The Find and Replace command on the Edit menu searches and replaces text on a Library-wide basis. The Web Page Editor has two tools, Find in this Web Page and Replace in this Web Page that allow you to locate and replace text in the current web page only.


Note: To replace formatting, see Replace Fonts and Styles under Use Content Tools in the Build an Outline chapter.


Since Find and Replace have similar functions, they are contained on two tabs in the same dialog box. They both have these fields:

The Find tab also contains the following field: 

The Replace tab also contains the following fields:

ProcedureTo find text:

  1. From the Web Page Editor - Tools toolbar, choose Find in this Web Page Find in this Web Page.
  2. Type the text you want to find in the Find what field.
  3. Select the desired Find Options.
  4. Click Find.
    The first occurrence of the text is highlighted. If the text cannot be found, a message box opens informing you that the text was not found in the selected content. Click OK to close the message box.
  5. Click Find as needed to search for additional occurrences of the text.
  6. When you are done finding text, click Cancel.

ProcedureTo find and replace text:

  1. From the Web Page Editor - Tools toolbar, choose Replace in this Web Page Replace in this Web Page.
  2. Type the text you want to find in the Find what field.
  3. Type the replacement text in the Replace with field.
  4. Select the desired Find Options.
  5. Click Replace.
    The first occurrence of the text is highlighted. If the text cannot be found, a message box opens informing you that the text was not found in the selected content. Click OK to close the message box.
  6. Click Replace to replace the first occurrence with the replacement text.
  7. Click Replace as needed to replace the next occurrence of the text.
    Click Replace All to replace all occurrences with the replacement text.
  8. When you are done replacing text, click Cancel.

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