Report List

The Oracle Advanced Support Platform Report List displays all the reports athat have been defined in the system for a specific customer. The name of the creator of each report is also displayed. These reports contain user-defined data and formatting that can help you focus on specific aspects of your organization's application and infrastructure resource performance. Once saved, reports are available for viewing by all system users with appropriate privileges.

You can mark or unmark favorite reports using the Name column. The Report Name column provides a star rating, which is inactive (gray) by default. You can designate a report a favorite by selecting the star. Selected stars are yellow, which indicates a favorite report. In the Name column, you can also see all favorite reports using the filter Favorite.

Figure 9-1 Reports Dashboard

Surrounding text describes Figure 9-1 .

From the Report List dashboard, you can also select Advanced Operation to show more operations. You can generate, edit (if such privileges are granted), delete, and subscribe to different report types. In addition, the Reporting service enables creating reports based on queries that extract data from the Reporting database. You can create, view or delete queries that have been defined for a specific customer such as an availability summary, change ticket summary, incident ticket summary, or organization summary query.

You view reports and queries in any spreadsheet program capable of reading CSV format (Comma Separated Values) files as well as viewing reports online through Oracle Advanced Support Platform.