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Oracle® Communications Service Broker Signaling Server Units Configuration Guide
Release 6.1

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3 Configuring the SS7 Signaling Server Unit for TDM

This chapter describes how to configure an Oracle Communications Service Broker SS7 Signaling Server Unit (SSU) in a network in which SS7 traffic is carried over TDM.

Accessing the SS7 SSU TDM Configuration Pane

Because deployment of Service Broker involves configuration of two SSU instances, SS7 equipment connected to both instances must be configured as described in the following sections. The section provides graphical representations of deployment examples.

To access the SSU SS7 TDM configuration pane:

  1. In the domain navigation pane, expand OCSB.

  2. Expand Signaling Tier.

  3. Select SSU SS7 TDM.

    The SSU SS7 configuration pane contains the subtabs described in Table 3-1.


You must configure the parameters exactly in the same order as they are presented in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1 SSU SS7 TDM Tabs

Tab Description


Enables you to assign a point code to local SSU instances and configure the MTP stack run-time options.

See "SSU SS7 TDM" for more information.


Enables you to configure the MTP layers of the SS7 stack.

See "MTP3" for more information.


Enables you to configure SCCP addresses: subsystems and global titling.

See "SCCP" for more information.


Enables you to define how the SS7 SSU routes incoming SS7 messages to internal Service Broker IMs.

See "Routing" for more information.


Enables you to configure Runtime MBeans and notifications for monitoring SS7 SSU for TDM.

See "Monitoring" for more information.


The SSU SS7 TDM tab enables you to assign a point code to a Service Broker SSU and configure the MTP stack run-time options.

To access the SSU SS7 TDM tab:

Table 3-2 SSU SS7 TDM Parameters

Name Type Description

Board Type


Specifies the board density.

Possible values:

  • High: High density

  • Low: Low density

Default value: High



Specifies an MTP stack vendor.

Possible values:

  • isigtran

  • dialogic



Specifies the standard that the MTP stack must use.

Possible values:

  • ANSI

  • ETSI

Default value: ETSI



Specifies the method of handling the Remote Processor Outage (RPO).

Possible values:

  • Yes: Upon RPO, put the link in the Out of Service mode and select an alternative link.

  • No: Upon RPO, activate a timer first. Only if the failure remains by the time that the timer expires, move the link to the Out of Service mode and select an alternative link. The messages pulled up during time activation are discarded.

Default value: Yes

Routeset Test


Specifies whether the MTP RouteSetTest message must be sent when an RPC becomes unavailable.

Possible values:

  • Yes – disable RouteSetTest

  • No – enable RouteSetTest

Default value: Yes

SS7 Stack IP


The IP address where the SS7 process is running. See "Starting and Stopping the SS7 Process" in Service Broker System Administrator's Guide.

SS7 Stack Port


The port that the SS7 process is using to listen to messages from the SS7 SSU. This is the same port you specify to the SS7 process, in the command line, when you start it. See "Starting and Stopping the SS7 Process" in Service Broker System Administrator's Guide.


The MTP3 tab enables you to configure the MTP layers of the SS7 stack.

To access the MTP3 tab:

  1. In the SS7 SSU TDM configuration pane, click the MTP3 tab.

    The tab contains the following:

    • List of existing managed servers. This pane is located on the left.

    • Subtabs with configuration parameters of the managed server selected in the left of existing managed servers. This pane is located on the right.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • To add a new managed server, on the bottom of the list of existing managed servers, click Add. Then in the New dialog box, enter the name of the managed server and click Apply.

    • To configure M3UA for an existing managed server, in the list of existing managed servers, select the server for which you want to configure M3UA.

  3. Select one of the subtabs described in Table 3-3.

Table 3-3 MTP Subtabs

Subtab Description

Local Point Code

Enables you to specify a point code for each SSU instance.

For more information, see "Local Point Code".


Enables you to configure boards and PCM interfaces (E1/T1).

For more information, see "Connectivity".

Network Mapping

Enables you to configure SS7 Links and Linksets that connect SSU to adjacent signaling points.

For more information, see "Network Mapping".

Network Routing

Enables you to configure how an SSU accesses SS7 network entities.

