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Oracle® Communications Service Broker SIP Developer's Guide for GSM
Release 6.1

Part Number E29447-01
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5 Developing a Multi-Leg Call Control Application

This chapter describes how to develop a SIP multi-leg call control application.

Providing Multi-Leg Call Control

Multi-leg call control is the method of having an application controlling a call that involves two or more call parties. This method is used by enhanced applications to provide services, such as personalized ring-back tone and call transfer.

The multi-leg call control functionality enables an application to control individual parties in a call by performing the following actions:

Service Broker enables the application to control a multi-leg call in accordance with SIP third part call control conventions. These conventions relay on SDP negotiation across call legs as described in the following sections.

About CAP Call Leg Representation

To send leg-related information to an application, Service Broker uses the i attribute of the SDP. When Oracle Communications Service Broker sends a session initiating SIP INVITE to an application, Service Broker sets the i attribute of the SDP to the number of the leg.

Similarly, when an application returns a SIP INVITE to Service Broker, the application should set the i attribute of the SDP of the SIP INVITE to the same value as set by Service Broker in the original SIP INVITE.

Figure 5-1 shows an example in which Service Broker sets a SIP INVITE sent to application with SDP of i=l1. l1 represents leg number 1, that is the call initiating leg. The application returns to Service Broker a SIP INVITE in which i is also set to l1.

Figure 5-1 Architecture for Setting the SDP to leg 1

Setting the SDP to leg

When Service Broker sends a SIP 200OK to acknowledge a SIP INVITE or SIP ReINVITE on the incoming leg, Service Broker sets the i attribute to the number of the destination leg.

Similarly, when an application sends a SIP 200 OK to acknowledge a SIP INVITE on the outgoing leg, the application should set the i attribute to the number of the destination leg.

Figure 5-2 shows an example in which Service Broker sets a SIP 200 OK. The SIP 200 OK acknowledges INVITE with SDP of i=l2. l2 represents leg number 2, that is the call destination leg.

Figure 5-2 Architecture for Setting the SDP to leg 2

Setting the SDP to leg

Creating a New Call Leg

An application can create a new call leg in one of the following forms:

Creating a New Leg in a New Call

To create a new leg in a new call, the application sends a SIP INVITE message to Service Broker. This SIP INVITE includes an SDP with:

  • "i" attribute set to 0, or

  • "c" attribute set to IN IP4

When the SIP INVITE message is received, Service Broker sends a CAP InitiateCallAttempt (ICA) operation to the MSC. The CAP InitiateCallAttempt is accompanied by a CAP RequestReportBCSM and ContinueWithArgument operations.

Figure 5-3 shows the high level architecture for an application creating a new call leg.

Figure 5-3 Architecture for Creating a New Call Leg

Creating a New Call Leg

When the CAP InitiateCallAttempt is sent, Service Broker sends a SIP 183 SESSION PROGRESS message to the application. The 183 SESSION PROGRESS contains:

  • SDP with the "i" attribute set to l(x), where x is the number assigned by Service Broker to the newly created leg

  • x-wcs-encode-uri header

Figure 5-4 shows the high level architecture for an application that receives the call leg assigned by Service Broker to a new leg.

Figure 5-4 Architecture for Sending SIP 183 SESSION PROGRESS from Service Broker to the Application

Sending SIP 183 SESSION PROGRESS to Application

Creating a New Leg in an Existing Call

To create a new leg in an existing call, the application should follow the procedure described in "Creating a New Leg in a New Call".

To enable Service Broker to associate the new leg with an existing call, the application sets the SIP INVITE message which is used to create the new leg, with a Route header (one or more) and includes the same content as in the header of the SIP INVITE used to create previous legs in that call.

Restricting Calling Line Identification for a Calling Party Number

You restrict the calling line identification by setting the Presentation indicator to "presentation restricted". You can restrict the calling line identification in one of the following ways:

Restricting Calling Line Identification on a Permanent Basis

If you want to set the Presentation indicator to "presentation restricted" in all ICA messages that Service Broker generates, in the sip.xml file of the relevant IM-SCF module, set the string_address-presentation-restriction-indicator-of-calling-party-number-of-ICA parameter to restricted.

