Working with Events

You can view the charges for usage events included in the bill.

To view events:

  1. On the account page, click the Bills tab.

  2. Select the bill you want to work with.

    To locate a bill, see "Finding a Bill".

  3. In the Service Charges area of the Bills section, select a service for the selected bill.

    The Charges by service list appears.

  4. Select a charge by clicking on the amount.

    The Events screen appears containing a list of events included in the charge.

  5. (Optional) Change the events shown by doing any of the following:

    • Sort by Date.

    • Sort by Destination Network.

    • Limit by date:

      • Click Search.

      • Enter dates for From and To.

      • Click Search.

    • Limit by phone number:

      • Click Search.

      • Enter a Phone number.

      • Click Search.

    • Limit the displayed:

      • Select the relevant events.

      • Change Show all to Show Selected.

    • Select the events to hide:

      • Select the non-relevant events.

      • Change Show all to Show unselected.

  6. Do one of the following:

    • Select an event and click Adjust selected.

    • Click Close.


You can view event adjustment details by clicking its indicator in the A/R actions graph, and in the dialog box that appears, clicking Details.

Related Tasks

Adjusting an Event