For more information, see "Network Routing".

Local Point Code

The Local Point Code subtab enables you to specify a point code of the SSU instance that you selected in the SSU Instance list, as described in Table 3-4.

Table 3-4 Point Code Field

Name Type Description

Local Point Code


Specifies a local point code of the SSU instance that you selected in the SSU Instance list. A value of the parameter must be integer.


The Connectivity subtab enables you to configure boards and PCM interfaces (E1/T1).

Table 3-5 describes subtabs in the SSU SS7 Connectivity section.

Table 3-5 SS7 Connectivity Sections

Subtab Description


Enables you to configure SS7 boards plugged into the SS7 SSU system.

For more information, see "Configuring SS7 Boards".


Enables you to configure the PCMs that physically connect the SS7 SSU to the SS7 network.

For more information, see "Configuring SS7 PCMs".

Configuring SS7 Boards

The Boards subtab enables you to configure SS7 boards plugged into the system chassis of the SSU instance.

An SS7 SSU instance can manage several SS7 PCI boards, depending on chassis and driver specifications.

Figure 3-1 shows an example of physical location of PCI boards.

Figure 3-1 Configuration Example: TDM Boards

Example of TDM boards in an SS7 SSu instance.

The Boards subtab contains a table in which each row represents a single board. When defining a board, you need to specify the fields described in Table 3-6.

Table 3-6 SS7 Board Fields

Name Type Description



Specifies a short name for the board.



Specifies an SSU chassis slot number into which the board is plugged.

Default value: 0



Specifies how the board is synchronized.

Possible options:

  • Master: The board uses an external clock from one of its link interfaces to drive the bus clock for other boards on the bus.

  • Slave: The board uses the bus clocks, which must be generated by another board on the bus.

  • Internal: The board uses the onboard clock oscillator to drive the bus clock for other boards on the bus.

Default value: Master

Configuring SS7 PCMs

The SS7 boards are standard PCI boards. The PCMs subtab enables you to define PCMs that physically connect an SSU instance to an SS7 network.

Figure 3-2 shows an example of a physical connection between SSU and an SS7 network.

Figure 3-2 Configuration Example: PCM

Example of SSU/SS7 network connection.

The PCMs subtab contains a table in which each row represents one PCM. When defining a PCM, you need to specify the fields described in Table 3-7.

Table 3-7 SS7 PCM Fields

Name Type Description



Specifies a unique PCM name.



Specifies the type of the PCM hardware.

Possible values:


  • E1-75ohm

  • E1-120ohm

  • T1, E1-75/120 ohm

Default value: DISABLED



Specifies the CRC mode of operation.

Possible values:


  • CRC4

  • CRC4 compatibility mode

  • CRC6 enabled

Default value: DISABLED



Specifies the line encoding format.

Possible values:

  • HDB3 (E1 only)

  • AMI with no zero code

  • AMI with zero code (T1 only)

  • B8ZS (T1 only)

Default value: HDB3 (E1 only).

Note: Code must match the Type parameter, for example, if the code/frame value is E1 only, then type should be E1.



Specifies the framing format.

Possible values:

  • E1 double frame

  • E1 CRC4 multi-frame

  • D3/D4 (T1 only)

  • ESF (T1 only)

Default value: E1 double frame.

Note: Frame must match the Type parameter, for example, if the code/frame value is E1 only, then type should be E1.



Specifies a port number of the SS7 board into which the PCM is plugged.

Possible values:

  • 0

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

Default value: 0

Network Mapping

The Network Mapping subtab enables you to configure SS7 Links and Linksets that connect SSU to adjacent signaling points.

The Network Mapping Configuration screen contains the subtabs described in Table 3-8.

Table 3-8 Network Mapping Section Subtabs

Subtab Description


Enables you to configure MTP Linksets that connect SSU to adjacent signaling points.

For more information, see "Configuring MTP Linksets".


Enables you to configure MTP links that connect SSU to adjacent signaling points.

For more information, see "Configuring MTP Links".

Configuring MTP Linksets

The MtpLinkset subtab enables you to configure linksets for connecting an SSU to adjacent signaling points in an SS7 network.

Figure 3-3 shows an example of a linkset configuration.

