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Changing the sequence number of a study object in a workflow diagram

Sequence numbers specify the order of disconnected study objects in the Workflow Diagram tab.

The first study object in each workflow sequence has a sequence number. If a workflow diagram has multiple workflow sequences, sequence numbers specify how the workflows are ordered in the InForm application, unless an unconnected study object is associated with a global condition. For clarity, and to make sure that dynamic study objects deploy in the correct order, connect all study objects in a workflow.

You can use whole numbers as well as numbers with decimal points as sequence numbers, and you are not required to use sequential numbers. For example, if you expect to add additional study objects to a workflow, you might use only even or odd numbers for existing study objects so you have additional whole numbers to use for new additions. Alternatively, you can use sequential numbers for existing study objects and use numbers with decimal points for inserted study objects.

  1. In the Project Explorer, select the Visit Schedule Explorer bar.
  2. Select a study design, study element, or study event.
  3. Select the Workflow Diagram tab.
  4. Double-click the sequence number (the numbered gray box that appears to the left of a study object).

    The Modify Step Sequence dialog box appears.

  5. In the Step Sequence Number field, type the new sequence number.

    Note: The new sequence number cannot already exist in the workflow. To insert a new study object into the sequence, you must renumber other study objects to make the desired number available.

  6. Click OK.
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