The following cookies are stored in your browser when viewing content through the Player.   

Note: These cookies will expire after 1 year unless otherwise noted. If cookies are disabled in the browser, these preferences will not persist past the browser session. All cookie values are stored as plain text.

Stores the Player table of contents last window location.

Example: OnDemandToc = TocLeft:690&, TocTop:229&,TocWidth:590&,TocHeight:722&,Separator:242;

Stores the user editable Player preferences.

Example: OnDemandPlayer = TimeStamp:20091001539&, PlayAudio:all&, ShowLeadIn:all&, MarqueeColor:blue&, DoIt_HotKey_Ctrl:L&, DoIt_HotKey_Shift:N&,  DoIt_HotKey_Alt:L&,DefaultPlayMode:T&;

Stores the Do It! mode last window location.

Example: GICookie = Cleft:1206&, Ctop:242&, Cwidth:340&, 493&, Csss:1&, Cs2:215

Stores the Role-based filtering preferences.

Example: OnDemandPlayerRoles = Filtering:true&, Roles:abc+pdq+xxx;


Stores the last item in the Player outline the user was viewing. This is only set when not running under an LMS.

Retention: 30 days 

Example: Bookmark_v3yCrNVpMN5Ip7AmY+bCxVDyHOc=Location:5    



Determines if the LMS connection status bar should be shown.

Example: PlayerStatusBarState = PlayerStatusBarOpen:true



Display debug information on the gateway page.     

Example: HemiCookie=hemiparamtest:1; 


Possible values: 0 or 1 

0 – do not show debug information
1 – show debug information



Persists whether to suppress the browser DPI warning message. 


Retention: 1 day

Example: UPKDpiDailyWarning=DPIdailyWarning:1;   



Cookie used to check if cookies are enabled in the browser. 


Example: chkcookie=1288639798984 

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