Each report provides a listing of summary statistics on the use of your content. After running a report, you might want to view the detailed data behind the statistics.

Selecting Details Details next to a report row displays the Selected details page with a table of all of the records that were used to produce the summary statistics. Details are available on a per-record basis and show the raw data from each time a content item was launched. Each record is an attempt and is reported on its own row. By default, the records of 50 attempts are listed per page, but you can change this value. You can expand an attempt row to view the session information. In turn, you can expand a session row to view the playmode information, if applicable. The Selected details view is sorted by date, and can be sorted in ascending or descending order.

Regardless of the report, the Selected details page always shows the same set of data for each attempt, session and play mode as shown in the following list. You can also select the Include Document ID option to add that column to the report.

Note: You can print the Selected details pages using the print function in your browser, but each screen page must be printed separately. A screen page might print on several physical pages. In general, it is recommended that you print report pages using landscape page orientation. You cannot modify report details.

ProcedureTo view report details:

  1. Run a report.
  2. Click Details Details at the end of the summary row whose details you want to view.
  3. To change the sort order, click the Sort by date field and select the desired sort order.
  4. To change the number of records on a page, select the text in the Records per page field and type a number.
  5. Select the Include Document ID option if you want to add the Document Id column to the report.
  6. Click OK to apply the changes.
  7. To control the display of the Document ID, select or deselect the Include Document ID option.
  8. If there are more records than can be displayed on one page, use the Previous page and Next page links to scroll through the detail pages.
  9. Click the Return to report link to redisplay the report.

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