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Maintaining Notification Templates

This topic discusses how to maintain notification templates.

To maintain notification templates, use the Notification Templates (LM_NOTIF_TMPL) component.

Pages Used to Maintain Notification Templates

Page Name

Definition Name



Notification Template Definition


select Enterprise Learning, then select Notifications, then select Notification Templates, then select Notification Template Definition

Modify and create notification templates.

Notification Template Definition Page

Use the Notification Template Definition page (LM_NOTIF_TMPL) to modify and create notification templates.

Image: Notification Template Definition (page 1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Notification Template Definition (page 1 of 2).

Notification Template Definition (page 1 of 2)

Image: Notification Template Definition (page 2 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Notification Template Definition (page 2 of 2).

Notification Template Definition (page 2 of 2)

Include Attachments

Select the check boxes in this group box to include any attachments that are associated with the relevant Class, Facility, Program, or Equipment with the email that is generated using this notification template. For example, you create an enrollment confirmation notification and configure it to include Facility and Class attachments. If there are attachments defined for the class the learner enrolled in or the facility in which the class is scheduled to take place, the system includes those attachments with the generated notification email.

Template Variables

This group box displays the variables associated with the selected Notification Category. You cannot modify, add, or delete any of these values, but you can use them in the template text to have them resolve when the system generates the notification without writing custom code to support and resolve the terms.