News Feed

The News Feed provides a history of the bill unit in list form.

Field Description
Categories The top row lists the main categories. Click a category link to view only that category:
  • All, which includes all entries.

  • A/R, which includes currency adjustments, adjustment allocations, noncurrency adjustments, open disputes, closed disputes, refunds, write-offs, and collections.

  • Payments, which includes payments, payment allocations, payment method changes, payment reversals, when a payment for the account is moved to suspense, and when a suspended payment is allocated to the account.

  • Charges, which includes bill issued, bill became overdue, one time charges, recurring charges, purchase, purchase cancelled, corrective bill issued, and bill issued mid-cycle.

  • Account, which includes name or contact information changes, service status changes, and services attached (for example, a SIM card) or detached from the account. Also, bill unit created, bill unit deleted, billing frequency changed, billing day change, billing type change are included.

    When an account status change or service status change is scheduled in the future, it is listed as a deferred action.

Date The date the entry occurred.
Type For the category, the particular types of entries. Click a link to access details about the entry, and depending on the type, comment or perform a related action.
Amount If the type involves currency, the amount appears.
Details Summary of the entry.
Show More If there are more than 50 records, this link appears.