Figure 3-3 Configuration Example: MTP Linkset

Example of an MTP linkset.

The MtpLinkset subtab contains a table in which each row represents one linkset. When defining a linkset, you need to specify the fields described in Table 3-9.

Table 3-9 MtpLinkset Fields

Name Type Description



Specifies a unique linkset name.

Adjacent Point Code


Specifies a point code on the far end of the linkset



Specifies a 4-bit value used in the Subservice field of all MTP3 messages that are passed over the linkset.

This parameter can be set to any value from 0 to 16.

Default value: 1

Configuring MTP Links

The MtpLink subtab enables you to configure links within linksets.

Figure 3-4 shows an example of a links configuration.

Figure 3-4 Configuration Example: MTP Links

Example of a configuration of MTP links

The MtpLinks subtab contains a table in which each row represents one link. When defining a link, you need to specify the fields described in Table 3-10.

Table 3-10 MtpLink Fields

Name Type Description



Specifies a unique link name.



Specifies a physical PCM cable with which a link is associated. You can select one of the PCMs that you have previously defined on the PCM subtab. (For more information on configuring PCMs, see "Configuring SS7 PCMs".)

Time Slot


Specifies the PCMs time slot used for a signaling link.

The value that you can select depends on the protocol you use:

  • E1: any value from 1 to 31

  • T1: any value from 1 to 24

Default value: 1

Signaling Link Code


Specifies a unique identifier (signaling link code) of the link in the linkset. The value must be unique within the link set.

Signaling Link Code can be set to any value from 0 to 15. Default value: 0

Operation Mode


Specifies the rate on which the link operates.

Possible values:

  • 56 kbits/s

  • 64 kbits/s

Default value: 56 kbits/s



Specifies the MTP2 error correction mode.

Possible values:

  • PCR: Preventive Cyclic Retransmission

  • BMEC: Basic Method of Error Correction

Default value: BMEC

Network Routing

The Network Routing subtab enables you to configure how an SSU accesses SS7 network entities.

Table 3-11 describes subtabs in the Network Routing section.

Table 3-11 Network Routing Section Subtabs

Subtab Description


Enables you to configure how an SSU instance accesses remote point codes in an SS7 network.

For more information, see "Configuring Routesets".


Enables you to define the linkset that must be used to route a message to a remote point code.

For more information, see "Configuring Routes".

Configuring Routesets

The Routesets subtab enables you to configure how an SSU instance accesses remote point codes in an SS7 network.

Figure 3-5 shows an example of a routesets configuration.

Figure 3-5 Configuration Example: MTP Routeset

Example of a routesets configuration.

The Routesets subtab contains a table in which each row represents a single routeset. When defining a routeset, you need to specify the fields described in Table 3-12.

Table 3-12 Routesets Fields

Name Type Description



Specifies a unique routeset name.

Remote Point Code


Specifies a point code or a remote SS7 entity

Default Route


Possible values:

  • Yes

  • No

Default value: No



Specifies a routeset description

Configuring Routes

The Routes subtab enables you to define routes within a routeset.

Figure 3-6 shows an example of a routes configuration.

Figure 3-6 Configuration Example: MTP Routes

Example of a routes configuration.

The Routes subtab contains a table in which each row represents one route. When defining a route, you need to specify the fields described in Table 3-13.

Table 3-13 Routes Fields

Name Type Description



Specifies a unique route name.

Primary Linkset


Specifies a linkset over which messages are sent to a remote point code. You can select one of the linksets that you have previously defined on the MTP Linksets subtab. (For more information on configuring linksets, see "Configuring MTP Linksets".)

Secondary Linkset


Specifies an alternative linkset over which messages can be sent to a remote point code. You can select one of the linksets that you have previously defined on the MTP Linksets subtab in the Network Mapping section. (For more information on configuring linksets, see "Configuring MTP Linksets".)



Specifies a route type.

Possible values:

  • Standalone: An SSU sends messages to the RPC over the linkset specified in the Linkset parameter. The Standalone type cannot have an alternative linkset.

  • Preferred: An SSU sends messages to the RPC over the linkset specified in the Linkset parameter. If the sending messages over this fails, the SSU routes messages to the alternative linkset as defined in the SecondLinkset parameter. The Preferred type must have the Second Linkset defined.

