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Release 7.0.2

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2 Generic Line Listing

This chapter contains the following topics:


The appearance of the user interface that you see in the application may vary from the figures displayed in the subsequent sections.

Business Purpose

This report is a generic listing of cases with key Pharmacovigilance data elements.

Global Temporary Tables

Global Temporary Tables (GTTs) are the Oracle tables, having data type as private; such that data inserted by a session can be accessed by that session only.

The session-specific rows in a GTT can be preserved for the entire session, as AI report tables are created using ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS clause.

The report specific package pkg_rep_linelisting, populates the following report GTTs:

In this section, the following topic is covered:

Extending Global Temporary Tables

The steps to extend GTTs are as follows:

  1. Alter the GTT, to add a new column.

  2. Write population logic for the new column in User Exit package. For example, to populate case level table rep_case_tmp the following User Exit package - procedure can be used: pkg_rep_linelisting_user_exit.p_modify_case_tmp

  3. Modify the User Exit package to append case number with ABC, such as:

    PROCEDURE p_modify_case_tmp IS



    END p_modify_case_tmp;

    Note: Any DML statement or complex PL/SQL logic can be implemented in the User Exit packages.)

  4. Compile the User Exit package and run the report.

In the report, you will find case number prefixed with ABC.

Report Package Features

A package is a namespace that organizes a set of related classes and interfaces.

This section explains the different type of packages used in BIP report:

These packages are explained in the following sections.

Generic Package

BIP report has pkg_rep_generic as the generic package that will be used to create/modify all future BIP reports.

This package performs the following functions:

  • User Context is set, so that the user can view data only as per user data access rights.

  • Global table rep_case_detail_tmp is populated with cases after applying data security.

  • Log tables population logic is created within the generic package.

This package contains following procedures/functions:

Table 2-1 Generic Package - Procedures and Functions

S.No. Procedure/Function Name Parameter/ Argument Used Description



  • pi_enterprise_id: Enterprise ID

  • pi_user_name: Report User Name (the user who has logged in to BIP)

This procedure is used to set user context (for multi-tenancy) and data security variables. Using the package pkg_rls.set_context, user context will be set, by passing enterprise id, user name and application name to the package.



  • pi_querytype: Q - Query, A-Advance Condition, F - Filter, and C - Case Series

  • 2. pi_id: CASESERIES_ID/QUERY_ID/AC_ID/Filter_ID to get data for cases

This procedure populates case series in global table rep_case_detail_tmp, used in BIP reports.

For p_querytype = C, cases are inserted in global table rep_case_detail_tmp. from the table case_detail.

For p_querytype IN ('Q', 'F', 'A'), the global table rep_case_detail_tmp gets populated in the procedure p_caseseries_from_query.



  • pi_ora_err_desc: Oracle-defined error code and description

  • pi_table_name: Table/Module name

  • pi_description: User-defined descriptive error message

This procedure is used to log status of table population and SQL exceptions in table rep_execution_log.

Routine Call: PKG_REP_GENERIC.P_REP_EXECUTION_LOG (NULL, 'p_pop_case_tmp', 'Data population for table REP_CASE_TMP started.');

Before populating the table rep_case_tmp, this procedure logs a message that 'data population for table <rep_case_tmp> started'. After successful completion of the process, it logs a message that 'data population for table <rep_case_tmp> completed'.

Besides, in each population routine section in the SQL exceptions; this procedure is called to log SQL error messages.

See Also:

Populate Data for Generic Line Listing Report



  • pi_module_name: Identifier to various calling modules

  • pi_sql_text: Dynamic SQL created

This procedure logs dynamic SQL queries created in the generic package. The following SQL statements are logged in this package:

  1. Insert statements in the table rep_case_detail_tmp.

  2. Update study_unblind_ok, code_broken statement in the table rep_case_detail_tmp.

  3. Insert statements in the report log tables.

For example: pkg_rep_generic.p_rep_sql_log (pi_module_name, lvc_sql); --lvc_sql

Once report is executed, you can copy the query from column sql_text of the table rep_sql_log where all queries exist. Execute the desired query in the database.

