Account Management for Customer User Administrators (CUAs)

The Accounts tab provides the ability to manage all contacts and users for your organization(s), through links to a number of different pages. The Address Book page displays all your organization contacts and users in Oracle Advanced Support Platform. Here, you can add, update, or delete contact and user records. The Groups page provides the ability to group these users and contacts according to common criteria, such as geographic location.

All Oracle Advanced Support Platform users are assigned roles to enable them to perform different tasks or associated them with a particular Oracle contract. The Policies and Assignments page displays all the policies and assignments, which determine your access and your customer users' access to Oracle Advanced Support Platform applications. You can also view all contracts for your organization on the Contracts page.

Finally, the Accounts tab provides the ability to manage your Oracle Advanced Support Platform user profile by editing your contact information and preferences.

Related Topics

Managing Users and Contacts

Managing Groups

Customizing Your User Profile

Account Management for Customer Users

Managing Users and Contacts

The Address Book provides the ability to manage all your organization's Oracle Advanced Support Platform contacts on one page:

  • A user has an account in Oracle Advanced Support Platform, enabling them to access Oracle Advanced Support Platform.

  • A contact is an individual who is involved with Oracle services and packages whose details have been registered in Oracle Advanced Support Platform. Contacts may or may not have access to Oracle Advanced Support Platform.

On the Address Book page, you can update a contact's details or create new Oracle Advanced Support Platform contacts. You can customize the fields display or filter the users displayed by entering filter criteria. You can also search for users using the Search field. The Search field autocompletes search criteria entered, returning the first user in the displayed list that matches the criterion.


  • The individual is not already a contact for this customer organization in Oracle Advanced Support Platform.

To manage contacts and users:

  1. Log in to Oracle Advanced Support Platform.

    The Oracle Advanced Support Platform Home page appears.

  2. Click the Accounts tab, then select your organization name from the Customer list in the top right corner of the View Accounts page.

    The View Contracts page reappears, displaying all services for the selected organization.

  3. Click Address Book in the left pane.

    The View Contacts page appears, displaying the following information for all contacts for the selected organization:

    Field Description
    E-mail Displays the contact's e-mail address.
    Type Indicates whether the contact is:
    • Management

    • Technical

    User Status Indicates whether the user status is:
    • Enabled, where a new Oracle Advanced Support Platform user account has been added and activated. Users with this user status can log in to Oracle Advanced Support Platform.

    • Migrated, where an existing account has been migrated to Oracle Advanced Support Platform and activated. Users with this user status can log in to Oracle Advanced Support Platform.

    • Pending, where a new Oracle Advanced Support Platform account has been added but the user has not yet activated the account by logging in, or where an existing account has been added to Oracle Advanced Support Platform but again the user has not yet activated the account.

    • Disabled, where an Oracle Advanced Support Platform user account has been deactivated. Users with this user status cannot log in to Oracle Advanced Support Platform.

    • Deleted, where an Oracle Advanced Support Platform user account has been deleted. Users with this user status cannot log in to Oracle Advanced Support Platform.

    Applications Specifies the applications that the customer user can access, such as CAM or OMP.
    First Name Displays the contact's first name, as registered in the Oracle Advanced Support Platform address book
    Last Name Displays the contact's last name, as registered in the Oracle Advanced Support Platform address book

  4. You can perform the following actions on the View Contacts page:


    Most frequently used operations are displayed under Address Book in the left pane. All the options listed here are available on the menu bar of the View Contacts page.
    • Update a contact - Select the contact, then click Update to open the Update Contact page. Select Enabled or Disabled status as required (described in step 2), then click Save. The View Contacts page reappears, showing the updated details.

    • Add a contact - To add a contact:

      1. Click Add. The Add Contact page appears.

      2. Enter the contact's e-mail address(es) in the E-mail Addresses field.

      3. Select Management or Technical from the Contact Type list.

      4. Specify the applications that this contact can access.

      5. If required, select Yes for the Is the contact a user? field.

      6. Click Save.

      The View Contacts page reappears, displaying the new contact details with user status Pending. When the request is successful, the user status changes to Active. An Oracle Advanced Support Platform notification is sent to the e-mail address(es) of users, informing the recipient(s) that they have an Oracle Advanced Support Platform account.

    • Filter displayed contacts - Click any column name to sort the contacts displayed by that column. For example, click Name to sort alphabetically by name.

      Click the same column again to reverse the sort order. Clicking the Name column again sorts in reverse alphabetical order.

    • Search contacts - In the Search field on the menu bar, enter the contact's e-mail address, or first or last name. Oracle Advanced Support Platform automatically completes the string you enter with the first contact that matches. You can also use the wildcard %. Then click the Search icon. The View Contacts page is refreshed, displaying the contact(s) matching the full or partial entry.

    • Delete a contact - Select the contact then click Delete. When prompted, click OK confirm that you want to delete the contact. The View Contacts page reappears without the deleted contact details.

