The Application Instances section allows you to configure the applications and connect them with the sources you configured in the Sources section. The options vary, depending on whether the application supports SmartHelp only, SmartHelp and Help Integration, or help integration only. See Implement In-Application Support for a list of applications.


In the Type list, there are two non-specific application options listed: Browser Application and Custom Application. A browser application is exactly that - an application that runs in a browser window. This type of application is only enabled for SmartHelp. A custom application is one that you have created using the SDK. It may be available for either or both SmartHelp and Help Integration.

Options for SmartHelp-Enabled Applications

Options for Applications that Support Help Integration

These options allow you to configure a gateway page that launches when a user clicks the Help link. You can also configure the gateway page to give the user access to additional resources, such as the original help for the target application, additional Player packages, or a URL to another web site.

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