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Coding Map dialog boxes—Option descriptions

Coding Map dialog boxes—Option descriptions



Dictionary type

List of all dictionary types (including custom dictionary types, if any) that have been installed, enabled, and selected for the given study or library.

For more information, see:

After you select a dictionary type, additional fields in the dialog box (including Verbatim Type and the information in the grids) are populated with data from the dictionary.

Item to code

List of titles for all text items that can be coded.


  • If you are creating a coding map, you can change the selected item but you cannot clear it.
  • If you are modifying a coding map, this field is read-only.

Verbatim type

List of verbatim types that are enabled for the selected dictionary type.

The field is enabled after you select a dictionary type.

Assign queries to

List of items that are eligible for query assignment, including the verbatim item. Each item in the list is:

  • A top-level item.
  • Visible and available for editing in the InForm application. Items designated as query targets must not have the Display Override property set to ReadOnly or Hidden in the Central Designer application.

    Note: You can select <use verbatim> in the Assign queries to drop-down list to select the verbatim item as the query target if the verbatim satisfies the requirements for a query target item.

Coding Results tab


Dictionary Level

Dictionary level for which the coding map is defined.

Level Type

Information that indicates whether the target item is for:

  • Code
  • Term
  • Additional information, which appears as Additional Info for [Level Name], where [Level Name] is the name of the dictionary level (available only for the WHO-DD dictionary type and in custom dictionary types in which additional information is defined).

Target Item

List of titles for all text items that can be selected as target items for a dictionary level in the coding map. If you select an item, the Target Question field is populated with its question.

The list does not contain items that are already a verbatim, text item, or context item for the specified dictionary type, unless you are modifying a coding map. In that situation, the list includes the item that is currently assigned to the row, so you can review the list of options and reselect the item if you decide not to change the assignment.

Target Question

List of default questions for all text items that can be selected as target items for a dictionary level in the coding map. If you select a question, the Target Item field is populated with the item name.

Context Information tab


Context Meaning

Descriptive text for the context information. This information is displayed exactly as it is defined in the dictionary.

Context Item

List of titles for all text items that can be selected as context items for a dictionary level in the coding map. If you select an item, the Context Question field is populated with its question.

The list does not contain items that are already a verbatim, text item, or context item for the specified dictionary type, unless you are modifying a coding map. In that situation, the list includes the item that is currently assigned to the row, so you can review the list of options and reselect the item if you decide not to change the assignment.

Context Question

List of default questions for all text items that can be selected as context items for a dictionary level in the coding map. If you select a question, the Target Item field is populated with the item name.

Note: For more information about requirements for verbatims, target items, and context items, see Verbatims, context items, target items, and query target items.

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