Questions may appear in the subject outline, either within sections in the outline or grouped together in an assessment. Questions in the outline serve as a review of the subject content. They can be in the form of true/false; multiple-choice (single answer); multiple-choice (many answer); hotspot; matching; and fill-in. Questions can also be of a custom type, that may be in the form of a Adobe Flash file, HTML page, or another format created in another application. Assessments may also contain Know It? questions, which launch the Know It? play mode for specific topics in the assessment. See Answer Know It? Questions in the Assessments section for more information about Know It? questions.

If you are working in Sequenced mode, without the Outline pane displayed, a Question box opens when you move to a question in the subject. If you are working with the Outline pane displayed, in Sequenced or Explorer mode, you can click a question icon to display a question for a particular section.


The question icons indicate whether the question was answered correctly or incorrectly. A green checkmark indicates that you answered the question correctly, while a red X means an incorrect answer.


After submitting an answer, you may see remediation information. Depending upon the setup, the remediation may simply indicate if an answer was correct or incorrect, or it may include detailed information that fully explains why the correct answer is correct.

ProcedureTo answer a question:

  1. Navigate to the question in the outline.
  2. Depending on the question type, click the answer or answers, match the items in the list, click the hotspot, or type the answer.
  3. Click OK.
    Remediation may appear to indicate whether your answer was correct or incorrect and may display why it is correct or incorrect. There may also be a Show Associated Content link, allowing you to view more content related to the question.
    Note: If you clicked Do Not Know, your answer is incorrect.
  4. Click Next to move to the next item in the outline or click Take question again to reset the question (clearing the answer and remediation) so you can try it again.

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