  • Combined: An SSU sends messages to the RPC over both the linkset and alternative linkset as defined in the Linkset and Second Linkset parameters. The Combine type must have Second Linkset defined.

Default value: Standalone


The SCCP tab enables you to configure SCCP addresses for:

To access the SCCP tab:

Table 3-14 SCCP Section Subtabs

Subtab Description


Enables you to specify parameters, which are common for all SCCP addresses.

For more information, see "General".

Local SSNs

Enables you to assign subsystem numbers for Service Broker module instances.

For more information, see "Local SSNs".

Local GTs

Enables you to configure Global Title addresses for Service Broker module instances.

For more information, see "Local GTs".

Remote PC and SSN Addresses

Enables you to configure addresses of remote entities in the SS7 network that can be reached using a point code and a subsystem number.

For more information, see "Remote PC and SSN Addresses".

Remote Fixed GTs

Enables you to configure addresses of remote entities in the SS7 network that can be reached using a fixed Global Title.

For more information, see "Remote Fixed GTs".

Remote Dynamic GTs

Enables you to configure addresses of remote entities in the SS7 network that can be reached using a dynamic Global Title.

For more information, see "Remote Dynamic GTs".

Global Title Routing

Enables you to configure addresses of network entities that perform Global Title Translation.

For more information, see "Global Title Routing".


The General subtab enables you to specify parameters, which are common for all SCCP addresses. Table 3-15 describes the parameters on the General subtab that you need to define.

Table 3-15 General Parameters

Name Type Description

Local Network Indicator


Specifies the network type of an SSU address, which is common for all SSU local SCCP addresses.

Possible values:

  • International Network

  • International Network Extension

  • National Network

  • National Network Extension

Default value: International Network

The Local Network Indicator parameter of the M3UA stack is set to the same value as this parameter. However, because International Network Extension and National Network Extension are not supported in the M3UA stack, these two parameters are translated as follows in M3UA:

  • International Network Extension is translated to International Network

  • National Network Extension is translated to National Network

Remove Calling Party Point Code upon GT Routing


Specifies whether the local SSU point code is to be added to the calling party address, when routing is done with a Global Title.

Possible values:

  • True: the local point code is not added to the calling party address

  • False: the local point code is added to the calling party address

Remove Called Party Point Code upon GT Routing


Specifies whether the remote point code is to be removed from the called party address, when routing is done with a Global Title.

Possible values:

  • True: the remote point code is not added to the called party address

  • False: the remote point code is added to the called party address

Local SSNs

The Local SSNs subtab enables you to assign Subsystem Numbers (SSNs) for Service Broker module instances. An SSU routes incoming messages to local subsystems based on these SSNs.

Figure 3-7 shows an example of a configuration of local SSNs.

Figure 3-7 Configuration Example: Local SSNs

Example of a local SSN configuration.

The Local SSNs subtab contains a table in which each row represents a single Service Broker subsystem. When configuring an SSN, you need to specify the fields described in Table 3-16.

Table 3-16 Local SSNs Fields

Name Type Description



Specifies the subsystem name



Specifies the subsystem number.

Default value: 0.



Specifies a subsystem description



Specifies an alias name given to a Service Broker subsystem. Applications that use Service Broker to connect to the SS7 network, use this alias to refer the specific subsystem.

Local GTs

The Local GTs subtab enables you to configure Global Title addresses for Service Broker module instances.

Figure 3-8 shows an example of a local GT configuration.

Figure 3-8 Configuration Example: Local GT

Example of a local GT configuration.

The Local GTs subtab contains a table in which each row represents a single address. When defining an address, you need to specify the fields described in Table 3-17.

Table 3-17 Local GTs Fields

Name Type Description



Specifies a unique name



Specifies a description for the Service Broker GT address.

GT Address


Specifies the Global Title Address part of the SCCP address



Specifies the SSN part of the SCCP address that identifies the user function

GT Indicator


Specifies the Global Title Indicator part of the GT.

