1 Billing Care Installation Overview

This chapter provides an overview of Oracle Communications Billing Care components and installation process.

About Installing Billing Care

Billing Care installation should be performed only by experienced system administrators. You must be familiar with the following before you begin the installation:

  • UNIX/Linux operating system

  • Oracle WebLogic Server

  • Oracle Enterprise Database

  • Oracle Identity and Access Management (IAM) components, including:

    • Oracle Access Management (OAM)

    • Oracle Entitlements Server (OES)

    • Oracle Identity Manager (OIM)

    • Oracle Unified Directory (OUD)

Additionally, you should have experience installing Java-related packages.

The Billing Care installer deploys Billing Care to a WebLogic server domain, installs the Billing Care SDK, or performs both actions.

Overview of the Billing Care Installation Steps

The following is an overview of the Billing Care installation steps:

  1. Plan your installation. Planning your installation involves:

    • Determining the scale of your implementation (for example, whether you are installing a small test system or a large production system).


      You can install a test or development installation of Billing Care without IAM. Do not use these installations in production environments. See "About Test Installations and Production Installations" for more information.
    • Assessing how many physical computers you need and which software components to install on which computers.

    • Planning the system topology (for example, determining whether you want a standalone deployment or a clustered deployment).

  2. Review system requirements. System requirements include:

    • Hardware requirements, such as disk space and physical RAM

    • Software requirements, such as operating system (OS) versions and OS patch requirements, OS kernel tuning requirements, required Oracle software, including:

      • Enterprise Database

      • WebLogic Server

      • IAM

      • Java Development Kit (JDK)

      See "Billing Care System Requirements" for required versions.

    • Information requirements, such as IP addresses, administrative user credentials, host names, and port numbers

  3. Prepare your IAM foundation by completing the pre-installation tasks:

    See "Billing Care Pre-Installation Tasks" for more information.

  4. Install Billing Care and the Billing Care SDK (if required) using the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) Billing Care installer.

    See "Installing Billing Care" for more information.

  5. Perform the required post-installation configuration tasks.

    See "Billing Care Post-Installation Tasks" for more information.

  6. Verify the installation.

    See "Verifying the Billing Care Installation" for more information.

Ensuring a Successful Billing Care Installation

Billing Care uses additional Oracle software products including Enterprise Database, WebLogic Server, and IAM. Familiarize yourself with these products and their installation procedures before installing Billing Care.


IAM has important pre-installation requirements including kernel tuning, operating system configuration files editing (for example, editing limits.conf), and tuning database parameters. Ensure that these requirements have been met when completing the pre-installation tasks before running the Billing Care installer so that your installation is successful.

See Oracle Fusion Middleware System Requirements and Specifications for Oracle Identity and Access Management for detailed information.

Consult additional product documentation on the Oracle Help Center for required information at:


To ensure that the Billing Care installation is successful, follow these guidelines:

  • As you install each component (for example, the Enterprise Database and WebLogic Server), verify that the component installed successfully before continuing the installation process.

  • Pay close attention to the system requirements. Before you begin installing the application, ensure that your system has the required base software and meets the minimum technical requirements. In addition, ensure that you know all the required configuration values, such as host names and port numbers.

  • Make a note of any new configuration values as you create them. You will be required to enter configuration values later in the procedure.