Example Routine Call:

pkg_rep_generic.p_rep_sql_log ('p_caseseries_from_query', lclb_sql);


lclb_sql := 'INSERT INTO rep_case_detail_tmp (case_id) ' || lclb_rpt_sql;

Besides, lclb_rpt_sql > sql_for_report column value from the table cfg_adv_cond.



  • pi_module_name: Calling module name

  • pi_src_table: Source table name

  • pi_tgt_table: Target table name

This procedure maintains session data in the report log tables. It is called in the report specific package pkg_rep_linelisting.

For example: PKG_REP_GENERIC.P_KEEP_REPORT_DATA ('p_pop_case_tmp', 'REP_CASE_TMP', 'REP_CASE_LOG');

In the above example, if the profile switch KEEP_REPORT_DATA value is yes, then the table rep_case_log will be populated with the session data rep_case_tmp.

See Also:

Log Audit Tables, explained later in this chapter



  • pi_src_table: Source table name

  • pi_tgt_table: Target table name

  • pi_append_flag: Append hint

This internal function generates dynamic SQL to insert data from the report GTT into the report log tables. It also returns the generated SQL.

Example Routine Call:

pkg_rep_generic.f_get_insert_sql (pi_src_table, pi_tgt_table

The data from source table is inserted into the target table.



  • pi_ac_id: Query id to get SQLs for case detail and blinded security

  • pi_querytype: Q - Query, and F - Filter

This procedure inserts cases into the table rep_case_detail_tmp, when the Query/Case parameter is passed a value as Q/F:

  • For Query type - Q, the SQL query is fetched from the table cfg_adv_cond.

  • For Query type - F, the SQL query is fetched from the table filter_valuesets.

This procedure is called in the procedure p_pop_case_detail to populate cases for Query or Filters.



  • xdo_user_name: Report User Name (the user who has logged in the BIP)

  • pi_enterprise_id: Enterprise ID

  • pi_querytype: C - Case Series, Q - QBE, A - Advanced Condition, or F- Filter

This function populates the Case Series/Query/Advanced Condition/Filter Name as per the user access rights.

The parameter pi_id for Case/Query Name prompt, populates with the Case/Query/AC/Filter names based on the selected Enterprise ID.

And parameter pi_querytype for Case Series/Query prompt, populates as per the logged-in user.

Context Setting

The context settings for multi tenancy are described in this section.

The procedure p_set_user_context, sets enterprise, user name (username), and application name (app_name) context for Oracle Virtual Private Database policy (VPD).

See Also:

Oracle Technical Reference documents for more information on Oracle VPD.

Case Series Data Population

The cases in the table rep_case_detail_tmp are populated as follows:

  • For Case Series/Query Type - C: Cases from the table case_detail are populated.

  • For Case Series/Query Type - Q or A: Execute the SQL command on the column sql_for_report from the table cfg_adv_cond.

  • For Case Series/Query Type - F: Execute the SQL command on the column sql_for_report from the table cfg_adv_cond and also join another table filter_valuesets.

Line Listing Package

The BIP report has pkg_rep_linelisting as a Generic Line Listing Report specific package.In this package the report GTTs are populated.

See Also:

Global Temporary Tables

Generic Parameters

For generic parameters, it is mandatory to declare these parameters in the package that are used in the BIP report. Henceforth, if any new parameter is required to be included in the report then it (new parameter) must be declared in the report specific package.

See Also:

Report Parameters for more information about the parameter variables usage in data model.