GT Nature of Address


Specifies the Nature of Address Indicator part of the GT

GT Numbering Plan


Specifies the Numbering Plan part of the GT

GT Translation Type


Specifies the Translation Type part of the SCCP address



Specifies an alias name given to a Service Broker subsystem. Applications that use Service Broker to connect to the SS7 network, use this alias to refer the specific GT address.

Remote PC and SSN Addresses

The Remote PC and SSN Addresses subtab enables you to configure addresses of remote entities in the SS7 network that can be reached using a point code and a subsystem number.

Figure 3-9 shows an example of a remote point code and SSN configuration.

Figure 3-9 Configuration Example: Remote PC and SSN

Example of a Remote PC and SSN configuration.

The SS7 SSU distributes messages among different SS7 network entities that share the same alias using the weighted load strategy. This strategy determines a network entity that receives a message based on the weight that you assign to the entity. The weight determines a relative share of the traffic that the network entity should receive. For example, you defined two entities whose weight is 100 and 200 correspondingly. The network entity with the weight of 100 receives 1/3 of the traffic, while the network entity with the weight of 200 receives the remaining 2/3 of the traffic.

If a network entity fails, the SS7 SSU redistributes the traffic among remaining networking entities according to their weight.

You can define a network entity that receives traffic if other network entities whose weight is greater than zero, fail. This entity is known as secondary network entity, and its weight is always zero. If in the example above, you add one more entity whose weight is set to zero, the SS7 SSU sends messages to this network entity only if the network entities whose weight is set to 100 and 200 correspondingly, fail.

If you define multiple network entities with secondary priority, the SS7 SSU distributes traffic equally among them.

The weighted load strategy enables you to control the traffic distribution depending on capabilities of network entities. For example, if a network entity runs a more powerful server, this entity can serve more traffic, then you would set its load weight relatively higher.

The Remote PC and SSN Addresses subtab contains a table in which each row represents a single SS7 network entity. When configuring a network entity, you need to specify the fields described in Table 3-18.

Table 3-18 Remote PC and SSN Fields

Name Type Description



Specifies a unique name

Network Indicator


Specifies the network type.

Possible values:

  • International Network

  • National Network

Default value: International Network



Specifies the SSN part of the SCCP address that identifies the user function.

Point Code


Specifies the point code part of the SCCP address.



Specifies a description for the remote SS7 network entity.



Specifies an alias name given to a remote network entity. Applications that use Service Broker to connect to the SS7 network, use this alias to refer the specific network entity.



Specifies the relative load weight for the network entity.

Default value: 0

Remote Fixed GTs

The Remote Fixed GTs subtab enables you to configure addresses of remote entities in the SS7 network that can be reached using a fixed Global Title.

Figure 3-10 shows an example of a remote fixed GTs configuration.

Figure 3-10 Configuration Example: Remote Fixed GTs

Example of a Remote Fixed GTconfiguration.

The SS7 SSU distributes messages among different SS7 network entities that share the same alias using the weighted load strategy. This strategy determines a network entity that receives a message based on the weight that you assign to the entity. The weight determines a relative share of the traffic that the network entity should receive. For example, you defined two entities whose weight is 100 and 200 correspondingly. The network entity with the weight of 100 receives 1/3 of the traffic, while the network entity with the weight of 200 receives the remaining 2/3 of the traffic.

If a network entity fails, the SS7 SSU redistributes the traffic among remaining networking entities according to their weight.

You can define a network entity that receives traffic if other network entities whose weight is greater than zero, fail. This entity is known as secondary network entity, and its weight is always zero. If in the example above, you add one more entity whose weight is set to zero, the SS7 SSU sends messages to this network entity only if the network entities whose weight is set to 100 and 200 correspondingly, fail.

If you define multiple network entities with secondary priority, the SS7 SSU distributes traffic equally among them.

The weighted load strategy enables you to control the traffic distribution depending on capabilities of network entities. For example, if a network entity runs a more powerful server, this entity can serve more traffic, then you would set its load weight relatively higher.

The Remote Fixed GTs subtab contains a table in which each row represents a single SS7 network entity. When configuring a network entity, you need to specify the fields described in Table 3-19.

Table 3-19 Remote Fixed GTs Fields

Name Type Description



Specifies a unique name

Network Indicator


Specifies the network type.

