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Setting Up the Transaction Registry

To set up the transaction registry, use the Transaction Registry (EOAW_TXN) component.

Page Used to Define the Approval Transaction Registry

Page Name

Definition Name



Register Transactions


select Set Up ELM, then select Approvals, then select Register Transactions, then select Register Transactions

Register a transaction with the Approval Framework.

Understanding the Transaction Registry

The approval transaction registry is the interface application that developers use to register an application with the Approval Framework. Transactions that require approvals are candidates for being linked to Approval Framework. You use the Register Transactions page to link the components, event handler, records, and classes that you created into the approval process for an application transaction, such as a requisition or purchase order. Application developers register the main records and components that make up the transaction, then functional business analysts select the approval transaction on which to base the approval process definition.

Note: Enterprise Learning Management delivered approvals are already recorded in the Approval Transaction Registry. No additional configuration is necessary.

Prerequisites for Registering a Transaction

Before defining the transaction registry:

  1. Create a Transaction Handler Application Class which extends an approved event handler class delivered by approval workflow.

  2. Create notification templates for the events to include approval and denial for headers and for line levels.

  3. Create transaction data sources, as needed.