The following report parameters are declared in the report package pkg_rep_linelisting:

Table 2-2 Report Parameters

S.No. Parameter Name Mandatory/ Optional Description


pi_enterprise_id: Enterprise ID


A user specific Enterprise ID is passed from BIP to the package, where enterprise id is fetched from the table cfg_user_enterprise_apps.


pi_querytype: Case Series or Query


A Case Series (C), Query/QBE (Q), Advanced Condition (A) or Filter (F) is passed from BIP based on the user selection.


pi_id: CASESERIES_ID/QUERY_ID/AC_ID/Filter_ID to get data for cases


A user specific case series id, query id or filter id is passed to the package based on the user selection. But in the report, Case series or Query Name is displayed for the enterprise id and query type selected.


pi_category_name: Category Name


This is an optional free text parameter, where a user can enter report category name.


pi_rpt_sub_title: Report Sub-heading


This is an optional free text parameter, where report sub-title is entered.


pi_rpt_title: Report Name


This is an optional free text parameter, where report name is entered.




A BIP login user name is passed to this parameter. This is BIP system parameter.

See Also:

BIP Technical Reference document.

Add New Parameter in Package

This section is explained with the help of an example. Let us say, you want to add a new parameter pi_case and restrict the data model based on the Case ID input. To do so, declare the new parameter in the package as shown below: Surrounding text describes image001.png.

See Also:

Add New Parameter in Data Model

Populate Data for Generic Line Listing Report

The list of routines/functions that are used to populate data for the Generic Line Listing Report is as follows:

Table 2-3 List of Routine/Function used for Generic Line Listing Report Data

S.No. Routine/Function Name Parameter Used Description







See Also:

Report Parameters

Generic Parameters

In this function, the following procedures are called in the same order as listed:

  1. To set user context call the procedure as: pkg_rep_generic.p_set_user_context (pi_enterprise_id, xdo_user_name);

  2. To populate the cases in GTT rep_case_detail_tmp after applying user security, call the routine as: pkg_rep_generic.p_pop_case_detail (pi_id,pi_querytype);

  3. p_pop_case_tmp - This routine is explained later in the table.

  4. p_pop_event_tmp - This routine is explained later in the table.

  5. p_pop_prod_dose_tmp - This routine is explained later in the table.

  6. p_pop_evt_assess_tmp - This routine is explained later in the table.



Not applicable

This Procedure populates data in the GTT rep_case_tmp. Before inserting data in the table rep_case_tmp, log table rep_execution_log is populated with the message as:

PKG_REP_GENERIC.P_REP_EXECUTION_LOG (NULL, 'p_pop_case_tmp', 'Data population for table REP_CASE_TMP started.');

See Also:

Generic Parameters

Once the processing is completed for all the rows in the table rep_case_tmp, log the completion details as:

PKG_REP_GENERIC.P_REP_EXECUTION_LOG (NULL, 'p_pop_case_tmp', 'Data population for table REP_CASE_TMP completed successfully. '|| SQL%ROWCOUNT || ' row(s) processed.')

Calling User Exit procedure:

You can write your own logic to update case data in the User Exit procedure PKG_REP_LINELISTING_USER_EXIT.P_MODIFY_CASE_TMP;

Any exception/errors while populating the table rep_case_tmp are handled in WHEN OTHERS exception as:

pkg_rep_generic.p_rep_execution_log (SUBSTR (SQLERRM, 1, 300), 'p_pop_case_tmp', 'Error during data population for table REP_CASE_TMP.')



Not applicable

This procedure populates data in the GTT rep_event_tmp.

Before inserting data in the table rep_event_tmp, log table rep_execution_log is populated with the message as:

PKG_REP_GENERIC.P_REP_EXECUTION_LOG (NULL, 'p_pop_event_tmp', 'Data population for table REP_EVENT_TMP started.');

See Also:

Generic Parameters

Once the processing is completed for all the rows in the table rep_event_tmp, log the completion details as:

PKG_REP_GENERIC.P_REP_EXECUTION_LOG (NULL, 'p_pop_event_tmp', 'Data population for table REP_EVENT_TMP completed successfully. ' || SQL%ROWCOUNT || ' row(s) processed.');

Calling User Exit procedure:

You can write your own logic to update the event data in the User Exit procedure:


Any exception/errors while populating the table rep_event_tmp are handled in WHEN OTHERS exception as

pkg_rep_generic.p_rep_execution_log (SUBSTR (SQLERRM, 1, 300), 'p_pop_event_tmp', 'Error during data population for table REP_EVENT_TMP.')



