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Optimizing Manager View Performance

This topic provides an overview of manager view and lists the page used to optimize manager view performance.

Page Used to Optimize Manager View Performance

Page Name

Definition Name



Load Manager Data


select Set up ELM, then select Load Manager Data, then select Load Manager Data

Run the Load Manager Data (LM_MGRVWAE) process.

Understanding Manager View

To optimize performance when managers access pages in the application that retrieve data from the manager view (LM_MGR_VW) object, you must run the Load Manager Data process. This process assigns the appropriate view text to the LM_MGR_VW object definition based on the specific manager access type that you select on the Install Defaults - General page. Each manager access type has different view text. Because the script that is part of the manager view definition is based on only one manager access type rather than all manager access types after you run the process, the system is able to retrieve data from the view faster. Managers are therefore able to access pages that retrieve data from this view faster.

Note: You typically select the manager access type once and only run this process once during implementation. Once your implementation is live, you can run this process on an as-needed basis.