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Understanding Training Plans

A training plan identifies the training that learners are expected to complete over a stated period of time. Each training plan pertains to a single company or learning environment and can be designed to meet one or more high-level learning objectives.

You can use training plans to:

Note: (FRA) Organizations that operate in France can generate training plans that satisfy the Workers' Council requirements for reporting forecasted training.

You can create multiple plans for the same time period. For example, you might produce an annual training plan by company, and produce separate quarterly plans by learning environment.

You can also generate training plans for the current period or a future period. Plans are based on class enrollments, learning requests, supplemental learning and program registrations.

Training Plans and Training Budgets

When you define a training plan, you specify the period of time it covers, the learning environment or company and respective establishment or business unit it represents, the objectives, and the training budget for each department. The system produces two reports: the training plan and a training plan budget:

  • Training plan

    This report lists all classes, learning requests, supplemental learning, and program registrations that meet the parameters defined on the Training Plan Setup and Training Plan Status Options pages. For each class, it lists the learner's employee ID, name, organization, and other details. Classes are sorted by global objective. The report lists learning requests and the number of learners associated with each request. The enrolled date on the report represents the date the enrollment record was created.

  • Training plan budget

    This report includes the same information as the training plan plus the budgeted training amount for each department and the forecasted cost of delivering the training listed for each department. Information is sorted by department rather than by global objective.

Note: (FRA) When French features are enabled for the administrator's learning environment, the reports also include head counts of learners by certain criteria such as age, gender, learning classification, employee category, and other information that is required by the Workers' Council. The labor agreement and related category codes that appear on the report are defined in PeopleSoft HR. A DIF (Droit Individuel à la Formation) indicator on the report is selected when DIF hours are specified for an enrollment request.

Report Formats

You can generate training plans in several formats, including PDF and CSV (comma separated value). Files generated in CSV format can be opened with Microsoft Excel, enabling you to modify the format and content of the reports to meet your requirements.

Forecasted Learning Costs

In the training plan budget report, the system lists the total forecasted training cost for each department, along with the forecasted cost for each related learning request, supplemental learning, program registration, and class enrollment record.

For learning requests, the system uses the estimated (flat) cost per learner that you enter when submitting the learning request.

For enrollment records, forecasted costs can be based on an estimated flat amount per learner, or on an hourly amount per learner multiplied by the number of hours defined for a class's components. If both cost figures are available, and component durations are defined for the class, the estimated hourly cost takes precedence.

For classes, the default rules for using estimated flat and hourly costs work as follows:

  • You can define system-wide default values for the estimated cost and hourly cost through the Install Defaults component.

  • Learning environments inherit the default cost values from the Install Defaults component.

    You can override both values by learning environment.

  • Courses inherit the estimated cost from the learning environment.

    You can override this value for a course.

  • Delivery methods inherit the default estimated cost from the course and the default hourly cost from the learning environment.

    You can override both default values for a delivery method.

  • Classes inherit the cost values from the delivery method.

    These values do not appear in the Class component and cannot be overridden.

For supplemental learning, the system uses the price field that you can set when defining supplemental learning.

For program registrations, the system determines the cost based on the internal price or external price defined in the program details, whichever is applicable.

Data Selection for Reports

To determine which enrollment records, supplemental learning, program registrations, and learning requests to include in the training plan report, the system refers to the parameters that you define on the Training Plan Status Options page and the criteria entered on the Training Plan Setup page.

On the Training Plan Status Options page you specify the status of the enrollment records, learning requests, supplemental learning, and program registrations that can be included in current and future training plans. For example, you may want to include completed classes in current plans but not in future plans. You define these rules during system configuration.

On Training Plan Setup page, the administrator enters an As of date, Start Date, End Date, and other filtering criteria to specify which records to include in the report.

Budget Modeling

In addition to the training plan and training plan budget reports, PeopleSoft Enterprise Learning Management provides a budget modeling tool that enhances your ability to plan and make adjustments to training plans based on budget data. The Training Plan Budget Model page enables you to perform "what if" analysis based on budget data and training demand costs.