Oracle® Communications Billing Care

Release Notes

Release 7.5


December 2019

This document describes new features and known problems (including any workarounds) for Oracle Communications Billing Care 7.5 Patch Set 17 through Billing Care 7.5 Patch Set 23.

New Features in Billing Care 7.5 Patch Set 23

Billing Care 7.5 Patch Set 23 includes the following enhancements:

SDK Enhancements for Customizing Billing Care

You can now use the Billing Care SDK and OPSS policies to perform the following in Billing Care:

  • Customize reason codes displayed for event adjustments.

  • Limit the adjustment percentage entered by customer service representatives (CSRs) for event adjustments.

  • Disable the event adjustment options based on user roles.

  • Restrict debit and credit adjustment options for event adjustments.

  • Make the Notes field mandatory for additional product purchase and event adjustments.

  • Display only event adjustments in the Bills section for performing adjustments.

  • Restrict the purchase of additional bundles based on user roles.

  • Restrict the validity or end date set by the CSRs while purchasing additional products or services.

  • Set the maximum adjustment limit based on the currency resources used for event adjustments.

  • Filter the bundles available for purchase.

  • Filter start and end dates for additional purchase.

  • Disable the Charges not related to services link and the link to child accounts in the Bills tab, My Charges area, and Payment Details dialog box.

  • Hide bill units and the service icon displayed in Assets card and disable Actions menu.

  • Customize the Bills Graph and Balances sections that display in the center section of the Home tab.

  • Separate the amount and percentage fields in the Event Adjustment dialog box.

For more information, see Billing Care SDK Guide.

View Bills Generated Before Moving the Account to a Hierarchy

In previous releases, when an account was moved to a hierarchy as a child account, the bills generated for the account earlier were not displayed in the bills list.

With this enhancement, you can view the bills that are generated before and after moving the account to a hierarchy in the account's Bills > Switch Bills menu. For more information, see the discussion about switch bills in the Billing Care Online Help.

Support for Account Number and Bill Number in Billing Care Embeddable URLs

In the previous releases, only account ID and bill ID were supported in the Billing care embeddable URLs.

With this enhancement, you can also use account number and bill number instead of the corresponding POIDs in Billing Care URLs that are embedded in external applications.

For more information, see the discussion about embedding billing care screens in Billing Care SDK Guide.

Embeddable URLs for Purchase Package and Purchase Bundle Screens

Billing Care supports embedding screens into CRM applications and online account management interfaces to directly access the Billing Care functionality.

With this enhancement, you can embed Purchase Package and Purchase Bundle screens into external applications.

For more information, see the discussion about embedding Billing Care screens in Billing Care SDK Guide.

Support for Backdated Account Creation and Product Purchase

Billing Care now allows you to backdate the account creation and product purchase. You can now enter or select an account creation date or a product purchase date that is earlier than the current date.

For more information on this enhancement, see the Billing Care Online Help.

Support for Enabling SSO using SAML

You can now use SAML to enable single-sign on (SSO) in Billing Care. SSO allows you to log in to applications using a single user name and password combination.

For more information, see the discussion about configuring SAML for SSO in Billing Care Installation Guide.

New Features in Billing Care 7.5 Patch Set 22

Billing Care 7.5 Patch Set 22 includes the following enhancement:

SDK for Customizing the Purchase Deal Configuration and Assets Action Menu

You can now customize the Purchase deal configuration, add custom fields, and customize the Assets area to display the custom fields by using the Billing Care SDK. For example, this SDK allows you hide notes, fields, and the purchase start date or end date in the Purchase Catalogue screen and view the newly added custom fields in the Assets area.

For more information on customizing Billing Care to customize purchase deal configuration and assets action menu, see Billing Care SDK Guide.

New Features in Billing Care 7.5 Patch Set 19

Billing Care 7.5 Patch Set 19 includes the following enhancements:

Enhanced Account Search Experience

In previous releases, the customer account search returned only a maximum of 50 results per page.

You can now enhance the account search experience by increasing or decreasing the number of search results to be returned per page.

By default, the account search returns only a maximum of 50 results per page. You can increase or decrease the maximum number of results to be returned per page by setting the accountsearch.limit entry in the custom version of your Configurations.xml file.


