Working with Assets

To perform an action on an asset, such as inactivating, reactivating, or terminating a service:

  1. View the customer's assets. See "Viewing Assets".

  2. Expand the card for the asset on which an action is to be performed.

  3. Click the asset card's action menu.

  4. Select the action to complete.


    For account assets, the action menu service options are not applicable.
    Action Description
    Terminate Products/Discounts Displays a list of service charge offers and discounts which can be individually selected for termination.
    Inactivate Products/Discounts Displays a list of service charge offers and discounts which can be individually selected for inactivation.
    Reactivate Products/Discounts Displays a list of inactivated charge offers and discounts which can be individually selected for reactivation.
    Terminate Service Terminates a service and applies any early termination fees if applicable. Terminating a parent service also terminates any child services.
    Inactivate Service Temporarily inactivates a service. Inactivating a parent service also inactivates any child services.
    Reactivate Service Reactivates a previously inactivated service. Reactivating a parent service also reactivates any child services.
    Custom Service Life Cycle State Transitions the service to the selected custom service life cycle state.

    Custom service life cycle states are available on the action menu only if Service Lifecycle Management (SLM) is enabled in your BRM system and a custom service life cycle is configured for the service type.

    When those conditions are met, the action menu does not display the Terminate Service, Inactivate Service, and Reactivate Service options. Instead, it lists all the states in the specified service's custom life cycle to which the service can transition from its current state.

    For more information, see the discussion about SLM in BRM Managing Customers.

    Show Rate Customizations Displays any charge offer rate customizations applied at purchase time. This action is only available when an asset contains a customized charge offer.
    Show Asset Details Displays additional details about an asset including information on recurring monthly charges, rate customizations, and expired promotions. Click Edit to make changes to the asset.

  5. (Optional) Click Backdate to set a past date for the action.


    You cannot backdate a custom life cycle state transition.