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Validation checks for InForm deployment

Validation checks for InForm deployment

Validation area

Must be true for successful deployment to the InForm application


The study has at least one study event.

Study design

A warning occurs if the title or RefName of the study design, when appended with the version and locale of the study design, might exceed 63 characters. If the warning occurs, shorten the title or RefName, or the deployment process truncates the title or RefName in the InForm application.

Common visit

For studies with common forms, if you translate a title or short title of the common visit for one language, the title and short title are translated for all languages.

Study event

  • Each study event has at least one form.
  • A study event is not used on both a study element and a study design.


Each form:

  • Contains at least one item.
  • Has a layout defined for each locale that is deployed.
  • Does not contain duplicate items.
  • Is included in a study event no more than once.
  • Each Study Completion form has a Completion Status item.


Each section has a layout defined for each locale that is deployed.


  • Questions for top-level items are not blank.
  • Year range for date time items is valid (for example, start year cannot be later than end year).
  • The precision value of a float item is not longer than the specified length of the item.
  • The nesting of compound and conditional items is not greater than five. If an item holds more than one child control, a group control is created, and each group control counts as one level of nesting.
  • Each compound item has at least one child item.
  • An item that is designated as a key item is not:
    • Formatted as a checkbox.
    • An item on which other items are conditional.
    • Conditional on another item if the key item is a child of a compound item.
  • The study does not contain any items for which NA or UNK is the RefName.
  • An item that is designated as Personal/Protected Health Information (PHI) is not included in the subject line or body of an email to be sent by a rule.

Codelist and codelist item

  • Each codelist has codelist items.
  • Each codelist item has a label for the appropriate locale.
  • The codes of codelist items are unique within a codelist.
  • The codes for codelist items on text items do not exceed the length that is specified for the text item.
  • The codes for codelist items match the type of the codelist. For example, the codes for an integer codelist cannot contain letters.
  • The code of a codelist item that is conditional on another item has not been modified since the codelist item was made conditional.
  • Codelist labels do not contain apostrophes.
  • The Study Completion Status Item custom property is not set for codelist items in multiple items.
  • Each instance of a copied or linked codelist item has the same codelist type.

Review state

  • The maximum number of review states is not exceeded, and there are no duplicate State values.
  • State, Label, and Mnemonic are defined for a review state.
  • Label and Mnemonic are defined for each review stage.
  • Label and Mnemonic fields for a review state and each of its review stages have values for each required product locale. Values for an InForm product locale (English [United States] or Japanese [Japan]) are required if the locales specified for the study include a locale with the same language. For example, English translations are required if the study includes en-US or en-GB locales.
  • Review stage names exist for each review stage and are unique within a review state.
  • Each review state has three defined review stages.


  • A study object does not have multiple global conditions.
  • A workflow object does not have two outgoing arrows without a rule.
  • All study objects in a workflow reference study objects that still exist in the study. If validation fails due to an invalid workflow, go to the Workflow Diagram tab for the workflow with the issue, and right-click in the white space of the diagram and select Refresh Workflow to correct the issue.

Data-entry rule

  • No rules are created on a linked item that is in multiple compound items.
  • The query message of a rule has 255 characters or fewer, not including the parameters.
  • For each data-entry rule, an item that triggers the rule is selected. If an item is not selected, you receive a warning during validation.
  • Each constant has a value (the length of the value must be greater than 0).
  • No email rules refer to items designated as Personal/Protected Health Information (PHI) in the subject or body of the email message.

Note: If two rules (on different study objects) have the same name, in release 2.0 of the Central Designer application, you receive a warning during validation. Using the same rule name for rules on different study objects is not recommended, and future releases may not support the practice.


  • All functions that are used in rules exist in the DLL file for user-defined functions.
  • A warning occurs if a study or library contains a user-defined function that uses an incorrect version of the Log4Net application.
  • A warning occurs if a study or library contains a user-defined function with an assembly that is:
    • Unsigned.
    • Not signed with a strong named signature.
    • Signed with an invalid or untrusted signature.


  • All units that are used in the study are in the units file. The file must have a symbol for each unit in each locale that is deployed, and a conversion map must exist to convert between the base unit and the conversion unit.
  • All units are translated for all of the supported locales for a study.
  • In the units file, unit names are 31 characters or fewer.


Oracle reserved words are not used as RefNames of any study object or Aliases of data sets and data series.

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