This report allows a training manager to see which users and workgroups have access to specific knowledge paths. It displays information regarding the individual knowledge paths that are on the server. At a workgroup level, the report can consist of information for the knowledge paths available in a particular category or all categories. The report also lists the knowledge path properties (category, active, self-enroll status). Users and/or user groups can also be included in the report as desired. When users and/or user groups are included in the report, it displays a list of the users and user groups assigned to particular knowledge paths.

The options for this report are described below.

Knowledge Paths are listed in the report by category. The information that can appear in this report is described below. Depending upon the options selected before generating the report, some columns may not appear.


This column displays the category assigned to each knowledge path.

Knowledge Path Name

This column displays the knowledge path name.


This column indicates whether or not the knowledge path is active. The knowledge path status is controlled in the Knowledge Path Properties pane in Manager.

Allow Self Enroll

This column indicates whether or not users can self-enroll in the knowledge path. The self-enrollment property is controlled in the Knowledge Path Properties pane in Manager. To allow self-enrollment at a knowledge path level, self-enrollment must be enabled at the workgroup level.

User Groups

This column displays all user groups enrolled in the knowledge path.


This column displays all users (with last name, first name, username) enrolled in the knowledge path.

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