracle Support account:

No default value is specified.




Specifies your My Oracle Support email address or other email address where you wish to be notified of updates.


No default value is specified.



Specifies the password for your Oracle support account.


No default value is specified.



Directory Structure After Installation

Figure 4-1 illustrates the high-level directory structure that is created during installation.

Figure 4-1 Installed Directory Hierarchy

Installation directory structure.

Table 4-3 describes each directory and its contents.

Table 4-3 Installed Directories and Content Descriptions

Directory Description


Base directory for your installation.

Oracle_home is specified during the installation.


Contains binaries for the Administration Server, and the start scripts and modules related to the Administration Console.


Contains binaries for the processing server or signaling server, and the start scripts and modules related to the server.


Contains the Java JDK (with the HotSpot JVM).

This directory is created only if you specified to install the Java JDK during the installation.


Contains the Oracle JRockit JDK.

This directory is created only if you specified to install the Oracle JRockit JDK during the installation.


Contains the Service Controller and Online Mediation Controller samples.This directory is created only if you specified to install the samples during the installation.

Deinstalling Service Broker

You can deinstall Service Broker or any of its components by running the Oracle Universal Installer. When you deinstall, the installer removes all files and folders that it originally installed. It does not remove any files and folders you created or modified such as domain directories and configuration files.

See "Deinstalling Using Graphical Mode" for instructions on deinstalling Service Broker or one of its components using Oracle Universal Installer in graphical mode.

See "Deinstalling Service Broker Products Using Silent Mode" for instructions on deinstalling Service Broker or one of its components using Oracle Universal Installer in silent mode.

Deinstalling Using Graphical Mode

To deinstall Service Broker or any of its components using the Oracle Universal Installer in graphical mode:

  1. In a command shell, navigate to the installer directory:


  2. Enter the following command to start the installer:


    Oracle Universal Installer appears in graphical mode.

  3. In the Welcome screen, click Deinstall Products.

    The Inventory screen displays all Oracle homes on the host.

  4. In the Contents tab, select the Oracle home or product within the Oracle home that you want to deinstall.

    Selecting the Oracle home removes all products within that Oracle home. Alternatively, expand the Oracle home and select individual components within that home to deinstall.


    To save a text copy of the inventory tree and selected components before you remove components, click Save As. Navigate to a directory where you want to save the tree, enter the file name to use, and click Save.
  5. Click Remove.

    The Confirmation screen opens.

  6. Click Yes to confirm your selection.

    The installer deinstalls the selected components.

  7. Click Close to close the Inventory screen.

Deinstalling Service Broker Products Using Silent Mode

To deinstall Service Broker or one of its components in silent mode, you run the runInstaller utility specifying the -deinstall and -silent options.

You can supply deinstallation parameters either at the command line or in a response file. If you want to use a response file, you must prepare the deinstall response file before you run the silent deinstall. The response file is located in the installation directory for your platform:


Table 4-4 describes the parameter-value pairs that you need to set in the installer response file.

Table 4-4 Parameters for Deinstalling Components

Name Description


Specify the component to deinstall.


Use the following syntax:


where component is the Service Broker product to remove and version is its version. The component value may be one of the following:

  • policy_controller for Policy Controller

  • service_controller for Service Controller

  • onlinemediation_controller for the Online Mediation Controller

  • socialvoice_communicator for Social Voice Communicator

  • virtualprivate_network for Virtual Private Network




The name of the installation directory.





The full path to your installation directory.

This path is from / to and including the parent directory of ORACLE_HOME_NAME





Caution: If you use this parameter, it will remove the entire installation directory.

Specify the full path to the Oracle home directory to remove.


Use the following syntax:




You can use the runInstaller script to display a list of the installed components and their versions:

  1. In a command shell, navigate to the installer directory:


  2. Enter the following command:

    ./runInstaller -deinstall

    The installed components are listed in the output.

To deinstall Service Broker or one of its components:

  1. In a command shell, navigate to the installer directory:


  2. Enter one of the following commands to run the installer.

    • To specify components to deinstall on the command line, enter:

      ./runInstaller -deinstall -silent DEINSTALL_LIST='{"component","version"}' ORACLE_HOME={path_to_Oracle_home} ORACLE_HOME_NAME={name_of_installation_directory}

      where component, version, and ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_HOME_NAME are specified as described in Table 4-4, "Parameters for Deinstalling Components".


      • The curly brackets surrounding the DEINSTALL_LIST must be enclosed by single quotes (') on the command line, but do not use single quotes (') if you use the deinstall response file.

      • If you use the REMOVE_HOMES parameter, the entire installation directory is removed.

      For example:

      ./runInstaller -deinstall -silent DEINSTALL_LIST='{"service_controller",""}' ORACLE_HOME=/home/oracle/OHome1 ORACLE_HOME_NAME=ocsb61

    • To use an installer response file on the command line in which the components to deinstall are specified, enter:

      ./runInstaller -deinstall -silent -responseFile full_path_to_response_file