Not applicable

This procedure populates data in the GTT rep_prod_dose_tmp.

Before inserting data in the table rep_prod_dose_tmp, log table rep_execution_log is populated with the message as: PKG_REP_GENERIC.P_REP_EXECUTION_LOG (NULL, 'p_pop_prod_dose_tmp', 'Data population for table REP_PROD_DOSE_TMP started.');

See Also:

Generic Parameters

Once the processing is completed for all the rows in the table rep_prod_dose_tmp, log the completion details as:

PKG_REP_GENERIC.P_REP_EXECUTION_LOG (NULL, 'p_pop_prod_dose_tmp', 'Data population for table REP_PROD_DOSE_TMP completed successfully. ' || SQL%ROWCOUNT || ' row(s) processed.');

Calling User Exit procedure:

You can write your own logic to update the product related data in the User Exit procedure:


Any exception/errors while populating the table rep_prod_dose_tmp are handled in WHEN OTHERS exception as:

pkg_rep_generic.p_rep_execution_log (SUBSTR (SQLERRM, 1, 300), 'p_pop_prod_dose_tmp', 'Error during data population for table REP_PROD_DOSE_TMP.')



Not applicable

This procedure populates data in the GTT rep_evt_assess_tmp.

Before inserting data in the table rep_evt_assess_tmp, log table rep_execution_log is populated with the message as:

PKG_REP_GENERIC.P_REP_EXECUTION_LOG (NULL, 'p_pop_evt_assess_tmp', 'Data population for table REP_EVT_ASSESS_TMP started.');

See Also:

Generic Parameters

Once the processing is completed for all the rows in the table rep_evt_assess_tmp, log the completion details as:

PKG_REP_GENERIC.P_REP_EXECUTION_LOG (NULL, 'p_pop_evt_assess_tmp', 'Data population for table REP_EVT_ASSESS_TMP completed successfully. ' || SQL%ROWCOUNT || ' row(s) processed.');

Calling User Exit procedure:

You can write your own logic to update the event assessment data in the User Exit procedure: PKG_REP_LINELISTING_USER_EXIT.P_MODIFY_EVT_ASSESS_TMP;

Any exception/errors while populating the table rep_evt_assess_tmp are handled in WHEN OTHERS exception as:

pkg_rep_generic.p_rep_execution_log (SUBSTR (SQLERRM, 1, 300), 'p_pop_evt_assess_tmp', 'Error during data population for table REP_EVT_ASSESS_TMP.');

Any error exception in the function f_pop_report_data, is handled with message as:

pkg_rep_generic.p_rep_execution_log (SUBSTR (SQLERRM, 1, 300), 'f_pop_report_data', 'Error during execution of f_pop_report_data for ENTERPRISE ID - ' || pi_enterprise_id || ', USER NAME - ' || xdo_user_name || '.')

Log (Audit) Table

The log tables are divided into three categories as follows:

  • Session Details - There are four report log tables to hold the session data, namely:

    • rep_case_log

    • rep_prod_dose_log

    • rep_event_log

    • rep_evt_assess_log

    These tables are populated only if the BIP profile switch KEEP_REPORT_DATA is 'Y' that is, populate the report log tables. By default it is set as 'N' that is, do not populate the report log tables. This is an enterprise specific switch.

    The profile switch are available in the Argus Insight List Maintenance section, where you can set it to 'Y' or 'N'.

    See Also:

    Admin Guide > <section - TBD> for the profile switch information.

    The procedure p_keep_report_data, in generic package is used to populate data for the Report Log tables.

    See Also:

    Generic Package

  • Process Details - The log table rep_execution_log, records the entire report table process details. At each temporary table population procedures the log table will be populated. In all exceptions, this log table is populated with Oracle SQL errors.

