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Creating a data set

The only place to create a data set is in a data mapping.

  1. In the Project Explorer, select the Data Mappings Explorer bar.
  2. Right-click a data mapping, and select New Data Set.

    The Data Set Properties dialog box appears.

  3. Fill in the fields of the dialog box. Title and RefName are required.
  4. To specify standard data dimensions, select one or more from the Standard Data Dimensions section.
  5. To specify custom data dimensions for the data set:
    1. In the Custom Dimensions section, type a name and description and choose a data type for each custom data dimension.
    2. In the Codelist Lookup column, click the ellipsis button.

      The Custom Dimension Labels - Select Codelist dialog box appears.

    3. From the drop-down list, select a codelist, or to create a codelist, click New, and type the Code and Label pairs in the grid.
    4. To require users to select only the codelist labels that are in the codelist, select Use only listed labels. If you do not select it, a user-defined codelist label can be used.

      Note: If you select Use only listed labels, the codelist must have at least one codelist item.

    5. Click OK.

      You return to the Data Set Properties dialog box.

  6. Click OK.
  7. If the data set is in a CDD or CIS data mapping, in the Properties Browser, set the values of the appropriate CDD or CIS custom properties.

    You can now create a data series in the data set.

Data Set Properties dialog box - Field descriptions.

Custom Dimension Labels - Select Codelist dialog box - Option descriptions.

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