Most broken links (links to a document in the Library such as module and section documents, topics, questions, assessments, package files, or web pages) are automatically detected and removed during publishing from any Player or document format. However, links to external content such as URL links or graphic links to external files cannot be verified at time of publishing. If these links are broken, they may appear in published content.

In online formats such as the Player, the browser handles a missing URL or graphic file with a standard "content not found" message. In document formats, the Developer includes the bad URL in the document and let Microsoft Word display the standard "content not found" message when the author launches the link.

If attachment icon links are broken (but the attachment itself exists), the Developer inserts a stock graphic icon so the online users have something to click, rather than displaying a broken image link.

Note: Although broken links are removed in publishing, the source content is unaffected and still has broken links that should be fixed.

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