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Filtering the rules that appear in the Rule Test Cases dialog box

Several filters, including a view of all rules and all rules with test cases, are available by default.

  1. Open the Rule Test Cases dialog box.

    Note: Disabled rules appear grayed out with a gray X to the left of the rule name. You can still create and run test cases for the disabled rules.

  2. Click Filters.

    The Define Rule Search Filters dialog box appears.

  3. (Optional) To create a named filter:
    1. From the Filters drop-down list, select the All Rules filter, and click Clone.
    2. Type a name, and click OK.
  4. To filter by study object, in the Filter on objects section:
    1. Using the first drop-down list, filter by rules that are created on the type of study object, such as all study objects or the study design.
    2. (Optional) Using the second drop-down list, filter by the following characteristics:
      • Enabled or disabled.
      • Object with children.
      • Contain specified text in the RefName, title, or description.
      • The date range within which the rule was saved.
    3. If you selected a text or date information option from the second drop-down list, type the text or select a date in the blank field.
    4. To add additional filtering rows, select the plus sign (+) button at the end of the row.
  5. Next to Filter on rules/conditions, select one of the following options:

    Note: These options apply only when you add additional filtering rows to the Filter on rules/conditions section.

  6. To filter by the type of rule, do the following in the Filter on rules/conditions section:
    1. Using the first drop-down list, you can filter by the type of rule:
      • All rules and global conditions (data-entry rules, workflow rules, and global conditions).
      • Data-entry rules.
      • Global conditions.
      • Workflow rules.
    2. (Optional) Using the second drop-down list, you can filter by the following characteristics. Depending on the type of rule that you selected, some options might not be available.
      • Enabled or disabled.
      • With or without test cases, or with older tests.
      • Specified text information, such as the rule or condition name.
      • Action information, such as whether a query or set value action is defined for the rule.
      • The date range within which the rule was saved.
    3. If you selected a text or date information option from the second drop-down list, type the text or select a date in the blank field.
    4. To add additional filtering rows, select the plus sign (+) button at the end of the row.
  7. Click OK.
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