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About fixed repeating sections

You might want to design a form that allows a user to enter the same piece of data multiple times for the same item. For example, a user might need to record a subject's heart rate while the subject is sitting and then standing, at specified time intervals after the subject receives a drug.

To do this, you can create a fixed repeating section in the Central Designer application. A fixed repeating section includes items for which predefined values are configured by using codelists at study design time, and cannot be modified at runtime. For the above example, the fixed repeating section contains the following study objects:

Study objects for the fixed repeating section

Study object



TimePoint item

Text, Integer, or Float

The amount of time before or after a drug is administered when data is collected.

Contains predefined values.

Time points codelist

Text, Integer, or Float

Codelist items for each required time point.

  • Codelist item 1—Pre-dose
  • Codelist item 2—15 minutes post dose
  • Codelist item 3—30 minutes post dose
  • Codelist item 4—45 minutes post dose
  • Codelist item 5—60 minutes post dose

    The codelist items are the predefined values for the TimePoint item.

Position item

Text, Integer, or Float

The subject's position when the data is collected.

Contains predefined values.

Position codelist

Text, Integer, or Float

Codelist items for each required subject position:

  • Codelist item 1—Sitting
  • Codelist item 2—Standing

    The codelist items are the predefined values for the Position item.

HeartRate item

Any type, other than Date

The subject's heart rate at each time point, for each position.

Does not contain predefined values.

In the Edit Fixed Table dialog box for this example, you might create the following rows:

Description of the rows in the Edit Fixed Table dialog box


itmTime value

itmPosition value











15 minutes post dose




15 minutes post dose




30 minutes post dose




30 minutes post dose




45 minutes post dose




45 minutes post dose




60 minutes post dose




60 minutes post dose



The following illustration shows the fixed repeating section in the form layout.

Illustration of the form layout for the fixed repeating section

Fixed repeating section layout

1—HeartRate item that does not contain predefined values.

2—Fixed TimePoint and Position items that contain predefined values.

3—TimePoint codelist item for the Pre-dose predefined value. Each TimePoint codelist item contains two rows; each row corresponds to a Position codelist item.

4—Position codelist with predefined Sitting and Standing values. These predefined values appear five times in the fixed repeating section layout; each instance corresponds to a TimePoint predefined value

5—Blank cell for an item in a non-fixed column.

6—Blank cell for an item in a fixed column.

As noted in the form layout screenshot, you can also specify a data point that you do not want data for, but that appears in the fixed repeating section. In addition, in some cases, it might not make sense for you to collect certain data points. To do this, when you create a fixed repeating section, you locate the cell that corresponds to the data point, and set is as blank. In the annotated form preview, a cell that corresponds to data that should not be collected is grayed out. In the target application, data cannot be entered for that data point.

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