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Intrinsic rules

Intrinsic rules




An intrinsic rule is a constraint rule or calculation rule based on a predefined rule template. Rule templates can be created for constraint rules and calculation rules. If no rule templates have been defined for the selected study object, then you cannot create an intrinsic rule for the study object.

Study objects that can have intrinsic rules

  • Forms.
  • Form templates.
  • Items.
  • Item templates and types.

Programming experience necessary

  • To create intrinsic rules—Programming knowledge is not required.
  • To create rule templates—Programming knowledge is required.

What to define

The rule expression is defined by the rule template. You must define:

  • When to evaluate the rule.
  • Parameters for the rule template.

    If the rule template contains parameters, you indicate the source of the values to be substituted in the parameter with:

    • Numeric values.
    • Values of study objects and their rule model properties.
    • Constants.
    • Another function.
    • Data mapping study objects and their rule model properties.
  • The action to take after the rule executes.


An intrinsic rule evaluates whether a weight value falls within a range that you specify using parameters.

A programmer writes the rule expression in a rule template, and a non-programmer provides the following information to create the rule:

  • When to evaluate the rule—On form submission.
  • Parameters for the rule template—Provide the range. In this case, it is 45 to 125 kilograms.
  • The action to take after the rule executes—When the value is false, a query is issued. You can create additional actions to occur under different circumstances, such as an action to take when the value is true.

The following information appears in the Rule Summary section:

 evaluate on Form Submission
 value = Is the item between {MinValue:45} and {MaxValue:125}
 when value is false
    issue query: Out of range

Alternatively, you can use a constraint rule to create this rule.

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