    • Customize the contact page - Click View to view a list of the columns displayed on the View Contacts page. Visible columns are indicated by a checkmark.

      To hide a column, select the column in this list, which removes the checkmark. You can also click Show All to show all columns.

      To reorder this list, click Reorder columns, then use the arrows to alter the display. Click Save to save the changes.

    • View detailed user information - Click a user name to view more detailed information about the user.

Related Topics

Managing Users and Contacts

Managing Groups

Customizing Your User Profile

Account Management for Customer Users

Managing Groups

You can add Oracle Advanced Support Platform users in your organization into groups. This can be useful if you want to group contacts or users according common criteria, such as geographical location.


  • None.

To manage groups:

  1. Log in to Oracle Advanced Support Platform.

    The Oracle Advanced Support Platform Home page appears.

  2. Click the Accounts tab, then select your organization name from the Customer list in the top right corner of the View Accounts page.

    The View Contracts page reappears, displaying all contacts for the selected organization.

  3. Click Users and Groups in the left pane. Then click View Groups.

    The View Groups page appears, displaying the following information for each of the groups listed:

    Field Description
    Name Displays the group name
    Description Displays a brief description of the group

  4. You can perform the following actions on the View Groups page:


    Most frequently used operations are displayed under Users and Groups in the left pane. All the options listed here are available on the menu bar of the View Groups page.
    • Update a group - Select the group, then click Update to open the Update Group page. Edit the required fields (described in step 2), then click Save. The View Groups page reappears, showing the updated details.

    • Add a new group - To add a new group:

      1. Click Add. The Add Group page appears.

      2. Enter the new group names.

      3. In the Group Members pane, click Add. The Available Users page appears.

      4. Check the names of the users to be added to this group then click OK. The Add Group page reappears.

      5. Click Save. The View Groups page reappears, displaying the new group name.

      The View Groups page reappears, displaying the new group details.

    • Filter displayed groups - Click any column name to sort the groups displayed by that column. For example, click Name to sort alphabetically by name.

      Click the same column again to reverse the sort order. Clicking the Name column again sorts in reverse alphabetical order.

    • Delete a group - Select the group then click Delete. When prompted, click OK confirm that you want to delete the group. The View Groups page reappears without the deleted group details.

    • Customize the group page - Click View to view a list of the columns displayed on the View Groups page. Visible columns are indicated by a checkmark.

      To hide a column, select the column in this list, which removes the checkmark. You can also click Show All to show all columns.

      To reorder this list, click Reorder columns, then use the arrows to alter the display. Click Save to save the changes, then click OK to confirm.

Related Topics

Managing Users and Contacts

Managing Groups

Customizing Your User Profile

Account Management for Customer Users

Managing Contact Lists

This section describes how to manage contact lists in Oracle Advanced Support Platform.

Contact lists are used by specific processes (such as Incident Management and Change Management) to send notifications, task messages for approval, or informational messages to the designated contacts.


Only users with appropriate permissions are allowed to manage contact lists for their customer organizations.

To manage contact lists:

  1. Log in to Oracle Advanced Support Platform.

    The Oracle Advanced Support Platform Home page appears.

  2. From the Contacts and Contracts tab, select Contact Lists.

    The Contact List Assignments page reappears.

  3. From the Contact Lists page, you can perform the following actions:

Add a Contact List

To add a contact list:

  1. From the Contact Lists page, click Add Contact List.

    The Create Contact List page appears.

  2. In the Name box, enter the Contact List name.

  3. In the Description box, enter any useful information about the Contact List.

  4. Select Ranking to provide users with the ability to prioritize the contact list.

  5. Click Save.

Edit a Contact List

To edit a contact list:

  1. On the Contact Lists page, click Edit beside the contact list to be modified. The Edit Contact List page appears.

  2. Modify the contact list as required then click Save:

    • In the Name box, enter the Contact List name.

    • In the Description box, enter any useful information about the Contact List.

    • Select Ranking to provide users with the ability to prioritize the contact list.

Delete a Contact List

To delete a contact list:

  1. On the Contact Lists page, click Remove beside the contact list to be modified.

  2. Click OK in the Delete Confirmation window to confirm the deletion.


    You cannot remove a contact list if it is used by a contact assignment. Before you delete the contact list, you must remove any contact assignments.

    For more information about contact list assignments, see Managing Contact List Assignments.

Managing Contact List Assignments

This section describes how to assign a contact to CIs, CI Groups, or directly at the customer level for your customer organizations.

Oracle Advanced Support Platform supports two types of contact lists:

  • System Defined Lists - Built in contact lists used internally by Oracle Advanced Support Platform, including the e-mail subscriber list for incident management.

