Adding Tax Exemptions

To add tax exemptions:

  1. From the Actions menu, select Financial Setup, and then Tax Setup.

    The Tax Setup section of the Financial Setup dialog box appears.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • If this is the first tax exemption, under No tax exempt information, click Add.

    • If this is not the first tax exemption, click the plus icon to add a new exemption.

  3. For each exemption:

    1. For Tax type, select the type.

    2. For Certificate number, enter the number.

    3. For Percent exempt, enter the amount.

    4. For From, select the date the exemption starts.

      You can back date an exemption.

    5. For To, select the end date, or leave as never ends.

  4. To add a new exemption, click the plus icon.


    You can edit an existing exemption. To delete an exemption, click the minus icon.