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Define Resource Types

To define resource types use the following components: Accommodations (LM_ACMDTN_TBL), Equipment Types (LM_EQP_TYPE), Facility Contact Types (LM_CNTCT_ROLE), Instructor Types (LM_INSTR_ROLE), Material Types (LM_MTRL_TYPE), Room Types (LM_ROOM_TYPE), and Holiday Schedules (LM_HLDAY_SCHED).

This topic lists the pages used to set up learning resource types, as well as accommodations, and holiday schedules.

Pages Used to Define Resource Types, Accommodations, and Holiday Schedules

Page Name

Definition Name





select Set Up ELM, then select Resources, then select Accommodations, then select Accommodations

Define special accommodations, such as wheelchair access, that you can associate with a room within a facility. The accommodation definition comprises a long and short description.

Equipment Types


select Set Up ELM, then select Resources, then select Equipment Types, then select Equipment Types

Define equipment types, such as projectors or sound systems. When you define an individual item of equipment, you include its type in the definition. The equipment type definition comprises a long and short description. When you attach equipment to a session, session template, facility, or room within a facility, you can restrict equipment searches to a certain type. On session templates and session patterns, you can specify a type of equipment rather than a specific item.

Facility Contact Types


select Set Up ELM, then select Resources, then select Facility Contact Types, then select Facility Contact Types

Define types to associate with facility contacts, such as scheduling, catering, and janitorial. The type definition comprises a long and short description.

Instructor Types


select Set Up ELM, then select Resources, then select Instructor Types, then select Instructor Types

Define types to associate with instructors, such as primary instructor, assistant instructor, teaching assistant, or coach. The type definition comprises a long and short description. You use instructor types when you associate an instructor with a session. You also specify instructor types on session templates and session patterns.

Material Types


select Set Up ELM, then select Resources, then select Material Types, then select Material Types

Define material types, such as student training manual, frequently asked question document, and completion certificates. When you define an individual item of material, you include its type in the definition. The material type definition comprises a long and short description. You attach materials to a class.

Room Types


select Set Up ELM, then select Resources, then select Room Types, then select Room Types

Define room types, such as classroom, auditorium, or laboratory. When you define a room, you include its type in the definition. The room type definition comprises a long and short description. When you attach rooms to a facility, you can restrict searches to a certain type.

Holiday Schedules


select Set Up ELM, then select Resources, then select Holiday Schedules, then select Holiday Schedule

Group a set of blackout dates (dates for which class sessions cannot be scheduled) together to be attached to a facility. You enter the date, identify the holiday, and add a short description. You use holiday schedules to restrict scheduling of sessions within a facility to open (non-holiday) dates only.