A General Customization Concepts

Oracle Identity Manager customization is enabled by the Design Console that lets you deal with configuration and design functions, such as designing forms and workflows and creating and managing adapters. Using the Design Console, you can grant user privileges to work on particular areas of the application configuration.

This appendix describes the following topics:

A.1 Rule Elements, Variables, Data Types, and System Properties

The Design Console lets you perform Oracle Identity Manager customization tasks such as adding and modifying rule elements for a rule, creating or editing e-mail definitions, and creating forms. For these customization tasks, you must set parameters, variables, and data types. This section describes these parameters, variables, and data types.

In the Rule Elements tab of the Rule Designer form, you can create and manage elements and nested rules for a rule. Table A-1 lists the rule elements that can be used to create Oracle Identity Manager rules, by using the Rule Designer form.

Table A-1 Rule Elements to Create Oracle Identity Manager Rules

Type Sub-Type Attribute Source Variable



User Profile Data



End Date


First Name




Last Name


Display Name




Middle Name


Organization Name


User Role Name


Start Date



User Profile Data

User Type


Identity Status


User Login


Design Console Access


All fields in the User form under System Entities in Oracle Identity System Administration

Process Determination

Organization Provisioning

Requester Information

Display Name




End Date


First Name




Last Name


Manager Full Name




Middle Name


Organization Name


Start Date


Identity Status


User Role Name


User Login


Design Console Access


All fields in the User form under System Entities in Oracle Identity System Administration

Process Determination

Organization Provisioning

Object Information

Object Name


Object Type


Request Target Information

Organization Customer Type


Organization Name


Organization Status


Parent Organization


All fields in the Organization form under System Entities in Oracle Identity System Administration

Process Determination

User Provisioning

Requester Information; Request Target Information

All fields in the User form under System Entities in Oracle Identity System Administration


Object Information

Object Name


Object Type


Process Data Information

Any fields that are displayed in the Additional Columns tab of the Form Designer form for the custom form associated with the process.

Task Assignment

Organization Provisioning; User Provisioning

Task Information

Allow Cancellation while Pending


Allow Multiple Instances


Assign Task to Manager


Disable Manual Insert


Task Conditional


Task Data Label


Task Default Assignee


Task Name


Task Required for Completion


Task Sequence


Process Information

Object Name


Process Name


Process Type


Object Information

Object Name


Object Type


Requester Information

All the UDFs defined in the User form under System Entities in Oracle Identity System Administration


Organization Provisioning; User Provisioning

Requester Information

Display Name




End Date


First Name




Last Name


Manager Full Name




Middle Name


Organization Name


User Type


Start Date


Identity Status


User Role Name


User Login


Design Console Access


All fields in the User form under System Entities in Oracle Identity System Administration


Request Information

Request Creation Date


Request ID


Request Object Action


Request Priority




Object Information

Object Name


Object Type


Organization Provisioning

Request Target Information

Organization Customer Type


Organization Name


Organization Status


Parent Organization


Any field that is displayed in the Organization form under System Entities in Oracle Identity System Administration


User Provisioning

Request Target Information



End Date


First Name




Last Name


Manager Full Name


Manager Login


User Provisioning

Request Target Information

Display Name




End Date


First Name




Last Name


Manager Full Name




Middle Name


Organization Name


User Type


Start Date


Identity Status


User Role Name


User Login


Design Console Access


All fields in the User form under System Entities in Oracle Identity System Administration

You can use the Email Definition form to create templates for e-mail notifications to be sent to the users. Table A-2 lists the variables that can be used to create e-mail templates by using the Email Definition form.

Table A-2 Variables to Create Templates

Type Target Location Type Contact Type Variable

Provisioning Related

User Profile Information; Assignee Profile Information



First Name




Last Name


Manager Login


Middle Name






End Date


User Group Name


User Login


User Manager


Start Date


Xellerate Type


Manager Full Name


Organization Name



Provisioning Related

User Profile Information; Assignee Profile Information



Any field that is displayed in the User Defined Fields region of the User Profile tab of the Users form


Object Information



Object Name


Object Target Type


Object Type


Process Information



Object Name


Process Name


Process Type


Process Response


Process Response Description


Object Data Information



Any field that is defined in the Additional Columns tab of the Form Designer form for the custom form associated with the resource object


Process Data Information



Any field that is displayed in the Additional Columns tab of the Form Designer form for the custom form associated with the process


User Profile Information



First Name




Last Name


Email Address


Manager Login


Middle Name






User End Date


User Group Name


User Login


User Manager


User Start Date


Xellerate Type


Any field that is displayed in the User Defined Fields region of the User Profile tab of the Users form

Table A-3 describes the properties that can be associated with different data types used to create Oracle Identity Manager forms, by using the Form Designer form.

