When a user plays a topic in Know It? mode, the Introduction frame displays the score that is needed to pass the topic. At the end of a Know It? topic, a frame appears displaying the user's final score and if the user passed the topic assessment.

You can prevent the user from seeing either the score needed at the beginning of the topic or the final score frame at the end of the topic by editing the config.xml file at the root of the skin. To suppress the score needed information at the beginning of the topic and the final score frame at the end of the topic, edit the value of the ShowScoreNeeded variable to “false”.

Another option is to display the score needed at the beginning of the topic, but suppress the scoring screen that appears at the end of the topic. To use this option, leave the ShowScoreNeeded variable as “true” and change the value of the trackFeedBack variable to “false”.

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