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Create Deployment Package Wizard—Full deployment package

Create Deployment Package Wizard—Full deployment package






Introduction page.

Select a Deployment Package Type


Specify whether to create a full or incremental deployment package.

Note: To deactivate a rule in the InForm application, do one of the following in the Central Designer application before creating a new deployment package:

  • Remove the rule from the study.
  • Disable the rule.
  • Change the triggering event to On Demand (Batch Mode).

Rule-related changes that you make in the InForm application are overridden when you install a new deployment package.

Note: If you create or modify a coding map, use a full deployment package to deploy the changes. Changes to coding maps are not supported in incremental deployment packages.


Full package.

Deployment package that contains everything needed to deploy a complete study.


Incremental package.

Deployment package that contains everything needed to deploy a complete study, plus additions and changes to the study, reflected in Alternate forms in the InForm application. Alternate forms are not created when you install an incremental deployment package that contains additions to repeating forms or fixed repeating sections (Repeating Data itemsets in the InForm application).

Select a Baseline


Specify the baseline to use for creating the deployment package. Validation baselines with a status of Valid or Valid with Warnings are eligible.

Note: If you select an unpublished validation baseline, the baseline is made public during deployment package creation.


Please select a baseline.

Drop-down list of validated baselines available for creating a deployment package.

Select Locales


Specify the locale or locales for which to create the deployment package. You must select at least one locale.

Note: Each option is applicable for different releases of the InForm application, and only one option is used for each release. However, you must select values for both options.


Please select one or more locales.

List of locales available to be supported by the deployment package.

Note: This option is used when you deploy to InForm release 4.6.


Apply layout from

Specify the default layout locale for the deployment package.

In InForm release 4.7 and later, a single study version contains the layout information for all locales in the study, and you specify a default layout locale, from which all layouts, regardless of locale, inherit customizations in the InForm application.

The site locale language in the InForm application determines the language in which forms appear.

For example, a study contains layouts for the French (France) and the English (United Kingdom) locales. Radio buttons are horizontal in the French (France) layout but are vertical in the England (United Kingdom) layout. If French (France) is the default layout locale, then all layout customizations for the France (French) layout, including the alignment of radio buttons, are deployed to the InForm application and appear for all users, regardless of their site locale. Therefore, if your site locale in the InForm application is English (United Kingdom), the forms appear in English but with the customizations that were made in the French (France) layout in the Central Designer application.

Note: This option is used when you deploy to InForm release 4.7 and later.

Select Layouts


Choose the layout to deploy. If the layout does not exist for a form, the primary layout for the form is deployed instead.

The list contains only the registered layout names in the study, which appear in the Tools > Layout Names Manager dialog box.

Select Customer Defined Database (CDD) Mappings (optional)


Specify the mappings used to generate mappings for a CDD. This page appears only if at least one CDD mapping is defined for the study. Only CDD mappings appear in the list.


Optionally, select one or more mappings for CDD mapping.

List of CDD mappings.


Select All.

Select all mappings in the list.


Unselect All.

Deselect all mappings in the list.

Select Clintrial Integration Solution (CIS) Mappings (optional)


Specify the mappings used to generate mappings for the CIS application. This page appears only if at least one CIS mapping is defined for the study. Only CIS mappings appear in the list.


Optionally, select one or more mappings for CIS mapping.

List of CIS mappings.


Select All.

Select all mappings in the list.


Unselect All.

Deselect all mappings in the list.

Specify a Name and Description


Specify a name and description for the deployment package.


Please specify a name for your deployment package.

Name of the deployment package.


Package description.

Description of the deployment package.

Ready to Create Deployment Package


View a summary of the deployment options selected in the wizard.


Options summary.

Summary of options selected for the deployment package.

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