The account search limit value should be a non-zero positive number.

For more information on setting the accountsearch.limit entry, see Oracle Communications Billing Care SDK Guide.

Improved External User Search Performance

In previous releases, while searching for users (for example, users with permission to manage suspended payments), Billing Care retrieved all the users that were in the external directory at once and used it internally for the search. If there was a large number of users in the directory, the performance of the external user search was affected.

You can now improve the external user search performance by specifying the number of users to be retrieved per batch. When a user search is performed, Billing Care now retrieves only the specified number of users per batch internally. The default value is 500. You can change the number of users to be retrieved per batch by setting the users.batchsize entry in the custom version of your Configurations.xml file.

For more information on setting the users.batchsize entry, see Oracle Communications Billing Care SDK Guide.

Support for Testing Authorizations in the Billing Care Test Installation

In previous releases, you could not test authorizations in the Billing Care test installation because Oracle Entitlements Server (OES) was not used by the test installation.

You can now test authorizations in the Billing Care test installation without using OES. You can perform this by customizing the Billing Care test installation to enable authorization without OES.

For more information on customizing the Billing Care test installation by using the Billing Care SDK, see Oracle Communications Billing Care SDK Guide.

Support for Viewing List of Child Accounts from the Parent Account

By default, Billing Care does not display the list of child accounts from the parent account. You can now customize Billing Care to display the list of child accounts in the Organization Hierarchy screen of the parent account by using the Billing Care SDK. This lets you view the list of child accounts and also navigate to the child accounts from the organization hierarchy of the parent account.

For more information on customizing Billing Care to display the list of child accounts from the parent account, see Oracle Communications Billing Care SDK Guide.

New Features in Billing Care 7.5 Patch Set 18

Billing Care 7.5 Patch Set 18 includes the following enhancement:

Support for Customizing Suspended Payment Search

You can now use custom search criteria to filter suspended payments. This enables you to customize the suspended payment search based on your business requirements.

You can use the Billing Care SDK to make the necessary customization for adding custom search criteria in Payment, Suspense, and Account groups.

For more information on configuring Billing Care to customize search filter for suspended payments, see Oracle Communications Billing Care SDK Guide.

New Features in Billing Care 7.5 Patch Set 17

Billing Care 7.5 Patch Set 17 includes the following enhancements:

For more information about these enhancements, see Oracle Communications Billing Care Online Help.

Billing on Demand

When viewing an account's bill unit, you can generate an immediate bill containing a subscriber's current bill-in-progress charges by using Bill Now.

Enhanced Search for Accounts by Service ID

When you search for an account by a particular service ID, the asset associated with that service ID is automatically displayed when you open the account from the search results.

Improved Subscriber Service, Bundle, Life Cycle, and Asset Management

You can now manage subscriber services, bundles, account status life cycles, and assets directly when viewing accounts in Billing Care. Use Billing Care to perform the following actions when viewing an account:

  • Purchase and configure services and bundles from the catalog

  • Deactivate and reactivate services

  • Cancel plans, deals, and products

  • Inactivate products and discounts

  • View detailed asset information

Improved User Experience

User experience enhancements in Billing Care include the following:

  • Support for 1024-pixel-width screens

  • Better Bill tab navigation

  • Improved account creation flow, including payment setup screen

  • Improved menu process for closing an account view

  • Readable service names in account view

  • Copy-and-paste and data export functionality for tables

  • Enhanced notes for payments originating from external sources

  • More information displayed:

    • Amount due for payment suspense accounts

    • Audit trail for reversed payments

    • Version number in the Help menu

    • Cycle dates for displayed charges and usage

Organization and Account Bill Unit Hierarchies

You can now assign accounts to an organization hierarchy to configure relationships among accounts and functional roles for accounts. Organization hierarchies enable you to create and view a relational and graphical structure among accounts managed in Billing Care.

Configure billing hierarchies to enable a parent account to assume financial responsibility for the bill units of one or more child accounts. When accounts are linked in a billing hierarchy, the parent account pays the child account's bill unit charges.