Table A-3 Properties Associated with Data Types for Creating Oracle Identity Manager Forms

Data Type Data Property Description

Text Field


If this text field must be populated for the form to be saved, then enter "true" into the corresponding Property Value field. Otherwise, type "false" into this field.

Note: The default value for this data property is false.


Visible Field

If you want this text field to be displayed when Oracle Identity Manager generates the form, then enter "true" into the corresponding Property Value field. Otherwise, type "false" into this field.

Note: The default value for this data property is true.

Lookup Field

Auto Complete

By entering "true" in the corresponding Property Value field, Oracle Identity Manager filters the lookup field. A user can then add characters to the lookup field before double-clicking it. By doing so, only those Lookup values which match these characters are displayed in the Lookup window.

As an example, for a State lookup field, a user can enter "new" into the field. Then, once the user double-clicks the lookup field, only those states that begins with the letters "new" (for example, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, and New York) are displayed in the Lookup window. If you do not want Oracle Identity Manager to filter the lookup field, then enter "false" into the associated Property Value field.

The default property value for the Auto Complete property is false.


Column Captions

In the corresponding Property Value field, enter the name of the column heading that is displayed in the Lookup window when a user double-clicks the lookup field. If the Lookup window has multiple columns, then enter each column heading into the Property Value field, separating them with commas, for example, Organization Name, Organization Status.

Lookup Field

Column Names

In the corresponding Property Value field, enter the name of the database column that represents the column caption that you want to be displayed in the Lookup window.

If the Lookup window has multiple columns, then enter each database column into the Property Value field, separating them with commas.


Column Widths

In the corresponding Property Value field, enter the width of the column that is displayed in the Lookup window.

If the Lookup window has multiple columns, then enter each column width into the Property Value field, separating them with commas, for example, 20,20.


Lookup Column Name

In the corresponding Property Value field, enter the name of the Lookup column as it is displayed in the database, which must be saved to the database.


Lookup Query

In the corresponding Property Value field, enter the name of the SQL query that runs when a user double-clicks the lookup field. As a result, the appropriate Lookup columns are displayed in the Lookup window.

To correctly display the data returned from a query, you must add a lookupfield.header property to the xlWebAdmin_locale.properties file. For example, consider the following SQL query: select usr_status from usr. To view the data returned from the query, you must add the following entry to the xlWebAdmin_ locale.properties files:

lookupfield.header.users.status=User Status

If the xlWebAdmin_locale.properties file does not contain a lookupfield.header property for your specified query, then the Identity System Administration displays a lookup window after you click the corresponding lookup icon.

The syntax for a lookupfield.header property is as follows:

lookupfield.header.column_code=display value

The column_code portion of the entry must be lowercase and any space must be replaced by the underscore character (_).

By default, the following entries for lookup field column headers are already available in the system resource bundle:

lookupfield.header.lookup_definition.lookup_ code_information
lookupfield.header.users.manager_login=User ID
lookupfield.header.organizations.organization_ name=Name
lookupfield.header.it_resources.name=Instance Name
lookupfield.header.users.user_id=User ID
lookupfield.header.users.last_name=Last Name
lookupfield.header.users.first_name=First Name
lookupfield.header.groups.group_name=Group Name
lookupfield.header.objects.name=Resource Name
lookupfield.header.access_policies.name=Access Policy Name

Lookup Field

Lookup Code

In the corresponding Property Value field, enter the lookup definition code. This code contains all information pertaining to the lookup field, including lookup values and the text that are displayed with the lookup field once a lookup value is selected.

Important: The Lookup Code data property can be used in lieu of the Column Captions, Column Names, Column Widths, Lookup Column Name, and Lookup Query properties. In addition, the information contained in the Lookup Code property supersedes any values set in these five data properties.