    The following table shows all system defined lists:

    List Members receive an e-mail...
    CAB Member Because they are members of the Change Approval Board (CAB)
    CM E-Mail Subscriber For each action on a CM ticket
    Escalation When an Incident ticket is escalated
    IM E-Mail Subscriber For each action on an Incident ticket
    IM Local Language Email Subscriber When a local language note is added to an Incident ticket
    IMNOTIF When a service level agreement (SLA) violation occurs
    NotificationFoot 1  To satisfy the service delivery SLA notification commitment
    PM E-Mail Subscriber For each action on a problem management (PM) ticket
    Remediation Because the user has agreed to accept IM ticket ownership for customer-managed components
    Service Interrupt For each action on a service interrupt Incident ticket

    Footnote 1 Required assigment for all customers

  • User Defined - Customized contact lists that are specific for your service delivery organization.


Only users with appropriate permissions are allowed to manage the Contact List Assignments for their customer organizations.

To manage contact list assignments:

  1. Log in to Oracle Advanced Support Platform.

    The Oracle Advanced Support Platform Home page appears.

  2. From the Contacts and Contracts tab, select Contact List Assignments.

    The Contact List Assignments page reappears.

  3. From the Customer list, select the required customer organization.

    For the selected customer, you can perform the following tasks:

Create a Contact List Assignment

To create a contact list assignment for the selected organization:

  1. From the Contact List Type list, select the type of contact list:

    • System Defined - Built in contact lists used internally by Oracle Advanced Support Platform.

    • User Defined - Contact lists that are specific for your service delivery organization.

    The User Profile page appears.

  2. From the Contact List list, select a contact list.

  3. To create a contact for the customer organization as follows:

    1. Click For Customer.

      The Customer area expands.

    2. Click Add Member.

    3. From the Contact list, select the contact to be assigned.

    4. If ranking is allowed for the specified contact list, select the appropriate value from the Rank list.

    5. Click Add Member.

      The new contact appears in the list of contacts.

  4. To create a contact for CI Group:

    1. Click For CI Group.

      The CI Group area expands.

    2. Click Add Member.

    3. From the Contact list, select the contact to be assigned.

    4. From the CI Group list, select the required CI group.

    5. If ranking is allowed for the specified contact list, select the appropriate value from the Rank list.

    6. Click Add Member.

      The new contact appears in the list of contacts.

  5. To create a contact for a specific CI:

    1. Click For Configuration Item.

      The For Configuration Item area expands.

    2. Click Add Member.

    3. From the Contact list, select the contact to be assigned.

    4. If ranking is allowed for the specified contact list, select the appropriate value from the Rank list.

    5. Click Add Configuration Items. The Add CI window appears, providing the following views:

      - Column View - Click Show Columns View if required, then select the required CIs using the filter lists.

      - Group View - Click Show Group View to display groups. Select a group from the Smart Groups or Static Groups list.

    6. Click Add Selected, then click Submit.

    7. Click Add Member.

      The new contact appears in the list of contacts.

Remove a Contact List Assignments

To remove a contact list assignment:

  1. In the Contact List Assignments page for the selected customer organization, click Remove beside the contact assignment that you want to remove.

  2. When prompted, click OK to confirm the deletion.

    The Contact List Assignments page reappears, without the deleted contact assignment.

Viewing Contact List Assignments

Use this procedure to view contact list assignments for the selected customer:

  1. Log in to Oracle Advanced Support Platform.

    The Oracle Advanced Support Platform Home page appears.

  2. From the Contacts and Contracts tab, select Contact List Assignments.

    The Contact List Assignments page reappears.

  3. From the Customer list, select the required customer organization.

    You can review all assignments for all contact lists configured, including contact list name, scope, CI/CI Group, and Ranking.


    Only users with appropriate permissions are allowed to view the contact assignments for their customer organizations.

Customizing Your User Profile

Oracle Advanced Support Platform provides the ability to update your user profile, including contact information and preferences.


  • You are the Oracle Advanced Support Platform Customer User Administrator for your organization.

To customize your user profile:

  1. Log in to Oracle Advanced Support Platform.

    The Oracle Advanced Support Platform Home page appears.

  2. Click the Accounts tab, then select your organization name from the Customer list in the top right corner of the View Accounts page.

    The View Accounts page reappears, displaying all contacts for the selected organization.

  3. Click Users and Groups in the left pane. Then click User Profile.

    The User Profile page appears.

  4. Modify the following fields as required, then click Save.

    Area Field Description
    Username Title One of the following values:
    • Miss

    • Mr

    • Mrs

    • Ms

    User Type  
    First Name Your first name
    Last Name Your last name
    Home Page URL for your home page
    Preferences Language Your preferred display language
    Time Zone Time zone in which you work
    Date Format Format to be used when displaying dates
    Time Format Format to be used when displaying time
    Contact Information E-mail Address Your e-mail address
    Notification Check this check box to receive notifications from Oracle Advanced Support Platform to this e-mail address
    Phone Numbers Phone number corresponding to the e-mail address entered
      Type of phone number, having one of the following values:
    • Home

    • Mobile/Cell

    • Office

    Addresses Add Address Add postal addresses as required.

    The updated User Profile appears, displaying the new information.

Related Topics

Managing Users and Contacts

Managing Groups

Customizing Your User Profile

Account Management for Customer Users