Viewing Reports

Use this procedure to view a report. A report can consist of query components from the Incident, Change, Configuration Management System (CMS), and Monitoring service applications. You can generate a report from the View Report page for your company within a specific data and time range.

To view a report:

  1. Log in to Oracle Advanced Support Platform.

    The Oracle Advanced Support Platform page appears.

  2. Click Advanced Monitoring.

    The Advanced Monitoring page appears.

  3. Click the Reports tab.

    The Reports page appears.

  4. Locate the report you want to view, then click the Report Name.

    The View Report page appears.

  5. For the relevant report, click More actions... in the Advanced Operation column.

    The Advanced Operation page appears.

  6. You can select a timeframe or choose to generate a report within a particular date and time range:

    Select a timeframe as follows:

    • Current hour

    • Current day

    • Current week

    • Past 24 hours

    • Past 1 day

    To generate a report within a particular date and time range:

    1. In the Begin Time field, click the calendar icon; then select the begin date and time range. Click Apply to apply your selection to the Begin Time field.

    2. In the End Time field, click the calendar icon; then select the End date and time range. Click Apply to apply your selection to the End Time field.

    Then click EXECUTE REPORT to generate the report for the selected timeframe or the specified date and time range.

    The system generates the report for the customer organization and date/time window you selected and displays the data in the Report Results area.

  7. Click Download CSV to download all report results or you can download only an individual result. You can export the results to any common spreadsheet program that supports comma-separated value (CSV) files.