    See Also:

    Generic Package

  • Dynamic SQL Details - The log table rep_sql_log, is populated with the dynamic SQLs generated in the generic package, only if the database profile switch LOG_REPORT_SQL value is '1' that is, yes. This is a global switch to identify, if report SQL is to be logged or not. The default value of this switch is '0' that is, no.

    This database switch is not available in the Argus Insight UI List maintenance section. It is required to be set in the database only.

    See Also:

User Exits

A User Exit is a package, which provides a way to pass control from reports specific package to a User Exit package that performs some function (more appropriately data manipulation function), and then return control to main report specific package.

User Exit is used for data manipulations that need extended procedural capabilities.

In section Populate Data for Generic Line Listing Report, under each report table population, corresponding User Exit tables are mentioned.

See Also:

Lexical Parameters

A Lexical Parameter is a placeholder column containing the actual text to be used in a query. At runtime report query can be modified using lexical parameters.

Modify the Report Package specification to add Lexical Parameters as shown below:

Surrounding text describes image002.png.

In the above figure, two Lexical Parameters pi_orderby and gl_orderby are added to the Report Package.

pi_orderby is the parameter in the Data Model based on the value selected in this parameter, the parameter gl_orderby will be selected.

Now, add code in the Report Package body that is, in the function f_pop_report_data, the parameter pi_orderby is included as shown below:

Surrounding text describes image003.png.

Once the package is compiled without any errors, refer to section Add Lexical Parameter in Data Model, to add the lexical parameters in the BIP.

Data Model

In Argus Insight Generic Line Listing Report, there are five data sets, where G_Case is the master data set from which case_id column is linked to all other data sets, such as G_Prod, G_Event and G_Assess. So, for each case_id all the child data values will be fetched. Surrounding text describes image004.png.

Example 2-1 Generating sample XML Data Structure with our Data Model

<SOC>Infections and infestations</SOC>
<SOC>Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders</SOC>

This section also explains the following topics:

See Also:

Oracle Fusion Middleware - Report Designer Guide > Chapter 9

Data Sets

This section contains the information of the following actions:

Add New Column in Existing Data Set

The steps to add a new column in a data set are as follows:

  1. Click on the data set in which you need to add a column and edit using icons below Diagram tab.

  2. Let us edit data set G_Assess. Click on G_Assess and edit the Data Set as shown below: Surrounding text describes image005.png.

  3. In the SQL Query, add any column from the available tables and click Query Builder. For example, re.onset_ve EA_onset. Once query is built successfully, the column is added to the data set G_Assess. Surrounding text describes image006.png.

Add New Data Set

The steps to add a new data set are as follows:

  1. Click on New Data Set icon and select SQL Query as shown below: Surrounding text describes image007.png.

  2. Write a valid SQL statement to fetch values from the report GTTs. Enter a data set name, such as G_NewDS and select proper Data Source from the list box. Click OK. Surrounding text describes image008.png.

  3. You can see that new data set G_NewDS is created. Surrounding text describes image009.png.

  4. Save the new Data Model and verify that new data set and columns are available in the data model. Click Structure tab to give proper business names for the newly added columns. You can see new data set G_NEWDS is available. Modify the business name to G_MyDS. Surrounding text describes image010.png.

Report Parameters

Report parameters are used to specify the data to use in a report, connect related reports together, and vary report presentation.

The following report parameters are used in BIP:


All the below mentioned parameters, which are used in the report data model must be declared in the report specific package.

If any of the parameters are not declared in the package, those parameters cannot be used in the data model.

Table 2-4 Report Parameters

S.No. Parameter Name Label/ Display Name Parameter Type Data Type Description



Enterprise ID

Drop-down list


This prompt lists the Enterprise ID of all the enterprises as per your login credentials (that is, to which logged in user belongs). You are required to select an enterprise for which you want to run the report.

