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Creating Survey Learning Components

To create survey learning components, use the Survey Definition (LM_SURVEY_DEFN) and Maintain Classes (LM_ACT) components.

This topic discusses how to:

Pages Used to Create Survey Learning Components

Page Name

Definition Name



Survey Definition


select Set Up ELM, then select Catalog, then select Survey Definition, then select Survey Definition

Define internal surveys.

<Survey Description> page


Click the Test Survey button on the Survey Definition page.

Access a test version of the survey you are defining.

Survey Component


select Enterprise Learning, then select Catalog, then select Maintain Classes, then select Learning Components

Click Add Component on the Learning Components page. Then select Survey.

Define survey learning components.

Survey Definition Page

Use the Survey Definition page (LM_SURVEY_DEFN) to define internal surveys.

Image: Survey Definition page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Survey Definition page.

Survey Definition page

Questions or Statements

Use this group box to define the questions and statements that appear on the survey.

Available Responses

For questions with a Response Type of Multiple Choice or Single Choice, define the answers using the fields in the Available Responses group box. On the survey, responses for Multiple Choice questions have check boxes next to them. Responses for Single Choice questions have radio buttons next to them. You can also enter available responses for Text Response questions. In this case, the text of the responses appears to the left side of the text box on the survey.

Survey Component Page

Use the Survey Component page (LM_LC_WEB) to define survey learning components.

Enterprise Learning Management also integrates with third-party survey engines to launch surveys and track completion status of the survey. Examples of survey learning components include:

  • Post-class survey to gather learner feedback on the effectiveness of the instructor, learning material, and overall class.

  • Learning component survey to gather learner feedback on the effectiveness of a particular learning component.