When a Player package content is started in the Player for the first time, the Table of Contents is collapsed so only Modules and Sections without children display. You can configure the Player to open with the Table of Contents expanded by placing the following code in the config.js file located at the root of the Player Package.


var TreeConfig = {

AutoExpandLimit: 100,

SearchResultLimit: 200,


      // DefaultExpandLevel will load the TOC tree with the selected number of levels expanded. The standard value is 1. You may specify any number of levels, but increasing the number may impact performance exponentially. So if you have a large outline, keep the number as small as possible!

DefaultExpandLevel: 1 | 2 | 3 | etc.



var PlayerConfig = {

BaseUrl: "",

TestItMode: false,


Warning! Setting this configuration for large outlines could affect performance of the Player.

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