Support for Custom Service Life Cycle States

If Service Lifecycle Management (SLM) is enabled in your Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) system, you can now use the asset card action menu to transition services from one custom service life cycle state to another.

For more information, see the discussion about working with account assets in Oracle Communications Billing Care Online Help.

Support for Payment Distributions, Batches, and Refunds

You can now use Billing Care to perform the following payment operations:

  • Distribute single payments across multiple subscriber accounts

  • Post payments, including suspended payments, to one or more accounts

  • Upload and manage batch payment files from payment processors such as banks to update account balances in bulk transactions

  • Refund payments at the bill level

  • Use the Billing Care SDK to expose custom actions in the payment actions menu

Support for Selecting Custom Invoice Templates

You can now select custom invoice templates when creating or updating an account's financial information. This enables you to use different invoice templates for various business requirements. For example, select different templates for different customer segments or when creating rerated invoices.

You configure custom invoice templates in BRM and then use the Billing Care SDK to make the necessary customizations for including custom templates in the bill unit invoice drop-down list.

For more information on designing invoices, see Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management Designing and Generating Invoices.

For more information on configuring Billing Care to display custom invoice templates, see Oracle Communications Billing Care SDK Guide.

Known Problems

This section describes known problems in the current release.

Duplicate Login Request When Using Single Sign-On

When Single Sign-On (SSO) with Oracle Identity and Access Management Lifecycle Management is implemented for your Billing Care environment, users are redirected to the Billing Care login screen after authenticating in the SSO login screen.

Workaround: On each OES Client domain where Billing Care is deployed:

  1. Comment out the <variable-definition> and <module-override> entries in the Middleware_home/setup/Plan.xml file as shown below, where Middleware_home is the WebLogic home directory on the OES Client domain host of the user who installed Billing Care.

    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <deployment-plan xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" global-variables="false">
            <module-descriptor external="true">
        </module-override> -->
  2. Restart the domain.

Firefox and Internet Explorer Fail to Connect Securely to Billing Care

The Plan.xml file deployed by the Billing Care Oracle Universal Installer enables mandatory use of an SSL-enabled port when connecting with all browsers. Firefox and Internet Explorer may fail to connect to Billing Care, producing a secure connection failure error.

Workaround: For Firefox, no workaround exists. For Internet Explorer, start a Command Prompt session with administrative rights, and run the following command before launching Internet Explorer:

certutil -setreg chain\EnableWeakSignatureFlags 8

Issue with the "Payment Applied" Link from Child Accounts

If an allocation is done from parent account to child account, the Payment Applied link in the Bills section does not work from the child account.

Workaround: Access the payment allocation details from the child account as follows:

  • In the News Feed.

  • In the Bills chart, by clicking the indicator for the bill that received the payment allocation.

  • In the payment allocation flow, by clicking the Payment details link in the Allocate Payment dialog box.

  • Through the parent account.

Balance after Event Adjustment with Tax Is Incorrect

When the usage event rated through Oracle Communications Elastic Charging Engine (ECE) is adjusted, including the tax, the tax amount is not considered in the adjustment.

Workaround: Not available.

Cannot Resolve an Event Dispute through the Bill Dispute Settlement Dialog Box

Billing Care supports settling bill-level disputes created in Billing Care only. Billing Care cannot resolve disputes of any level created in Customer Center and instead displays a message.

Workaround: Use Customer Center to create and settle item- and event-level disputes for any bill that has a dispute created in Customer Center.

Cannot Perform A/R Actions on /item/cycle_tax Charges

When a bill contains /item/cycle_tax charges, Billing Care enables options to perform adjustment allocations, item adjustments, or event adjustments. If the actions are attempted, however, an error message is displayed.

Workaround: Not available.

Issues Related to "Recently Opened" List in "Account Search" Dialog Box

The Recently Opened list for one CSR is visible to other CSRs that use the same browser on the same computer.


  • Clear the browser cache before allowing another user to access the browser.

Documentation Availability

Billing Care documentation is available from Oracle Help Center:

Oracle Communications Billing Care Java API Reference is included in the BRM Developer Documentation media available on the Oracle software delivery Web site:

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle Communications Billing Care Release Notes, Release 7.5


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