Tip: An easy way to enter a lookup code is by starting the Lookup Definition form, querying for the desired code, copying this code to the Clipboard, and pasting it into the Lookup Code field.

Note: The classification type of the lookup definition code must be of Lookup Type (the Lookup Type radio button on the Lookup Definition form must be selected).



If this Lookup field must be populated for the form to be saved, then enter "true" into the corresponding Property Value field. Otherwise, type "false" into this field.

Note: The default value for this data property is false.


Visible Field

If you want this lookup field to be displayed when Oracle Identity Manager generates the form, then enter "true" into the corresponding Property Value field. Otherwise, type "false" into this field.

Note: The default value for this data property is true.

Text Area

Number of Rows

In the corresponding Property Value field, enter the row length of the text area. So, if you want the text area to be five rows in length, then type "5" into the Property Value field.



If this text area must be populated for the form to be saved, then enter "true" into the corresponding Property Value field. Otherwise, type "false" into this field.

Note: The default value for this data property is false.


Visible Field

If you want this text area to be displayed when Oracle Identity Manager generates the form, then enter "true" into the corresponding Property Value field. Otherwise, type "false" in this field.

Note: The default value for this data property is true.

IT Resource Lookup Field


If you select this data property, then a box is displayed in the Property Value field. From this box, select the type of Server for the IT Resource.

Important: This property is required.



If this lookup field must be populated for the form to be saved, then enter "true" into the corresponding Property Value field. Otherwise, type "false" in this field.

Note: The default value for this data property is false.


Visible Field

If you want this lookup field to be displayed when Oracle Identity Manager generates the form, then enter "true" into the corresponding Property Value field. Otherwise, type "false" into this field.

Note: The default value for this data property is true.

Date and Time Window


If this text field must be populated for the form to be saved, enter "true" into the corresponding Property Value field. Otherwise, type "false" into this field.

Note: To populate this text field, double-click it, and select a date and time from the Date & Time window that is displayed.

Note: The default value for this data property is false.


Visible Field

If you want this text field to be displayed when Oracle Identity Manager generates the form, then enter "true" into the corresponding Property Value field. Otherwise, type "false" in this field.

Note: The default value for this data property is true.

Password Field


If this text field must be populated for the form to be saved, enter "true" into the corresponding Property Value field. Otherwise, type "false" in this field.

Note: The default value for this data property is false.


Visible Field

If you want this text field to be displayed when Oracle Identity Manager generates the form, then enter "true" into the corresponding Property Value field. Otherwise, type "false" in this field.

Note: The default value for this data property is true.

Lookup Field

Lookup Code

In the corresponding Property Value field, enter the lookup definition code. This code contains all information pertaining to the lookup field, including lookup values and the text that are displayed with the lookup field once a lookup value is selected.


Lookup Query

In the corresponding Property Value field, enter the name of the SQL query that runs when a user double-clicks the lookup field. As a result, the appropriate Lookup columns are displayed in the Lookup window.

To correctly display the data returned from a query, you must add a lookupfield.header property to the xlWebAdmin_locale.properties file. For example, consider the following SQL query: select usr_status from usr. To view the data returned from the query, you must add the following entry to the xlWebAdmin_ locale.properties files:

lookupfield.header.users.status=User Status

If the xlWebAdmin_locale.properties file does not contain a lookupfield.header property for your specified query, then the Identity System Administration displays a lookup window after you click the corresponding lookup icon.

The syntax for a lookupfield.header property is as follows:

lookupfield.header.column_code=display value

The column_code portion of the entry must be lowercase and any space must be replaced by the underscore character (_).

By default, the following entries for lookup field column headers are already available in the system resource bundle:

lookupfield.header.lookup_definition.lookup_ code_information
lookupfield.header.users.manager_login=User ID
lookupfield.header.organizations.organization_ name=Name
lookupfield.header.it_resources.name=Instance Name
lookupfield.header.users.user_id=User ID
lookupfield.header.users.last_name=Last Name
lookupfield.header.users.first_name=First Name
lookupfield.header.groups.group_name=Group Name
lookupfield.header.objects.name=Resource Name
lookupfield.header.access_policies.name=Access Policy Name

Column Names

In the corresponding Property Value field, enter the name of the database column that represents the column caption that you want to be displayed in the Lookup window.