Restricting Calling Line Identification on a Per-Message Basis

If you want to set the Presentation indicator to "presentation restricted" for specific ICA messages only, add the following XER to the ICA that Service Broker generates:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
         <callingPartyNumber>8213 0A00 000000</callingPartyNumber>

The first 4 digits of the callingPartyNumber are setting the numbering format, including the presentation and are specified in ITU-T Q763 section 3-10

Disconnecting a Call Leg

To disconnect a leg, the application sends a SIP BYE or a SIP CANCEL request. The SIP BYE or SIP CANCEL request is sent through the SIP dialog that represents the leg that the application wants to disconnect.

The application needs to set the Reason header to the value that Service Broker can use to generate a CAP ReleaseCall. For example, an application might set the Reason header to Reason: Q.850; cause:31; text: "Session terminated".

When Service Broker receives a SIP BYE or a SIP CANCEL, Service Broker waits for a predefined period of time. If during this period, all call legs are terminated by the application (that is, the application sends a SIP BYE and or SIP Cancel for all call legs), Service Broker terminates the call by sending a CAP ReleaseCall. Otherwise (that is the application does not terminate all call legs), Service Broker sends a CAP DisconnectLeg accompanied by a CAP ContinueWithArgument towards the MSC for each leg terminated by the application.

Figure 5-5 shows the high level architecture for an application that disconnects the leg. Figure 5-5 assumes that two call legs (1 and 2) exist, and the call is active.

Figure 5-5 Architecture for Disconnecting the Leg

Disconnecting the Leg

Removing a Leg from a Call

To remove a leg from the call, the application sends a SIP reINVITE, or a SIP 183 SESSION PROGRESS message depending on the actual call state.

When the SIP reINVITE or SIP 183 SESSION PROGRESS message is received, Service Broker sends a CAP SplitLeg operation towards the MSC followed by CAP ContinueWithArgument.

Connecting Call Legs

To connect a leg to another existing leg, the application sends a SIP reINVITE, SIP 183 SESSION PROGRESS or SIP 200 OK message depending on the actual call state.

When the SIP reINVITE, SIP 183 SESSION PROGRESS message or SIP 200 OK, is received, Service Broker sends a CAP MoveLeg operation towards the MSC followed by CAP ContinueWithArgument.

Multi-Leg Control Example

This section provides an example of a multi-leg call control application.

Figure 5-6, Figure 5-7, and Figure 5-8 show the detailed sequence diagram for an application that controls a multi-leg call. The call is established as an ordinary 2 legs call. When the call is active, the application creates a new call leg (leg 3).


To create a new call leg, the application sends a SIP INVITE (no SDP) message and keeps the Route header with the same content as the Route header of the SIP INVITE sent by the application during the call establishment phase (message 3 in the sequence diagram).

While leg 3 is being alerted, Service Broker sends a SIP 180 Ringing to the application. At this point, the application removes leg 2 from the call and puts it on hold. This is done by sending a SIP reINVITE message on the dialog created by Service Broker. The application sets the SDP of the reINVITE to leg 3. Latter on, when leg 1 and leg 3 are in an active call, the application disconnects leg 3 by sending a SIP BYE request on the corresponding SIP dialog and than reconnects leg 1 and leg 2.

Figure 5-6 Application Provides Multi-Leg Call Control

Application Provides Multi-Leg Call Control

Figure 5-7 Application Provides Multi-Leg Call Control (cont'd)

Application Provides Multi-Leg Call Control

Figure 5-8 Application Provides Multi-Leg Call Control (cont'd)

Application Provides Multi-Leg Call Control

Figure 5-9, Figure 5-10, and Figure 5-11 show a parallel ringing application. This application routes the call to two destinations simultaneously (leg3 and leg 4) by sending two SIP INVITE messages (no SDP). When one of the legs answers the call, the application connects that leg to leg 1 by sending the SDP of the answering leg towards leg 1 using SIP 200 OK message (message 21 in the sequence diagram). Next, the application terminates the other leg (leg 4) by sending SIP CANCEL.

Figure 5-9 Parallel Ringing Application

Parallel Ringing Application

Figure 5-10 Parallel Ringing Application (cont'd)

Parallel Ringing Application

Figure 5-11 Parallel Ringing Application (cont'd)

Parallel Ringing Application