For the menu type, parameter list of values object needs to be selected.

The List of Value Select Enterprise is selected for this parameter.

In the list of values any valid SQL query can be provided. In this parameter Enterprise ID is listed.



Case Series or Query

Fixed drop-down list


Generic Line Listing Report can be run on a Case Series, QBE, Advanced Condition or Filter. This is a drop-down (single select) list that allows user to select one of these type on which you want to run the report. The default value selected for this parameter is Case Series.



Case Series/Query Name

Drop-down list


An Enterprise ID is passed to get the correct Case Series/QBE/Advanced Condition/Filter names as per the login credentials.

Case series, QBE, Advanced Condition or Filter name will be listed based on the Case Series or Query parameter selected by you.

You will be allowed to select any one option from the drop-down list. In the report, Case Series or Query name is shown in the drop-down list, but Case Series ID or Query/Filter ID will be passed to the database packages.



Category Name

User Input


This is optional text prompt where you can enter the name of report category (or BIP folder where report is saved). This will be printed in report header box of Cover Page section.



Report Name

User Input


This is an optional text prompt where you can enter a report title. This will be printed on each page of the report.



Report Sub-Heading

User Input


This is an optional text prompt where you can enter report sub-heading. This will be printed on each page of the report.

See Also:

Report Mapping Specification Document > 2.1.6. Report Prompts

This section also contains information on the following actions:

Add New Parameter in Data Model

The steps to add new parameter in the data model are as follows:

  1. Include the parameter in the data set. For example, you want to see data for a Case ID. Add where condition with a parameter pi_case in the data set G_NEWDS. Surrounding text describes image011.png.

  2. Click Query Builder and new parameter is created. Click OK to confirm. Surrounding text describes image012.png.

  3. The parameter pi_case is now available in the parameter section of the Data Model. Surrounding text describes image013.png.

  4. Add the display label for the new added parameter, which will be shown at the time of report execution.

    Surrounding text describes image014.png.
  5. Declare the parameter pi_case in the Generic Report Line Listing Package pkg_rep_linelisting. It is mandatory to declare the parameter in the report package. If the parameter is not declared, the report will not execute. Execute the report and you will be able to search data based on the newly added parameter Case ID.

    See Also:

    Add New Parameter in Package

    Surrounding text describes image015.png.
  6. If the parameter is not declared in the package, the error message Component PI_CASE must be declared as shown in the enterprise manager bipublisher logs displays as shown below: Surrounding text describes image016.png.

  7. Once the parameter pi_case is declared in the package, the report is executed successfully. Surrounding text describes image017.png.

Event Triggers

The steps to view event triggers are as follows:

  1. In BIP report, there are three different types of event trigger: Before Data, After Data and Schedule.

    Surrounding text describes image018.png.
  2. In the Event Triggers, for the Generic Line Listing Report you will create Before Data trigger, which will set the user context before populating all the reporting GTTs. The function called in the Event Trigger as shown in the above picture is:


  3. In case, you want to delete some customized tables after data is generated, you can create Event Trigger of type After Data and call package with delete statements.

    See Also:

    Report Designer's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher

Add Lexical Parameter in Data Model

The steps to add lexical parameter in the data model are as follows:

  1. Edit the data set G_Case. Add Lexical Parameter &gl_orderby, as declared in the package.

    See Also:

    Lexical Parameters

    Surrounding text describes image019.png.
  2. When Lexical Parameters are added for the first time in the Data Model, BIP will ask for lexical references in SQL that is, Default Value for the Lexical Parameter.

    Surrounding text describes image020.png.
  3. Create a List of Values, Order By as shown below: Surrounding text describes image021.png.

  4. Create the parameter pi_orderby in the Data Model and assign the LOV-OrderBy as shown below: Surrounding text describes image022.png.

  5. View the Report by selecting the parameter OrderBy. Surrounding text describes image023.png.

  6. Execute the Report and verify that data is in order by Case ID as per the selected option. You can find that the XML value of pi_orderby is '2'. In the package pi_orderby value '2' means Order By case_id.

