Cancelling Change Management Ticket

You can cancel a CM ticket anytime before its status is set to Completed. You cancel a CM ticket by selecting the CM ticket you want to cancel and clicking the Cancel action button. You must have the appropriate privileges to cancel a CM ticket.


You can cancel a recurring CM ticket anytime before its first WIP iteration or during the Schedule status of each iterative period.

To cancel a CM ticket:

  1. Log in to Oracle Advanced Support Platform.

    The Oracle Advanced Support Platform Home appears.

  2. Click Advanced Monitoring.

    The Advanced Monitoring page appears.

  3. Click the Change tab.

    The Change Management page appears.

  4. Locate the CM ticket you want to cancel (look for CM tickets with the status set to Draft, Pending Approval, Pending Scheduling, Scheduled, or WIP); then click Update. The Update CM Ticket page displays.

  5. On the Update CM Ticket page, select CANCEL.

  6. In the Cancel Change Ticket window, provide a reason for canceling the CM ticket, then click CANCEL REQUEST to cancel the CM ticket.

    The Change Management service application starts the Cancel work flow. If you receive any errors, make necessary corrections, and then cancel the CM ticket. After successfully canceling the CM ticket, its status will change to CANCELED.

  7. The action of canceling a CM ticket causes Oracle Advanced Support Platform to:

    • Check that all mandatory fields are populated with valid data.

    • Save the CM ticket in the database.

    • Update the CM ticket Worklog with the reason for the canceled ticket and the name of the user who canceled the CM ticket.

    • Update the CM ticket status to Canceled.

    • Notify the following: Change Implementer(s), Change Owner, Change Requester, Change Approver, and E-mail Subscriber List. The e-mail notification has an embedded hyperlink to the CM ticket making it easy for the recipients to access it.