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Enrollment form

The Enrollment form is included in the special InForm Enrollment visit as the system Enrollment form.

Design considerations for Enrollment form

Design consideration


Form title (value of Special Forms property)


Purpose in the InForm application

Captures subject enrollment data.

Required form?

Yes. If you include a custom enrollment form, select Enrollment in the Special Forms custom property list in the Properties Browser.

Default version generated?

Yes. If you do not include an enrollment form, a default form is generated during deployment to the InForm application. The default form contains an item with a text control called Subject Number. This item allows InForm users to specify a patient number.

Note: Default forms and items appear in English in the InForm application. Create custom forms and items if you do not want to use the default information or if you want to translate an item or form.

Required items?


Optional items

If you include an optional Patient Number item, it must conform to the listed specifications.

Note: If you include the optional Patient Number item and you create a Patient Identification form, the Patient Identification form must include the same Patient Number item.

  • Item—Patient Number.
  • Item type—Text or Integer.
  • Special Fields property—Patient No. (Enrollment).

Other requirements

  • The Enrollment form must have the Special Forms custom property value of Enrollment and must be the only form in the study with this custom property value.
  • The study event that contains the Enrollment form much have the Special Visits custom property of Enrollment and must be the only study event in the study with this custom property value. The Enrollment study event must contain only the Enrollment form and no other forms.
  • The Enrollment study event must be a standalone study event that is not connected to the rest of the workflow.
  • The Enrollment study event must be the second study event in the workflow diagram.
  • The Enrollment form must not contain a repeating section.

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