If the Lookup window has multiple columns, then enter each database column into the Property Value field, separating them with commas.

Radio Button


If a radio button must be selected for the form to be saved, then enter "true" into the corresponding Property Value field. Otherwise, type "false" in this field.

Note: The default value for this data property is false.


Visible Field

If you want this radio button (or group of radio buttons) to be displayed when Oracle Identity Manager generates the form, then enter "true" into the corresponding Property Value field. Otherwise, type "false" in this field.

Note: The default value for this data property is true.

Check Box


If this check box must be selected for the form to be saved, then enter "true" into the corresponding Property Value field. Otherwise, type "false" in this field.

Note: The default value for this data property is false.


Visible Field

If you want this check box to be displayed when Oracle Identity Manager generates the form, then enter "true" into the corresponding Property Value field. Otherwise, type "false" in this field.

Note: The default value for this data property is true.

Combo Box

Lookup Code

In the corresponding Property Value field, enter the Lookup definition code. This code contains all information pertaining to the box, including box items and the text that is displayed with the box once a lookup value is selected.

Important: The Lookup Code data property can be used in lieu of the Column Captions, Column Names, Column Widths, Lookup Column Name, and Lookup Query properties. In addition, the information contained in the Lookup Code property supersedes any values set in these five data properties.

Tip: An easy way to enter a lookup code is by starting the Lookup Definition form, querying for the desired code, copying this code to the Clipboard, and pasting it into the Lookup Code field.

Note: The classification type of the lookup definition code must be of Lookup Type (the Lookup Type option on the Lookup Definition form must be selected).



If an item from this box field must be selected for the form to be saved, then enter "true" into the corresponding Property Value field. Otherwise, type "false" in this field.

Note: The default value for this data property is false.


Visible Field

If you want this box to be displayed when Oracle Identity Manager generates the form, then enter "true" into the corresponding Property Value field. Otherwise, type "false" in this field.

Note: The default value for this data property is true.

Text Field (Display Only)

Visible Field

If you want this text field to be displayed when Oracle Identity Manager generates the form, then enter "true" into the corresponding Property Value field. Otherwise, type "false" in this field.

Note: The default value for this data property is true.

A.2 Service Accounts

Service accounts are general administrator accounts that are used for maintenance purpose. They are typically shared by a set of users. Service accounts are requested, provisioned, and managed in the same manner as regular accounts. A service account is distinguished from a regular account by an internal flag.

When a user is provisioned with a service account, Oracle Identity Manager manages a mapping from the user's identity to the service account. This user is considered the owner of the Service Account. When the user is deleted or the resource is revoked, the provisioning process for the service account does not get canceled, which would cause the undo tasks to fire. Instead, a task is inserted into the provisioning process in the same way Oracle Identity Manager handles Disable and Enable actions. This task removes the mapping from the user to the service account, and returns the service account to the pool of available accounts. This management capability is exposed through APIs.

Table A-4 describes the service account management tasks and their corresponding APIs.

Table A-4 Service Account Management Tasks and Corresponding APIs

Tasks Description API Methods

Service Account Change

You can change an existing regular account to be a service account or change an existing service account to be a regular account. Either way, the Service Account Change task is inserted into the provisioning process, becoming active in the Tasks tab of the Process Definition. Any adapter that is associated with this provisioning process runs. If there is no adapter, then a predefined response code is attached.



Service Account Alert

When a user with a linked service account is deleted or disabled, the Service Account Alert task is inserted into the provisioning process of the service account instance. You can use this task to start the appropriate actions in response to the event that occurred for the user.


Service Account Moved

You can transfer ownership of a service account from one user to another. This translates into the provisioning instance showing up in the resource profile of the new owner, and no longer in the resource profile of the old user. The Service Account Moved task is inserted into the provisioning process of the resource instance after the account is moved. Any adapter associated with this provisioning process runs. If there is no adapter, then a predefined response code is attached.