Possible options:

  • International Network

  • National Network

Default option: International Network



Specifies a description for the network entity and its address

GT Address


Specifies the Global Title Address part of the SCCP address

Point Code


Optional: specifies the point code part of the SCCP address. When specified, the SSU routes messages to the specified point code, including a GT address.



Specifies the SSN part of the SCCP address that identifies the user function

GT Indicator


Specifies the Global Title Indicator part of the GT

GT Nature of Address


Specifies the Nature of Address Indicator part of the GT

GT Numbering Plan


Specifies the Numbering Plan part of the GT.

GT Translation Type


Specifies the Translation Type part of the SCCP address



Specifies an alias name given to a remote network entity. Applications that use Service Broker to connect to the SS7 network, use this alias to refer the specific network entity.



Specifies the relative load weight for the network entity.

Default value: 0

Remote Dynamic GTs

The Remote Dynamic GTs subtab enables you to configure addresses of remote entities in the SS7 network that can be reached using a dynamic Global Title.

The SS7 SSU distributes messages among different SS7 network entities that share the same alias using the weighted load strategy. This strategy determines a network entity that receives a message based on the weight that you assign to the entity. The weight determines a relative share of the traffic that the network entity should receive. For example, you defined two entities whose weight is 100 and 200 correspondingly. The network entity with the weight of 100 receives 1/3 of the traffic, while the network entity with the weight of 200 receives the remaining 2/3 of the traffic.

If a network entity fails, the SS7 SSU redistributes the traffic among remaining networking entities according to their weight.

You can define a network entity that receives traffic if other network entities whose weight is greater than zero, fail. This entity is known as secondary network entity, and its weight is always zero. If in the example above, you add one more entity whose weight is set to zero, the SS7 SSU sends messages to this network entity only if the network entities whose weight is set to 100 and 200 correspondingly, fail.

If you define multiple network entities with secondary priority, the SS7 SSU distributes traffic equally among them.

The weighted load strategy enables you to control the traffic distribution depending on capabilities of network entities. For example, if a network entity runs a more powerful server, this entity can serve more traffic, then you would set its load weight relatively higher.

The Remote Dynamic GTs subtab contains a table in which each row represents a single SCCP address. When configuring an SCCP address, you need to specify the fields described in Table 3-20.

Table 3-20 Remote Dynamic GTs Fields

Name Type Description



Specifies a unique name

Network Indicator


Specifies the network type.

The following options are available:

  • International Network

  • National Network

Default value: International Network



Specifies a description for the dynamic GT address

Point Code


Optional: specifies the point code part of the SCCP address. When specified, the SSU routes messages to the specified point code, including a GT address.



Specifies the SSN part of the SCCP address that identifies the user function

GT Indicator


Specifies the Global Title Indicator part of the GT

GT Nature of Address


Specifies the Nature of Address Indicator part of the GT

GT Numbering Plan


Specifies the Numbering Plan part of the GT.

GT Translation Type


Specifies the Translation Type part of the SCCP address



Specifies an alias name given to an SCCP address. Applications that use Service Broker to connect to the SS7 network, use this alias when they want route messages using this address.



Specifies the relative load weight for the network entity.

Default value: 0

Global Title Routing

The Global Title Routing subtab enables you to configure addresses of network entities that perform Global Title Translation. Typically these point codes are Signal Transfer Points (STPs).

Figure 3-11 shows an example of a point code configuration.

Figure 3-11 Configuration Example: Global Title Routing

Example of a global routing configuration.

The Global Title Routing subtab contains a table in which each row represents a point code that performs GTT. When defining a point code that performs GTT, you need to specify the fields described in Table 3-21.

Table 3-21 Global Title Routing Parameters

Name Type Description

Primary GTT Point Code


Specifies a primary remote point code that performs GTT.

Secondary GTT Point Code


Specifies an alternative remote point code that performs GTT.

Operation Mode


Specifies the mode in which the primary and secondary remote point codes operate.

The following options are available:

  • LOAD_SHARING: the SSU sends messages to both primary and secondary point codes in a load sharing mode.