    See Also:

    Lexical Parameters

    Surrounding text describes image024.png.
  7. Check the case data for the order of cases by case_id: 10031420 and 10031421 in figure shown below: Surrounding text describes image025.png.

  8. Now, select the Order By case_num option in the Data Model. Surrounding text describes image026.png.

  9. Verify the case data for order of cases by case_num: 10031420 and 10031424, in the figure shown below: Surrounding text describes image027.png.

BIP Report Templates

This section explains the types of report template used in BIP Report as follows:

To view Event Assessment Data in the reports, you should create Event Assessment as a separate block in both Layout Editor and Rich Text File (RTF) template; Product and Event details should be fetched from the Event Assessment Level only to see Event Assessment Data.

This section also explains:

Layout Editor

The steps to edit/modify an existing report layout are as follows:

  1. Create a Repeating section as shown below:

    Surrounding text describes image028.png.
  2. Select a valid Group Name that is, Element from the element drop-down list. Surrounding text describes image029.png.

  3. A Repeating section is created, as shown below:

    Surrounding text describes image030.png.
  4. Add columns in the Repeating section. For example, click Case Number and drag it to the Report Layout section. Surrounding text describes image031.png.

  5. Drag Case Level columns only in the above Repeating section. Columns from other groups, such as Product or Event should not be included here. Surrounding text describes image032.png.

  6. Add a child Repeating section for the Product.

    Surrounding text describes image033.png.
  7. In the Repeating section, you can add Layout Grid with as many required columns as you want to include in the report. Surrounding text describes image034.png.

  8. Add Repeating section for child group Event Assessment. Once added, save the report and click Return. Surrounding text describes image035.png.

  9. The Report is displayed as shown below:

    Surrounding text describes image036.png.
  10. Click View a list to select Default Format, Default Report and etc. Surrounding text describes image037.png.

  11. To add more columns in a Repeating section, go to Data Source panel and select the required column from the appropriate group. Drag the selected column into the Repeating section.

    Surrounding text describes image038.png.
  12. The column Event Causality is added in the Event Assessment section. Surrounding text describes image039.png.

  13. To execute the report, click Report Link or Open the report. The following screen displays: Surrounding text describes image040.png.

  14. Enter the appropriate parameters.

    Surrounding text describes image041.png.
  15. Select a report output type, like PDF. Surrounding text describes image042.png.

  16. The report is generated in PDF format.

    Surrounding text describes image043.png.

Rich Text File Template

The RTF template has a main template and one sub-template. You can use the sub-template in any future reports.

  • Sub-template: The sub-template cover page details are as shown below: Surrounding text describes image044.png.

    The sub-template is divided into three categories:

    • Template- Header: It contains Company Logo, Report Run Date, Report Category, Report Title, and Report Sub-heading.

    • Template- CovPG: It contains Report Prompts, Start ETL Time, Case Count, Query/Case Criteria and Name.

    • Template- Footer: It contains Login User, Confidentiality and Page Number.

  • Main Template: In this template the report columns are created in different tables for different groups. Besides, sub-template should be called in the Main Template as shown below: Surrounding text describes image073.jpg.

Add New Column in RTF

The steps to add new column in RTF are as follows:

  1. Remove any existing column from the specific group, like Product or Event and add a new column from the same group. Or, reduce the width of the column to add a new column without removing an existing column.

  2. To view Event Assessment values, Product and Event information should be fetched from the Event Assessment Level only. You should not compare Event Assessment Data with Product and Event level columns given in the Default Report template.

  3. Click Edit in the RTF template report and save the RTF template at your local machine. Surrounding text describes image045.png.

  4. Click Open to display the RTF template document. Double-click on any existing column of BI Publisher. The BI Publisher Properties displays. Enter any valid XML tag for BI Publisher columns.

    See Also:

    Add New Data Set for XML tags available under the Data Sets Structure tab.

