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Deployment command-line options

The usage for the deployment command-line feature is as follows:

/help |

/testconversion | /testc |

/silent [/ConfigFile filename] |

[[/LogFileName filename][/UnpackDirectory directoryname][/ForceBASEInstall (TRUE | FALSE)][/CheckInFormVersion (TRUE | FALSE)][/DontExitIfUnsuccessful (TRUE | FALSE)][/Server ServerName][/Trial TrialName][/User UserName ][/Password UserPassword]

[/Strict (TRUE | FALSE)][/TrialCreateModeValue (DB [/Connect DatabaseConnectString]| DSN [/TRIDSN DSNString])]]

For example, the following statement installs the ASM916S deployment package, without prompting for user input, to a study called ASM916 on an InForm server called INF916:

ASM916S.exe /silent /LogFileName ASM916S.log /ForceBASEInstall TRUE /Server INF916 /Trial ASM916 /User ASM916uid /Password ASM916pid /Strict TRUE /TrialCreateModeValue DB /Connect APPSRV_dev1

Deployment command-line options




Display a dialog box summarizing the command-line usage and options.



/cm [filename]

Convert the study to MedML.

Note: Optionally, you can specify a file name. If you do not specify a file name, an XML file is saved in the directory that holds the deployment package.

/Csml [filename]

Extract the CSML from the deployment package.

Note: Optionally, you can specify a file name. If you do not specify a file name, a CSML file is saved in the directory that holds the deployment package.



/rule [directoryname]

Extract the rule assembly and all function DLL files.

Note: Optionally, you can specify a directory in which to store the files. If you do not specify a directory, a rule directory is created in the directory that holds the deployment package, and all extracted files are saved in the directory.



/unit [directoryname]

Export the units file.

Note: Optionally, you can specify a directory in which to store the file. If you do not specify a directory, the file is saved in the directory that holds the deployment package.




Obtain the release number of the Central Designer application from which the deployment package was created.

/testconversion or /testc

Test whether the deployment package can create MedML from CSML, without installing the MedML files in an InForm study. The MedML files generated by the deployment process are saved to a temporary system directory or to a directory that you specify using the /UnpackDirectory option.


Run in silent mode (without prompting for user input), using the options specified either on the command line or in the configuration file named in the /ConfigFile option. In silent mode the Deployment Wizard appears, enabling you to follow the progress of the deployment, but does not prompt you for deployment options.

/ConfigFile filename

Use the specified configuration file to obtain deployment options.

/LogFileName filename

Create a log file in the specified location. By default, a log file called StudyInstaller.log is created in the InForm installation folder.

/UnpackDirectory directoryname

Unzip the deployment package in the specified local directory. Deployment files include:

  • Deployment package EXE file.
  • Deployment DLLs.
  • MedML.xml file containing the MedML generated by the deployment process if the deployment is unsuccessful.

If you do not specify this option, the files are unzipped to a temporary system directory. The StudyInstaller.log file includes the location of the deployment files.

/ForceBASEInstall (TRUE | FALSE)

  • TRUE—Clear the study database, if the study exists, and install the Base study.
  • FALSE—(Default) Do not force the Base study to be installed.

/CheckInFormVersion (TRUE | FALSE)

  • TRUE—(Default) Check the InForm version to make sure that it is compatible with the current version of the Central Designer application. If the software versions are not compatible, deployment does not continue.
  • FALSE—Do not check the InForm version to make sure that it is compatible with the current version of the Central Designer application. You might select this option if you are running deployment with the /testconversion option, which does not install the study MedML.

/DontExitIfUnsuccessful (TRUE | FALSE)

  • TRUE—Keep the Deployment Wizard open if the deployment is unsuccessful.
  • FALSE—(Default) Close the Deployment Wizard if the deployment is unsuccessful.


The following values are required if you run deployment in silent mode; otherwise, they are optional. If you specify any of the following command-line options and do not run in silent mode, the corresponding fields in the Deployment Wizard are populated with the values you specify.

/Server ServerName

Name of the InForm application server.

/Trial TrialName

Name of the InForm study.

/User UserName

Oracle user name for the study database.

/Password UserPassword

Oracle password for the study database.

/Strict (TRUE | FALSE)

  • TRUE—Only complete MedML definitions of study components can be loaded into the study; an incomplete definition causes the installation to fail.
  • FALSE—Incomplete study component definitions are permitted.

/TrialCreateModeValue (DB | DSN)

  • DB—The deployment process creates an ODBC connection for the study to the specified database instance. When you specify this option, include the connection string to the database instance in the /Connect option.
  • DSN—The study uses an existing ODBC connection. When you specify this option, include the name of the study DSN in the /TRIDSN option.

/Connect DatabaseConnectString

Connection string for the Oracle instance.


ODBC System DSN for the InForm study.


The InForm server starts automatically when the InForm Service starts. If you do not include the /ServerAutoStartup option, the InForm server must be started manually.


The InForm study starts automatically when the InForm Service starts. If you do not include the /TrialAutoStartup option, the InForm study must be started manually.


Time to wait (in milliseconds) for the InForm caches to initialize.

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