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Editing the width of the question column

The following procedure describes how to edit the width of the question column for an individual layout only. Additionally, you can set this information as part of the form and study styles.

Note: If the contents of the control column exceed the specified width, the page might not display in the InForm application as you specify. For example, if you specify a 50 percent column width but an item has many radio buttons that are displayed horizontally, the web browser will adjust the width of the question column so that the entire control column fits on the page.

  1. In the Project Explorer, select the Forms and Transactions Explorer bar.
  2. Select a form, and select the Layout tab.
  3. Right-click a question or a section header, and select Edit Question Column Width.

    The Question Column Width dialog box appears.

  4. To use the option set in the Form- or Study-Level styles, select Inherit.

    To override the Form- and Study-Level styles, deselect Inherit, and specify a percent value for the question column.

  5. Click OK.
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