    Surrounding text describes image046.png.
  5. Modify the column Country to display Patient Random Number column and save the RTF. Surrounding text describes image047.png.

  6. Upload RTF to the report. Click Add New Layout option as shown below: Surrounding text describes image048.png.

  7. Click Upload. Surrounding text describes image049.png.

  8. Select the new RTF template. Surrounding text describes image050.png.

  9. Once uploaded, you can find two layouts in Thumbnail format as shown below:

    Surrounding text describes image051.png.
  10. Click View a list option to select Default Report and Output Format options. Once you have saved the changes, click on view report option to execute the report. Surrounding text describes image052.png.

  11. You can find both the Layouts and can view any Report Template Output by selecting the appropriate tab. After passing correct parameters click Apply. Surrounding text describes image053.png.

See Also:

Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher Technical Reference Manual > Report Designer's Guide > Oracle Fusion >Creating an RTF template section.

BI Publisher Logs

While running BIP report, by passing incorrect/invalid parameters, sometimes you may get the following error messages:

Surrounding text describes image054.png.


Surrounding text describes image055.png.

Verify the bi-publisher logs from the Enterprise Manager.

You can verify the AI log tables or login to enterprise manager to check the BIP server logs.

See Also:

Log (Audit) Table

The steps to check BIP server logs are as follows:

  1. Login to Enterprise Manager.

  2. Click Applications > BI Publisher.

  3. Click Clustered Application Deployment > Logs and View Log messages as shown below: Surrounding text describes image056.png.

  4. Select the Date Range or Message Type and click Search. The Bi-publisher logs displays as the search result. Surrounding text describes image057.jpg.

BIP Reporting Tips

This section contains information on BIP Reporting Tips as follows:

Extend Current Report Model

This section contains information on how to extend our existing report model using the following actions:

Add Column in Global Temporary Tables

The GTTs are created in the MART database.

To add new column in a GTT, login to the Mart schema and add a new column CUSTOM in the GTT rep_case_tmp as shown below: Surrounding text describes image058.png.

Populate New Column in User Exit Package

You can populate the column CUSTOM in User Exit package by modifying the package to include your DML statements and compile the package as shown below:

Surrounding text describes image059.png.

Add New Column in Data Set

The steps to add a new column in the data set are as follows:

  1. Edit the existing Data Model and save the new Data Model with appropriate name, such as LL_NEW_CUSTOM1_COL. Surrounding text describes image060.png.

  2. Edit the data set G_Case, include the new column and save the Data Model. The column CUSTOM is added to the data set as shown below: Surrounding text describes image061.png.

  3. Click Get XML Output to view the XML output of the new data model. Surrounding text describes image062.png.

  4. In the above generated XML output, verify the column CUSTOM that is populated with the value as per the logic written in the User Exit package. Surrounding text describes image063.png.

Add New Column in Layout Report

The steps to add a new column in the Layout Report are as follows:

  1. Edit the existing Layout Report and save as LL_NEW_CUSTOM_LE. Check that new data model is selected for the new Layout Report. Surrounding text describes image064.png.

  2. Select the Data Model LL_CUSTOM1_COL Surrounding text describes image065.png.

  3. At the top-left corner, you can see the new data model as selected for the Layout Report.

    Surrounding text describes image066.png.
  4. Save the Layout Report as LL_NEW_CUSTOM_LE. Surrounding text describes image067.png.

  5. In the Data Source panel you can view the column CUSTOM.

    Surrounding text describes image068.png.
  6. Drag the column and include in the Case Repeating section only. Save the Layout Report. Click Return and then click View Report. Surrounding text describes image069.png.

  7. Enter the appropriate values to the Report Parameters and click Apply. Surrounding text describes image070.png.

  8. Check that the report is executed successfully with CUSTOM value populated as per the logic.

    Surrounding text describes image071.png.
  9. You can see that the column CUSTOM is populated.

    Surrounding text describes image072.png.