  • PRIMARY_SECONDARY: the SSU sends messages to the primary point code. If the primary point code is not available, the SSU routes messages to the secondary point code.



The Routing tab enables you to define an IM to which SS7 SSU routes an incoming session by specifying a set of parameters known as incoming routing rules. For each incoming routing rule, you need to configure the following parameters:

You can define incoming routing rules using the Routing tab. The process of defining an incoming routing rule consists of the following steps:

  1. You create a rule and define its name, priority, and the IM for which you are creating the rule. You perform these actions using the Incoming Routing Rules subtab.

  2. You define criteria for each rule that you created in step 1.

Accessing the Routing Tab

The Routing tab enables you to define rules for routing incoming sessions to IMs.

To access the Routing tab:

  1. In the domain navigation pane, expand OCSB.

  2. Expand Signaling Tier.

  3. Select SSU SS7 TDM.

  4. In the configuration pane, click the Routing tab.

    The tab contains the following:

    • List of existing routing rules. This pane is located on the left.

    • Subtabs with configuration parameters of the routing rule selected in the left pane of existing routing rules. This pane is located on the right.

  5. Do one of the following:

    • To create a new routing rule, on the bottom of the list of existing routing rules, click Add. Then in the New dialog box, enter the name of the new routing rule and click Apply.

    • To configure an existing routing rule, in the list of existing routing rules, select the rule that you want to configure.

  6. Select one of the subtabs described in Table 3-22.

Table 3-22 Routing Subtabs

Subtab Description

Incoming Routing Rules

Enables you to define a name, priority, and an IM for which you create a rule.

For more information, see "Configuring Incoming Routing Rules Parameters".

Incoming Routing Criteria

Enables you to define criteria for each routing rule created on the Incoming Routing Rules subtab.

For more information, see "Configuring Incoming Routing Criteria Parameters".

Configuring Incoming Routing Rules Parameters

The Incoming Routing Rules subtab enables you to define a name, priority, and an IM for which you create a rule. The Incoming Routing Rules subtab contains a table in which each row represents an individual rule.

When you define a rule, you need to specify the fields defined in Table 3-23.

Table 3-23 Incoming Routing Rule Fields

Name Type Description



Specifies a unique rule name



Specifies an order in which SS7 SSU checks routing rules to evaluate if an incoming session fits rule's criteria. SS7 SSU applies the first found rule which criteria are met by an incoming session.

The lower the number, the higher the priority. For example, if you created two rules and set Priority of one rule to" 1" and set Priority of another rule to "2", SS7 SSU checks the rule with Priority set to "1" first.

You can define an incoming routing rule that SS7 SSU applies if no other rule can be applied, by setting the Priority parameter of this rule to the largest number (that is lowest priority). There is no need to specify incoming routing criteria for such a rule.

Module Instance


Specifies the URI of an IM to which the SS7 SSU routes an incoming session.

The URI has the following format:


  • IM-instance-name: The IM instance name that you specified when you added this IM in the IM Management Configuration screen.

  • IM-type: The type of the IM instance

  • domain-id: The name of a Processing Domain or a Processing Domain Group where the relevant IM is deployed.



Configuring Incoming Routing Criteria Parameters

The Incoming Routing Criteria subtab enables you to define criteria for rules that you created on the Incoming Routing Rules subtab. The Incoming Routing Criteria contains a table in which each row represents a routing rule.

When you define criteria, you need to specify the fields defined in Table 3-24.

Table 3-24 Incoming Routing Criteria Fields

Name Type Description



Specifies a unique rule name

Session Key


Specifies a parameter inside an SCCP message based on which the SS7 SSU performs routing. The SS7 SSU will route incoming messages to a specified module instance, if the value of this parameter matches the Value field.

Possible values:








Specifies a value that the Session Key parameter of an SCCP message must match, in order for the rule specified in the list of existing routing rules to apply.

You can define one of the following in the Value parameter:

  • Single value

  • Range of dash-separated values

  • Comma-separated values


The Monitoring tab enables you to configure Runtime MBeans and notifications for monitoring SS7 SSU for TDM. For more information about configuring monitoring, see the discussion on configuring Service Broker monitoring in Oracle Communications Service Broker System Administrator's Guide.