A.2.1 Service Account Customization: Scenario One

The following scenario describes how to allow a user to request a service account on Active Directory. To create a service account, you first create a regular account, and then use the changeToServiceAccount API to change the regular account to a service account. The following is the process to achieve this:

  1. The user logs in and requests a service account.

  2. The system prompts the Active Directory supervisor for approval.

  3. The Active Directory supervisor approves the request.

  4. The service account is created.

  5. Notification is sent to the employee that the request has been approved.

  6. Later, when the service account owner is off-boarded, the owner's supervisor should be assigned as the new owner of the service account and a notification is sent to the owner.

To implement this scenario, perform the following steps:

  1. On the Active Directory object form, add a check box field so that the user can select whether the requested account is a service account or a regular account.

  2. Modify the Active Directory process form to incorporate the check box field and establish data-flow.

  3. Grant the user permissions to update the object form.

    The service account request process is the same as the user self-request process. The request is created and approved in the usual manner.

  4. Add a conditional task to the provisioning process that will get inserted after the creation of the account and that will check the "is service account" flag on the process form and invoke the changeToServiceAccount() API by using the current account's oiu_key .

    When provisioning starts, the provisioning process checks the flag and loads the changeToServiceAccount() API .

    Note that tasks can send out e-mail notifications when the tasks are completed.

  5. When the user is off-boarded, attach an adapter to the "Service Account Alert" task so that the system can identify the current user, look up that user's manager or supervisor, and load the tcUserOperationsIntf.moveServiceAccount() API to reassign ownership of the service account appropriately.

A.2.2 Service Account Customization: Scenario Two

This section describes at a high level how to allow a user to request that service account ownership be transferred away from another user and to the requesting user. The following is the process to achieve this:

  1. The user logs in to Oracle Identity Manager and requests a transfer of ownership for a particular Active Directory service account away from the current user and to the requesting user.

  2. The request is forwarded to the current service account owner for approval.

  3. The service account is transferred to the requesting user upon approval of the current owner.

To implement this scenario, perform the following steps:


This use case requires heavy customization.
  1. Because the Oracle Identity Manager user interface does not support account ownership transfer requests, create a dummy resource with custom logic that will query the service accounts present in the system for particular resource objects.

  2. The approver in this scenario is the service account owner. Therefore, use a task assignment adapter to first retrieve the service account owner, and then assign the task to that owner.

    As noted in the previous scenario, tasks can send out e-mail notifications when tasks are completed.

  3. After the approval goes through, load the moveServiceAccount() API to transfer ownership of the service account to the requester.

A.3 Design Console Actions

Table A-5 lists the Oracle Identity Manager actions, and the conditions and results of these actions.

Table A-5 Oracle identity Manager Actions, Conditions, and Results

Action Condition Result

A user is deleted.

Oracle Identity Manager cancels all the existing tasks in process instance and inserts undo tasks for these tasks, if they are defined.

If so, then the condition for this task has been met (the user has been revoked), and Oracle Identity Manager inserts the task into the existing process. If the task has an adapter attached to it, then it will run.

A user is disabled.

Oracle Identity Manager checks each process for any tasks that display the Disable selection in the Task Effect combo box.

If so, then the condition for this task has been met (the user has been disabled), and Oracle Identity Manager inserts the task into the existing process. If the task has an adapter attached to it, then it will run.

A user is enabled.

Oracle Identity Manager checks each process for any tasks that display the Enable selection in the Task Effect combo box.

If so, then the condition for this task has been met (the user has been enabled), and Oracle Identity Manager inserts the task into the existing process. If the task has an adapter attached to it, then it will run.

A user's password has been modified on the Users form

Oracle Identity Manager checks each process to see if it has a Change User Password task.

If so, then the condition for this task has been met (the user's password has been modified), and Oracle Identity Manager inserts the task into all existing processes, which have that task defined. If the task has an adapter attached to it, then it will run.

The data fields of an application process form have been modified.

Oracle Identity Manager checks each process to see if it has a task that starts with the field label Updated naming convention (for example, HomeDirectory Updated).

The condition for this task is met (the process task begins with the field label Updated naming convention). Oracle Identity Manager inserts the task into all existing processes, which have that task defined. If the task has an adapter attached to it, then it will run.

A user's profile information has been moved to a different organization.

Oracle Identity Manager checks each process to see if it has a task that begins with the words Move User.

The condition for this task is met (the user's profile information has been moved to a different organization). Oracle Identity Manager inserts the task into the existing process. If the task has an adapter attached to it, then it will run.