Finding an Account

To find an account:

  1. Click Search.

    The Search dialog box appears. See "Search Dialog Box" for more information.

  2. From the Search list, keep the default Accounts.

  3. Enter search criteria.


    Use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard to match one or more characters at the start or end of words or numbers.
  4. Click Search.

    Billing Care displays search results at the right side of the Search dialog box. If there are many results, you can enter more criteria to refine the search, and you can sort the search results. See "Sorting Search Results".

  5. Select an account, and click Open.


    You can also open an account by double clicking the account in the results list.

    Billing Care displays the selected account.

Search Dialog Box

Use the Search dialog box to search for accounts. Narrow your search results by using the filters provided under Account Information.

Search is not case sensitive.


  • You must use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard to match any missing characters at the start, middle, or end of words or numbers when entering search criteria.

  • You can scroll down to view recently accessed accounts.

Search list Description
Account Information Enter search criteria in one or more boxes in the Account Information area.
Results Lists the items that meet your criteria.

If an account has more than one match for a Service ID, <multiple> appears. You can see the service IDs and service types in the tooltip.

You can do the following:

  • Sort the results by a given column in either ascending or descending order. See "Sorting Search Results".

  • Select a result and open it.

When you search by a particular service ID, the asset associated with that service ID is automatically displayed when you open the account from the search results.

Search returns a maximum of 50 results. Refine your search criteria if the account you are searching for is not initially found.

Sorting Search Results

Initially, search results are sorted by last name. You can change how the results are sorted by clicking on a different column heading. Click the heading again to change from ascending to descending sort.

If you sort results by: The second sort is: And the third sort priority is:
Account Number Last Name First Name
Last Name First Name Account Number
Company Name Last Name First Name
First Name Last Name Account Number